
Heaven or Hell

And today, is the day..


"Happy Birthday, Welcome Experiment 3173", A voice programme answered...

With the little conscious that I gained, slowly i take my first breath of air. Urgh.. it seems so hard, when was the last time I breathe? Grasping for air, I adjusted my breathing. Slowly inhaling, I allowed the air into my lungs, gradually expending the ribcage and my chest starting to moving up and down.

Later my hands.. listless i felt my fingers slowly twitches.. very slowly lifting my arm to grope around my dark surrounding. Ouch!! My hand seems to be pricked and stuck by something pointy, cold and solid.

Was it icicles? I first thought. As I slowly i touch, then guess in and tried to identify this sharp object within darkness. I concluded, It is not ice, it's more like metal, it must be some sort of needle and it seems to be connected to something kind of tube.

Bloop ~ Bloop ~

Bubbles? Am I in some kind of water? Was I drown? But I could breathe.. My body is feels so light.. Am I floating? What is going on? My mind wonder aimlessly.

Trying again I open my eyes. Soon..a tiny spark of light slowly enlarges. Everything was blurry, I can barely see my surroubding. I felt like I've been into long slumber, a dark dream until finally I saw light. A spark of hope to live.

Where ... am ... I...?

(Looking around)

My vision slowly gather but never helps. All of my surroundings are dark. I seems to be trapped in some kind of liquid tube. Further ahead, I could only see sparks of red, yellow, blue and green twinkiling at a distance. But my one and only source was this very small light shown downwards from above, that was the light which was what i saw and prompt me my desire to awake.

Is..is this Heaven or Hell?


A.. breathing mask? No.. it couldn't. Although it covers my nose and mouth, but the inline tube was yacking my throat all the way through my esophagus.

So pain.. No wonder I couldn't talk! This is crazy, I got to get out. I opened my mouth trying to call, "Anyone there? Anybody? Please..." I wanted to scream badly.. but my voice just couldn't come. My throat felt hoarse, my intention to call ended up as slight whisper.


Water in the tube suddenly lowered. My heart thumping non-stop, worry crept in my heart, what's gonna happen to me. I was hoping to get some respond or at least see someone familiar.

Bzzt .. Bzzt ..



Who is there?

Clunk.. Clunk..

Bzzt.. Bzzt..

I could only hear sound of footsteps. It seems its not alone..seems a few followed by a click.


Pak Pak ..

Pak Pak Pak Pak...

Soon all the light in the room lighted. Unused the sudden brightness, i shut my eyes tight before opening slowly once more.

"What the hell ?!" I couldn't stop myself from exclaiming out loud inside . Next, my eyes opened wide, it seems like it could pop out from my sockets!

At one corner, computer screens everywhere!! I bet the room filled with more than 50 of these high-tech computers, top-notch complicated machinery. The set-up was like cockpit of a spaceship.

"Come on, clam down. Don't overthink. There is no such thing as alien. I must be in some kind of multi-computer station." I try reason to myself.

Then again, on another corner a large table and rows and rows of shelves all kinds of knives, giant saws, lasers and a rack filled with all sorts guns seems like never ending. Behind me, there seems to be more than a dozen of different sized tubes just like one I'm in now.

What kinda room is this?!?

OH MY GOD!! My heart raced and nearly jumped out of throat! I can't believe this!!

Next, I've just caught a sight of a peculiar object. No it should be a common object.. But how can such a thing be here? It is totally insane ..

" Is that what I think it is ??" I pondered.

No!! Impossible!

No way one it can be it..

It couldn't be..

Could it..?