
Happy Birthday

Hi everyone, my name is Elie. I'm a happy go lucky girl of little family of mechabots. This chapter here is a little about my life.

My dad is a scientist, Dr. Vlad, worlds with a certain organization know as "X". He was specialist especially in machinery and armo. He is known as one that makes the impossible possible, the genius among genius. Anything he build and created could be very destructive for an example of atomic nuclear bomb.

All of these changes until he met a girl, and that person is, ME (Yup, you got it right). He now no longer place focus of total destruction and venture slowly in building gadgets and items which create wonders and joys. He made things that give happiness and a new lease of life, where some is a machine that help amputated people to move or laser to help eye sights. He even made miracles. So much that one can still life on despite having lung or even heart failure could use it to prolong lives.

The fights and war continued on and on. Fire never cease to end. The higher up was unsatisfied with his slow progress. They forces, demanded and threaten him to create more destructions otherwise they will remove all his resources. Despite giving ample of excuses with other creations, it once that one unfaithful day, due to my mischievous, I was discovered. They wanted my rights to be handed over. It was then he finally decided..

"Elie, let's escape to outer space" he said.

We made a home in a spaceship behind stars and nebula clouds. For safety precautions, force field was placed with translucent camouflage activated to match the surrounding, we can see all outside but none can view the intenery. Thanks to Dr Vlad, A.K.A, my dad. All areas are safely guarded from any trespassers, our inside home conveniently pixelise according to your desire. Their is inner garden as well providing sufficient oxygen as well as food. Stars glitters beautifully every time, everything is solar power build. In other words, unless the sun dies out, our spaceship will always be full power.

My mother, Siri, a programme designed by daddy. She will assist in everywhere and everything. Just give a call, she is very VERY SMART. But I finds its a little dump as well, everything around me is mechanical (with exception to my dad). Every conversation is like programme to serve the best, the is no further opinions. Of course, most demands and command are a straight specification. Its not easy to find loopholes.

How do I come about?

This is how it all begins ...


I am currently living and breathing using a mask tube. My eyelids are too heavy to open, my body seems heavy and stiff. In the darkness I felt like I undergone a whole body transformation. Many long strings seems to dangles around me, wires I supposed. All is wet, am I floating on water? I try my hardest, slowly i open my eyes to see my new surrounding and the adventure of my life.

And today, is the day..


"Happy Birthday, Welcome Experiment 3173", A voice programme answered.

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