
Space Scoundrel

Ever since I was young I always wanted to be like those heroes traveling throughout space gaining fame and helping People. It would have been dangerous but I was ready for it I wasn’t afraid of getting hurt, most heroes get hurt then make a great comeback! I want to be one of them, I want to be a hero leading a large army of men soaring throughout the universe freeing alien races, protecting humans against deadly space pirates , just imagine all the people out there who need help. Everyone has to start somewhere so now this is my new start never mind my past It doesn’t matter anymore. This is my new beginning heroes are here to save others and that’s what I’m going to be I’m ready for anything.

Thorny_Gecko · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


The man's deep voice boomed through the room as he quickly took a step into the living room, his foot pressed down on the shiy carpet as several shards of glass dug into his foot.

"Do you know how long I've been looking for you?" He stepped forward once again, letting shards of glass penetrate his feet.

The purple-haired boy shuddered as he saw his father, totally unfazed by the glass that dug into him.

He quickly reached down towards the ground and hastily grabbed a bottle near his feet and threw it through the beaded door.

The glass bottle flew in the air as green liquid swayed in the bottle.

The bottle flew in an arc straight towards the father.

He simply gazed at it as it flew down and shattered onto his chest, spilling a green liquid.

Pieces of glass stuck into his chest, and a green liquid covered his shirt as a faint sizzling sound came from his shirt.

The man looked down towards his chest, and he looked up with a smile.

"I didn't think I would feel this ever again! It feels great to be a proud father."Father's smile trembled as it quickly turned into a frown.

"Is this how you treat your father? How dare you hurt me?"His voice trembled as the floor began to shake.

The glass shook.

The flipped couch shook.

The beads shook.

everything shook

"After all I've done for you!" He began to yell.

"I took care of you and the rest of those naughty children."

"I took care of all of you! It wasn't my fault if a few died."

Father began to shiver in anger as he saw his son looking at him through the beaded door with fear.

The father lifted up his hand and pointed it toward his son.

"Don't worry, my favorite son, I will end it quickly." Father's pointed hand trembled and turned blurry.

Father lifted his leh up to take a step, but from behind him, rays of blue light flew into the room as the front door was flung open.

ohh! An elderly lady fell into the room and landed on fours inside the apartment.

"Oh dearie I am so sorry. It must be the first earthquake I felt in 60 years."

The old lady blinked while looking at the ground, and when her eyes opened back up, two feet stood right in front of her.

"Oh, dearie, I am so."

The old lady looked up to see two chilling purple eyes.

An intimidating voice spoke from above.

"You shouldn't have interrupted us."

The father raised the elderly woman up in the air.


Father yelled, "Be quiet, lady, you ruined our reunion."

Father lifted up his left arm, aimed it towards the door, and flicked the air. A gust of wind flew, flinging the door closed.

The purple-haired boy got up and yelled, "Don't hurt her."

"Don't hurt her? Don't worry, it will be painless."

Father's left hand trembled and turned blurry as he stuck it into the old lady's chest.

UUH The old lady quickly breathed out and became silent.

"What did you do?" Yelled the purple-haired boy.

"I punished an old lady for interrupting us."

The boy trembled, picked up the revolver that sat by his leg, and pointed it towards Father.

It's time; I need to do it; I won't end up like them! Images of his family flashed through his mind: his siblings, who were hunted down, his brother, who died fighting, and his mother.

The boy gripped the revolver and stood up. His heart beat like a drum as he stood in the beaded doorway.

Two bright purple eyes looked toward the boy.

Father's eyes glanced down at the gun and back up quickly.

"Oh, you've found my gun. Do you even know how to use it?"

The father took a single step forward.

The boy lifted up the gun, causing his hands to quiver violently.

"HA, you can't even aim the thing."

The father took another step forward, breaking the glass underfoot.

"You know this reminds me of your brother."

"He couldn't kill me back then, and you won't be able to kill me either."




The boy's heartbeat grew faster and faster as he heard the voice of his father.

The boy brought his finger down to the trigger as tears began to fall from his eyes.

Once again, images of his family flashed into his mind.

Could I really kill my father? If I do, doesn't that mean I'll become just like him?

Maybe I shouldn't continue this.

Maybe I could just go back to hiding and watching TV when he leaves.

But isn't it already too late? How could I even escape?

"Come on, kid, aren't you going to do it?" Father looked at the boy with a bloodlust he had never seen before.

It felt as if a fire was burning in my chest. I had never seen him like this before. Even after finding out his mother was poisoning him, he didn't look that angry.

I don't think he will ever forget me.

He can't live.

I can't let him live!

For me to live and get to join them up in the stars

He had to die.

The purple-haired boy squeezed his hands, getting a tighter grasp on the gun.

This is the only way.

His past uncertainty had prevented him from pulling the trigger, but now he knew what had to be done.

His rampaging heartbeat grew tranquil as it, in turn, grew louder.




The heartbeat that was only heard by him had now turned into a drum of battle as his heartbeat reverberated around the room.

"What is that?" The father was puzzled as he quickly looked around the room.

A light purple glow began to emanate from the boy.

The boy's bare chest began to glow, and a purple outline appeared over the skin around his heart. Quickly, a purple line grew out of the heart-like outline. The line spread to his right arm, moving up his forearm, and curved around, moving towards his shoulder.

As the main line continued moving, several smaller and less bright lines spread throughout some parts of his body. Small lines spread across his knuckles; smaller lines pushed up his neck and rested under his right eye.

The lines lit up with a purple glow.

"WW What!" Father stepped back.

The glowing lines on the boy's right arm gleamed a dark purple.