
Space Keys

Feeling complex and trying to solve misunderstandings while maintaining pure friendship, is that thinkable? She is the quiet student, and he is delicate and good-looking, they became best of friends, but duo to misunderstandings they kept drifting apart. Is it possible to love and continue being friends...? Is there a possibility of becoming a couple? What should they do to their friendzone? “I’m not going to keep dwelling! I will go for what I want this time” she says. ____________________________________________ Hi, mehh here! This novel starts with a short introduction of the main character’s feelings for one another. It happens when they meet each other by a coincidence. A series of events follow that.

mehh_Rosinante · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


"Ed, you seen my pencil?"

"No, but it might be in my bicycle's basket - hold on, let me check."

"Wait! Where is my bike?"

"It's behind the tree, dummy" he giggled.


"Yeah, I've got your pencil case. Which pencil was it that you you needed?"


"I'll just bring them all!"

"Not like I'll understand which one you are referring to" she whispered.

* * * *

The sun poured through the window, and the light of the morning sun seeped into the room. He carefully reached is arms overhead, clasped his fingers together towards the wall behind his head and reached his toes away from his arms. Then, he breathed in deeply as he sat on the bed, looked over at his sketchbook and smiled. He had prepared everything since last night: pick-nick blanket, snacks, tissues, water and drinks. He even checked his bike and pumped the tires to make sure everything was fine before the trip.

They had agreed to each bring something. The smaller stuff together with the blanket was on Zachary. While Adrienne was in charge of the sandwiches together with plastic- plates and cups. He wore a bright smile on his face that day as he got ready.

They agreed to meet up with each other near Agasagi's fountain at 11 o'clock. Before he went downstairs to get his bike, he texted Adrienne: "I'm heading out now, see you there."

The high sunlit clouds drifted across the clear blue sky. The air breeze came as a refreshment and made cycling a lot easier. Going down the hill Adrienne screamed: "Ey, I'm coming before you!" and Zachary started going even faster. Near the end, he let go of the bike's handlebars and lifted his hands up in the air. Adrienne too, did the same thing, and closed her eyes real quick before opening them again.

When they reached an open road - she flew very fast. At that moment she heard a sound of breaks from behind her and immediately stopped too. She hurriedly turned around.

* * * *

I was sick the next day. I stayed at home with my 39 degrees fever and couldn't move an inch. I was sadly not able to attend school. I personally don't care much about school to be honest but knowing another day would pass without me hearing anything about Zachary pained me. I was too tired too move let along look into the phone screen to text. Calling him would worry him since he would find out about my sickness, and he might even stay mad at me. I ended up not doing anything. But Zoz, how I wished I'd have gotten a text from you asking me why I did not come to school today.

* * * *

What she saw in front of her at that second was unbelievably shocking. She kept looking at the scene before she could act again.

There was blood on the ground and truces of it on his bike's tire. The bike was on the ground laying sideways. Adrienne looked at the ground, at that spot fully stained with blood. Then up at Zachary and on the bike.

She went up to him. "It's alright, it's alright" she said trying to calm him down. "How are you hanging up? Anything broken?" Thoroughly checked his hands and if there were any steins of blood on any of his body parts.

Good, nothing were there. He only had small bruises on his hands and knees.

Zachary expressionlessly looking at the stain of blood on the ground, his mind is blank, his head feels dizzy, his hands and feet are numb. He can not feel much.

"Zachary, Zachary" he can her a voice calling for him, but the sound is weak.

* * * *

Me and Zachary go to the same school. Although we are in different classes - we consciously meet up and talk.

"Tomorrow" she thought. "Tomorrow, I'll be back in school and talk to him properly. I will not run away."

There will be two cahpters updated today since I did not update anything yesterday (please do note the time difference that occur).

mehh_Rosinantecreators' thoughts