
Space Keys

Feeling complex and trying to solve misunderstandings while maintaining pure friendship, is that thinkable? She is the quiet student, and he is delicate and good-looking, they became best of friends, but duo to misunderstandings they kept drifting apart. Is it possible to love and continue being friends...? Is there a possibility of becoming a couple? What should they do to their friendzone? “I’m not going to keep dwelling! I will go for what I want this time” she says. ____________________________________________ Hi, mehh here! This novel starts with a short introduction of the main character’s feelings for one another. It happens when they meet each other by a coincidence. A series of events follow that.

mehh_Rosinante · Urban
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26 Chs


I feel the difference of every season with you.

Every season, come with dissimilarity and we are always up to unalike kind of activities, together.

There are different kinds of views around each time of the year, and therefore, different variety of places to go to and I want to see them all with you.

* * * *

I had so many questions to ask him like: why are you going to the bookstore, why is Mira with you, where were you about to go afterwards.

I thought he could have gone to the bookstore to show her the pencil he uses for drawing. Which answers my first and second question. I also want to ask about why he'd be so eager to leave her but I most likely will change my mind and not ask him about it, in the end.

I could not wait to ask him about it, I wanted ti know everything as fast as possible, I was too curious.

To get the answers I was looking for I hurried to buy the cat food and get out of the store.

When I got out, I was surprised to see him waiting for me outside; it seems that his visit to the bookstore didn't take that long. Note that he would usually stay there for at least twenty minutes before he finally leaves.

Seeing him with Mira, I didn't feel any certain pain in my chest. They seem destined, the space between them was way too far for two teenagers who are out together. I think that was the reason, and I prettied myself.

They were standing there, far from each other, as though they were two complete strangers.

After I was done he asked me what I had bought from the store, we stood there for some time talking and I noticed Mira stealing glances of him.

"No, I won't tell you" I said, teasing him. "You will come with me, right? Wait and see then..." I did not tell me what I had bought with me or why I'm going to the park. He will realize it after we get there. "shall we get going, or do you need to get anything else?" I asked.

We had already been standing there for fifteen minutes - chatting with each other.

I noticed Mira wanting to contribute in the conversation, from her looks. But she seemed to be too busy with her phone.

Then, her phone rang. She appeared to be very caught up in it. We quietly waited for her to finish her call, not to disturb. Then, when we were ready to leave she told us that she was busy.

"No! I cannot, I am caught up in something right now--- I can't!" I heard her talking during her phone call, I guessed it was with an elder, since she couldn't refuse in the end.

"I have to get going, Zachary. Maybe some other time." She, obviously, directed it at him, for that, I did not say anything. On the other hand, Zachary gave her a cold shoulder. He simply said: "Yeah, maybe." As if he didn't want to reject her straightforwardly but gave her some generosity and let her down slowly.

I felt bad because I stole her moment with him. But then I changed my mind instantly. She totally excluded me, after all.

"Let's go, then?"


On the way to the park we talked about somethings. We walked slowly as we spoke. The road would normally take, approximately, 15 to 20 minutes, but this time, we made it a lot longer.

* * * *

It was in the beginning of September, the air was beginning to feel colder, we wore thin jackets and normal shoes that suited the weather, it didn't feel cold until we stood still.

He asked me about somethings and so did I.

Finally we got there. I was so excited to show him everything.

The park was a place full of grass fields you could have picnic on. The color of the grass was green. From looking at, it you get the feeling of mint herbal tea in your mouth. which is warm.

The grass, would always look very comfortable to sit or lay on from far away - very clean too. When the wind blows it's as if waves of water flashing before your eyes. I look at it and sense: growth, harmony, freshness and safety.

The park itself wasn't very big but it was located in an open area, with a couple bushes here and there, to separate the different locations you can stay in. Therefore, you can have some peaceful time with the people you have come with, with no disturbance - I really liked that part specifically.

To tell the truth, I looked forward to showing him what I had found. I just know he will like it very much, but I'm still feeling a little worried about how he will react.

Good day y'all!

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