
Space Keys

Feeling complex and trying to solve misunderstandings while maintaining pure friendship, is that thinkable? She is the quiet student, and he is delicate and good-looking, they became best of friends, but duo to misunderstandings they kept drifting apart. Is it possible to love and continue being friends...? Is there a possibility of becoming a couple? What should they do to their friendzone? “I’m not going to keep dwelling! I will go for what I want this time” she says. ____________________________________________ Hi, mehh here! This novel starts with a short introduction of the main character’s feelings for one another. It happens when they meet each other by a coincidence. A series of events follow that.

mehh_Rosinante · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

I'm dedicated to you 2

The flapping their wings makes a very irritating noise, and them being in groups makes the sound significantly amplified. My mind was about to blow up.

I kept swinging my arms left and right around both me and the kittens, to get the mosquitoes away from us, but they wouldn't fudge. Instead, they gathered in bigger flocks above our heads.

I had been staying there for 15 minutes but with no results. Zachary had gone somewhere but hadn't come back yet. He left his stuff here so he couldn't have left without coming back to get them ether and since his phone was still broken, I couldn't reach him.

The kittens same as me also seemed to be annoyed over the mosquitoes. Maybe they bug them as well. The situation was hopeless.

Later, I tried to get the mosquitoes off my mind, by playing with the kittens.

I've seen how people on YouTube and Instagram, play with kittens using a stick. So I tried doing the same on Bright.

I held the stick on above his head and waved it up- and downwards. He was supposed to follow the stick and jump to get it when I move it upwards - it really worked, he jumped trying to reach it. Then I tried it on Grey but no, he stood still. I believe his time under the tree was way too good to be wasted on me. But I didn't give up just yet.

"Come on, Grey. Just ones and I'll leave you alone. Look here, look at how bright does it." He really looked to where I pointed and he even watched Bright. I felt like he understood me. But he didn't move an inch, anyway.

* * * *

"Adrienne" it was Zachary, finally he's back! He had a basket with him but nothing in it or other than it. "Here give me that stick. I'll show you how it is done!" He pointed at the stick she held and smirked at her. He looked way too confident when it came to the kitten who was unwilling to move, at all.

He put the basket he bought down on the ground and went up to Grey, thinking he could get to him. "Grey, cutie. Look over here, see this. Yeah! That's how it's done. Good."

Unbelievable. After Zachary went up to Grey, he immediately stood on his back legs leaning the front legs against Zachary's, greeting him so warmly - she was shocked by that alone, they had known each other in such a short period of time, yet he's so comfortable with him. What's worse is the fact that Grey jumped remarkably high when Zachary swung the stick on top of his head.

After his little show off, Zachary turned around to look at Adrienne and smirked even more. "Don't give me that look" she says looking away.

"This way" he says.

He picked Grey up and told her to put the other two kittens in the basket. Then, each of them held one end of the basket. He packed his backpack with everything he had taken out and told Adrienne to follow him.

"I know the mosquitoes are very annoying" he said. "So, I thought of something."

She had no idea about where he wanted to go or what he had in mind. "What's your plan?" It seems that he is thinking to get out of the park. Adrienne had thought that he wanted to pick a different location, at first but that wasn't the case.

"We are going to my place, that alright with you?" Adrienne, most likely didn't have an idea about her mouth being wide open - she was this stunned.

"He could be kidding though, right?" She thought to herself. "Are you serious?" She asked him.

"I'm dead serious. My mom ain't home, she went to visit my aunt and won't be back until later today. We will stay in the basement, though ." She did not say anything. "I've drawn the background a little, it should do it, but the mosquitoes were at war with us, they annoyed you too, am I right?" He certainly wasn't wrong. It seems that he noticed everything and considered Adrienne in this too. "It'll be a lot easier there" he contused saying. "So, I bought this basket to carry the kittens in..."

"Is it really fine, having said that?" She really didn't want him to get in trouble.

"It's fine, I'll finish drawing and we will bring them back. I could even bring them back alone if you have to go by that time, don't worry"

* * * *

I hope she's not feeling troubled or anything like that. The mosquitoes annoyed us both, but I thought that, I should be the one to do something since coming here today was my suggestion, in the first place - I wanted to come here and she came to accompany me.

I came up with the idea of sitting in the basement as I drew the background. It will be easier to keep an eye on the kittens too. I could even ask Adrienne to hold them while drawing. I felt so inspired by the thought of how it will go and had high hopes.

I'm really happy now. But as long as she agrees.

I wanted her to feel in place too n...

...To be continued...

The wordcount will be between 700 - 1000.

mehh_Rosinantecreators' thoughts