
Space Keys

Feeling complex and trying to solve misunderstandings while maintaining pure friendship, is that thinkable? She is the quiet student, and he is delicate and good-looking, they became best of friends, but duo to misunderstandings they kept drifting apart. Is it possible to love and continue being friends...? Is there a possibility of becoming a couple? What should they do to their friendzone? “I’m not going to keep dwelling! I will go for what I want this time” she says. ____________________________________________ Hi, mehh here! This novel starts with a short introduction of the main character’s feelings for one another. It happens when they meet each other by a coincidence. A series of events follow that.

mehh_Rosinante · Urban
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26 Chs

At his place

"Zachary's place" she thought to herself. Thinking about going there makes her excited. Although they were very good friends, do they not go to each others houses. When they meet, they would meet outside. She has only been inside very few times, and only when no one else was there.

One time, he could not find his jacket. But he insisted on wearing that one and no other. She waited for him for a while downstairs outside his hose, but he wasn't able to find it. His mother wasn't there to look for it with him, so, when came inside and helped him look for it. It was one of those times, you look to hard for an object that you wouldn't notice it in front of you - we found it in the end.

* * * *

"Ed" I said. "I remember you said something like, or he, when I said she. Do you remember that?"

She thought for a second and said; "yeah, I do. What's up?"

"Do you mean to tell me that Grey is male?" He has male's name, and Adrienne chose it for her, but Grey doesn't feel like a male to me.

"Ohh, about that" she said. I was listening to her every word. I wondered what it was all about. "I don't know what they are: which ones are females and which are males." She then said and I stared at her bluntly. I know she is dumbfounded but I didn't think she would ignore checking in on the kittens she likes to play with so much. It might be unnecessary but it feels right to know that much. "I don't know about how you'd know this, do you?" she said in the end.

To be honest, I did not have a clue but of course, you'd know that from their "part". But they are kittens, is there even a way to know, when they are still this small... "We ask Google, he knows for sure" I said instead.

I made her laugh when I said that. Maybe it was because I know as much as she did this time.

We have arrived. I opened the door to the house and we carried the kittens downstairs to the basement, I closed the door after us, and let them down on the floor. They were pretty calm. Bright moved a little and jumped on top of the other two when we had them carried in the basket but other than that, it was very calm for a first time. They really behaved, we decided to give them a snack.

* * * *

He moved the stool next to the chair and organised his pencils on it. Then he took out his sketchbook from the bag and put it on top oh his knees. Before that he positioned the kittens the same way as in the park, he looked all set and ready to go now. To my surprise he took a picture of the posture they held. He finally listened to me that is.

This time, the kittens didn't move as much. Maybe they hoped for another piece of snacks.

Zachary sat down quietly sketching things down on. I was sitting on the opposite side observing him. It was not boring as it may sound. I liked it.

After thirty minutes I thought I'd take a look at his sketch. I was very curious to say how it looked like. He wasn't done yet, but my high hopes weren't let down, it was just as good as the one I had in mind. Although the drawing was in black and white, the details where very good and remarkable. I don't have the slightest idea about drawing but his drawings are always amazing, they feel so alive.

After some time he asked me to keep an eye on the kittens as he went upstairs to prepare something.

I looked at the kittens - they looked so carefree. I wondered about what had happened before I met them. For example where they with their mother before I found them? But why won't she come again, did she smell my scent on her babies so she left? Then again, what if she only gave birth to them and never saw them afterwards. Maybe the the owner of the mother-cat didn't want the kittens and threw them out. Or she sold them to someone that changed their mind afterwards.

I thought of every scenario possible, nothing interrupted my thought until Zachary called out for me: "Adrienne, snap out of it!"

My eyes were getting tearful from thinking so much, it was sad, really sad. I blinked a few times to get the tears away from my face but I think he still noticed, "what were you thinking of?" He asked me. I said I was thinking of the kittens.

"Why were you crying? Don't they make you happy?" He asked and I answered; "Yeah they do."

Then he asked me about why thinking of them made you sad and I explained it.

They had led a tough life before seeing them I saw them at the end of summer. Which means according to their age, they have not seen winter, ever before. They are abandoned - we, I, have not seen any signs that tells about an additional person trying to help them. "How will they survive the cruelness of the tough weather waiting for them? I don't want them to die." I cried in the end, or one of my tears fled down my cheek.