
My Lord's Will (Part 2)

As the ashes of the champion of Fate scattered, and Daniel's presence went back to its original state, the thousands of observing cultivators sprung to their feet-In their hands just as many weapons had suddenly appeared. The pocket dimension began to tremble due to the invisible clash of essences, which tried to wrestle control over the surrounding space.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" shrieked an old man in priest robes while tightening the grip on the bullwhip he was holding. "WHAT WAS THAT?"

This degree of horror was shared by the champion of most other domains, whose terrified eyes lingered on Daniel's calm appearance. At times, these gazes would shift towards the Overlord, hoping that the organizer of this event would make sense out of the insanity that had just ensued-only to move back onto Daniel once they noticed the already monstrous appearance of the Overlord twist into an even more frightening sight.