
Ep.44 secrets about the past come to light and an unexpected guest

Mike and jimmy were chatting away for what seems like days till they heard Cecil say from the kitchen window

"Foods done! Come and get it while it's hot!"

Jimmy and Christine were eager to see how the food tasted as they have only ever tasted mikes cooking while Mike didn't rush and walked to the kitchen table while Raiu waited by the window for her food

Once the table was set with food everyone started grabbing it like it was their last meal ever while Cecil and Sam took a steak or two while mike noticed Raiu looked a little sad as she didn't want raw steaks but a fully cooked one and winked at Raiu as he threw her a few of his steaks into her bowl where she gladly ate them whole before he heard Christine say

"Mike, I think now is a good time"

Cecil and Sam were confused about what Christine was talking about before mike let out a sigh and looked at Cecil and Sam saying

"Are you both my friends?"

Cecil place her hand on her chest over where her scar was and said while Sam was quiet

"I do consider you a friend of mine because ever since I met you you have been kind and helpful to me and I would never betray anyone who is a friend"

Mike smiled and looked at Sam before she said as she devoured a steak bit by bit

"Well living with someone who isn't my boyfriend or a friend is weird and since you aren't my boyfriend and I don't want to live with my mom then I guess I'm your friend"

This was good enough for Mike and the others before Mike said

"Then I'll tell you about myself a little as I don't keep secrets from friends"

This peaked Cecil and Sam's interest very much but Cecil's most of all as she knew very very little about Mike and paid attention to Mike as he said while he start to see the old memories of his childhood

"When I was a kid it was just me and my mom for most of my life… till she got sick from cancer but she didn't tell me for 3 years"

Cecil and Sam very shocked with this information about Mike but it was just the beginning as Mike continued on with telling his past while Christine and jimmy held mikes hand for comfort

"When I was 15 I left school to search for work to cover my mom's treatments but… it didn't work so I had to use a less civil manner but I thought it was necessary for my mom as she was everything to me"

Jimmy spoke up saying after he chuckled a little

"One night I woke up to a loud noise in our house only to find Mike standing there in our doorway holding a lockbox that my dad used and then we started fighting till my dad intervened saying to Mike 'little boy why are you stealing? What's so important?'"

Mike then said after Jimmy

"I told them the truth about why I needed money and just when I thought jimmy's dad was going to call the police he asked me where my mom was being treated and said 'I'll help you little boy but you have to promise me something in return'

And what he made me promise was to never do unjust things to people who don't deserve it"

Mike then stood up and said as he took off his shirt and turned to reveal his scars and his tattoo on his back

"For the next two years I managed to hold a job at a restaurant and just as I left my work I got a phone call from a doctor before I rushed over to the hospital where...where I met my father for the first time in my life sitting next to my dying mother holding her hand"

~Flashback~(I'll be using these to signal an event or memory in the past)

As the 17 year old Mike entered the hospital room where his mom was he ran over to her and said as he ignored the man on the other side of the bed

"Mom are you alright?! The docs said that I needed to get here as soon as possible"

Mikes mom wiped the tear from mikes and said weakly

"I'm fine sweetie but I want you to meet someone"

Mike looked over to the man and heard the man say

"Hey Mike, I'm your dad"

Mike looked at his mother Judy and then back at the man before he said as he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth

"Where were you... for all my life! Why did you leave us!"

Mikes father looked at the ground as he said

"I…. Made a choice... I don't expect you to believe me when I say that I did it for you and your mother"

Hearing this made Mike lose control and grab his father and threw him out the window of the hospital room on the ground floor before he yelled as he followed him through the window

"You disappear for 17 years and that's all you say!? I'll kill you!"

Mikes father started to back up while people were watching the scene as he said as he saw some security guards from across the parking lot run towards the main entrance to the building

"Son just calm down we can talk to each other so just calm down and stop before you make the situation worse"

Mike was overwhelmed with rage and anger as he yelled to his father

"Calm!? You want me to be calm!? You Abandoned me! You abandoned us! And you show up out of the blue thinking no damage was done?!"

Mikes father had a saddened look on his face as he said

"I know I'm a monster for what I have done but I did it for you, you just don't know it yet"

Mike yelled out before he grabbed a glass shard from the window and ran towards his dad and tackled him to the ground before he used the glass shard and slashed his eye where his present scar was before some security guards came and pulled Mike apart before Mike yelled as he was being put in handcuffs against the wall

"If I see you again I'll kill you myself in the worse way possible! Mark my words! AH!"

After Mike was in cuffs he was escorted back to his mothers room where an officer was standing behind him

Mikes mother was in tears from seeing her son and her husband fighting violently before he said as she reached her hand out to Mike saying

"I don't have long so I want you to promise me you'll live by these words 'I shall not seek war but prepare for war if necessary'… promise me son"

Mike placed both of his cuffed hands on his mothers hand and said

"I promise mom"

Judy smiled before she closed her eyes for the last time

~Flashback End~

Both Cecil and Sam stayed dead silent from mikes past before a doorbell was heard and Mike stood up and opened the door to see Jin and his father standing in front of him with mikes father holding a briefcase in his hand saying

"Hey son, I have the paper work here for ownership of the house"

Mike grumbled under his breath as he let them both walk inside where they were met with death glares from jimmy and Christine while Cecil looked at them both before Sam stood up and said as she hugged her mom

"What are you guys doing here?"

Mike then walked over to the table and said before mikes father could speak

"He's here to transfer ownership of the house to me so let's not waste time talking to them"

Jin saw the stacks of steaks and said as she looked at Sam

"What's all this? Are you feeding a football team?"

Sam shook her head and said

"This is dinner for me and the others yet I'm still surprised that they ate half of it in no time at all before Mike told me and Cecil about him"

Jin was very interested as she had very little information about her son-in-law from her husband and was about to asked more about it when Mike threw a throwing dart at the dart board in between them and said

"That's enough, let's get this over with already"

During this Cecil noticed mikes father looking at her before he turned away and place his briefcase on the counter in the kitchen and said as Mike stood on the opposite side of the counter

"Who's your friend?"

Mike stood in his father's view to block Cecil and said as he waited for the papers

"Don't talk to her and do the paperwork"

After nearly 30 minutes all the paperwork was signed and mikes father was about to leave before he turned and said to Mike

"I hope we can talk by ourselves"

Mike gave him a cold glare before he shut the door and walked back to the table where he saw Jin sitting in the one empty chair left while eating a steak before Mike looked at Cecil and said as the clocks hour hand ticked to the 11

"Should I drive you home? Your parents might worry?"

Cecil then opened her phone to find her having nearly a dozen missed calls and said as she went to put on her shoes

"I didn't even look at the time! Yeah if you could drive me home I would love it"

Mike then put on his jacket and drove Cecil home and said as he walked with her to the doorstep

"I don't know about you but I enjoyed today, well apart from my dad being there"

Cecil smiled and gave Mike a kiss on the cheek before she said

"Next time we'll have dinner at my place okay?"

Mike smiled and nodded before Cecil went into her place and leaving Mike to go home where he found Raiu and the others soundly asleep in the living room before he too went to bed