
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

Zanerickards · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ep.28 Meeting The Chairmen

As Mike was walking down the street he saw in a TV shop all of the TVs on the news channel when the anchor said as it showed a picture of his father and Jin with a photo of the street were the outbreak had occurred

"/Today a dungeon outbreak has occurred with minimal damage because of S-Rank hunters Jin and James Xailin who were in the area when this attack occurred and latest reports say that they're were no fatalities and only a number of 17 wounded\"

Mike saw a flashback of Cecil lying on the ground in the cafe covered in blood and felt his blood boiling with rage before he continued on his way to the Hunter's Initiative where he was immediately blocked by a large crowd outside who looked to be journalists and new reporters while they seemed to be waiting for someone to take the stand in front of them before Mike asked one of the journalists

"What's going on here?"

The journalist said

"We're waiting for the chairman of the Hunters Initiative to begin his speech"

Just then mikes phone that had a crack on the screen from Mike throwing it at the ground began to ring again with the same number before mike answered it and said as he covered his other ear

"Mr.Goldren, I'm afraid I can reach the front door due to this crowd of people outside"

Edward laughed and said as Mike did his best to listen

"Don't worry, I'll clear a path for you"

Just then the doors to the hunter's initiative opened with nearly two dozen security guards came out and split the crowd of reporters and journalists in two before a clear path formed in front of Mike before Mike saw Edward at the doors and walked to him and said as they entered the Hunter's Initiative building

"So what do you need to speak about with me?"

Edward shook mikes hand and said as Mike saw to his left his father and Jin holding hands with scarlet and Sam beside them

"To reward you for your service when you helped clear the Dungeon Outbreak"

Mike looked at his father with disgust as Edward said

"Please wait here for the chairmen to begin his speech"

Mikes father opened up a space in between him and Jin for Mike to stand next to him but Mike chose to stand over with scarlet which made both Scarlet and Sam to look at Mike in shock before scarlet whispered to Mike

"Don't you want to meet them? They're both S-Rank Hunters"

Mike looked at his father and Jin for a moment before saying to Scarlet


This made scarlet ask out of curiosity

"Why not? They're both S-Rank"

Mikes father chimed in saying as he placed his hands on mikes shoulders while Mike became visibly uncomfortable and angry

"I may be his old man but he doesn't really talk to me that much"

After hearing this both Sam and scarlet yelled as they grabbed mikes shirt


Mike looked at Sam and scarlet and said as they kept holding them in the air

"Let go of me or I will close my shop for good"

Scarlet and Sam immediately dropped Mike before his father said with a curious look

"For a C-Rank hunter to order around two Triple A-Rank hunters like their sheep is unorthodox, seems you have been busy"

Jin wrapped her arms around Mikes father and said to Mike

"And what type of shop do you have? A nail salon? restaurant? Dojo? Or maybe a cafe?"

Mike rolled his eyes as he said

"That's none of your business as I don't want either one of you going to my shop"

Mikes Father kissed Jin's cheek and said before they sat down on some chairs while they were waiting

"Don't worry my love, we can visit him at his shop in the future"

Mike rolled his eyes and stood on the opposite side of the lobby while scarlet and Sam kept asking mikes father questions and before long Scarlet's grandfather came back with a man with golden blonde hair and aqua blue eyes wearing a suit holding a cane and said as he gestured to Mike to come here

"Everyone may I introduce you to the Chairmen John halsin"

Everyone bowed respectfully before Mike heard the chairmen say once they stood up straight

"Thank you all for your support with handling the Dungeon Outbreak, in a moment I will reward you all for your efforts"

Mike raised his hand and said

"Excuse me sir but I do not need any rewards for my service"

The chairmen looked at Mike before he turned to mikes father and said

"He really is everything you said James, Most impressive to raise a young man like him"

Mike, Sam and Scarlet were shocked before James said while he held a hand on his heart

"You can thank his mother for everything that my son has become"

Mike suddenly yelled as he shot a thunderbolt at his father

"You don't get to call me that you bastard! [ThunderBolt]!"

The chairmen then snapped his fingers before the Thunderbolt spell disappeared like nothing happened and said

"I will allow you to remain unpunished this once due to me being a friend to your father"

James sighed and said while Mike looked like he wanted to do unspeakable things to his father

"I told you that he wouldn't forgive me that easily"

The chairmen and Jin gave a small smile before the chairmen said as he opened the front door to see the reporters and journalists

"Let's begin, shall we?"

Scarlet,Sam and Jim all followed the Chairmen leaving Mike and his father in the lobby before Mike put his mask on and said while pointing at his father's face before he too followed the Chairmen

"You deserve to rot in hell for what you did, so do me a favour and leave me alone"

James felt a tear trickle down his cheek and said to himself before following the chairmen outside to the podium

'I'll make sure to look after our boy Martha, just like I promised"