
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

Zanerickards · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Ep.27 Mass Dungeon Break Pt2

After seeing his father Mike yelled in anger as he backed away from him

"What are you doing here?!"

His father James said as he sliced a tree that Solomon had shot at them in half

"What do you think, I'm saving you now go we can talk afterwards"

Mike stood in place and said as Solomon kept sending random objects at them while James kept defending him and Mike

"No! You think you can show your face in front of me after what you did?!"

Solomon saw a opening to attack Mike and teleported behind Mike but James expected this and teleported behind Mike and slashed at Solomon while managing to chop off an arm before Solomon flew up and stayed in the air while grabbing the area the arm was as a black goo started leaking out before yelling

"You will regret that!"

Mike smacked the back of jame's head and said

"That's for leaving me and mom"

James turned and said while Solomon kept talking while not noticing that Mike and his dad were talking to each other

"I did what I had to… I couldn't raise a child but I regret that I didn't say goodbye to you and your mother"

Mike went to punch him in the gut but was suddenly teleported onto a roof down the street where there was no rain falling on the roof but the rain continued to pour down everywhere else and Mike also found himself next to a women with a beautiful and smooth figure with 6 fox tails behind her and said after backing up a few feet

"Who are you? Did you teleport me here?"

The women just sighed and yelled as she stuck her head over the railing to see James searching for Mike

"Hey James! Your son is up here with me so clean this mess up already! I want to eat"

Mike popped his head over the edge to see his father with a relieved smile on his face before Mike flipped him the middle finger before he felt the women grab his arm and say as she pulled him back from the edge

"Okay kid, let's let your father do his work"

Mike shoved the woman off and said

"I may have his blood but he is anything but a father, who are you anyway?"

The lady pulled out a card with a yin and Yang symbol surrounded by fox tails and said as she handed the card to Mike

"Jin Xailin, guild master of the eternal guild and I'm your fathers lover"

Mike immediately backed up a few more feet and said while Mike heard some roars of pain and his fathers laughing

"Don't think you'll be welcome with an open heart"

Jin sat on the ledge and said as she was watching James destroy Solomon with ease as Solomon's size shrunk by half

"He told me you would react like this, guess I'll have to take it slower the usual, much much slower"

Mike and Jin's attentions were distracted by a thunderous roar followed by Solomon yelling

"They will avenge me! We know you now sovereign of magic! You can't hide anymore!"

Mike leaned back over the edge to see the street totally destroyed while mikes father held Solomon's skull in his hand as the sky's cleared and the rain stopped and a few system messages appeared for Mike

[You have stopped a Dungeon Outbreak]

[You have gained 4 Levels and increased stats]

[Mana Core progress to Tier 3 has reached 89%]

[Your item [Ring For A Magic King] has gained some experience]

[Your Title (Ring Keeper) has gained some experience]

Mike wanted to check out the new changes but then suddenly remembered Cecil and took out his phone and called scarlet before saying as soon as it was answered

"Scarlet! hey, is Cecil okay?"

Scarlet said as Mike was climbing down the fire escape to the ground

"She's fine, I got her to a emergency medical center where they were able to stabilize her and how are you doing over there?"

Mike looked up to see Jin staring down at him and his father helping some civilians out with their wounds before he looked up at Mike and said as James gave a small smile to Mike

"Not the best but the outbreak was cleared up"Mike hung up then turned his back to his dad as he waved for Mike to come down to talk before Mike received another call from an unknown number and answered it saying

"Who is this?"

A somewhat familiar voice was heard saying

"Mike grant, please make your way to the hunter's initiative"

Mike was confused and asked the caller again

"Who are you?"

The man said to mikes surprise

"This is scarlets granddad, we met briefly at the auction house"

Mike turned around to see his father staring directly at him saying

"What can I help you with sir"

Scarlets granddad said as Mike looked away from his father

"I would like to speak about this in person so please meet me at the hunter's initiative"

Mike looked around and said in a joking manner

"I'm not sure if you know but a dungeon outbreak had just occurred here"

Edward said as Mike opened his shop to see all the shelves toppled over and the windows were shattered

"We have already sent hunters to intervene in the situation with two S-Rank hunters who were in the area when they called it in to warn us"

Mike turned and saw his father and Jin outside of the shop standing on the sidewalk staring at Mike before he said

"And what are there names?"

After some time Edward said before Jin and mikes father left the scene

"They are S rank hunters Jin Xailin and James Xailin…. And James Xailin is…. Your father?! My apologies for my outburst but he is a very popular person and is considered a role model for all hunters"

Mike yelled in anger before he threw his phone on the ground


After he threw his phone Mike decided to check the changes to his status and the Ring

[Mike Grant]{Sovereign Of Magic}

[Title: (Ring Keeper)]

[Mana Core Tier 2](89%)

[EXP: 44%]

[Level 15]

[Health] 245/245

[Mana] 498/498






[Magic Crafting Tier 2]

[Elvish language Tier 1]

[Dark elvish language Tier 1]

[Dwarfish language Tier 1]

[Lesser Strength Boost] Lv.2

[Lesser Heat Resistance]

[Lesser Foresight]


-[Paralyze Cure]<Common>Lv.1

-[Blindness Cure]<Common>Lv.1

-[Speed Boost]<Common>Lv.3





-[Raiu]<Albino Storm Basilisk>(Juvenile)Lv.13

Mike felt a little disappointed he couldn't level up a few skills but none the less he knew he had to get stronger to win battles against forces like Solomon however he could shake his thoughts of what Solomon had said to him before his father arrived at the scene

'What did it mean by 'chosen'? How did he know I'm the sovereign of magic? And who was its masters?'

Mike had to many questions on his mind and decided to head to the hunters initiative while the store started to repair its self