
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

ZR_Primal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Ep.24 Too much attention pt1

(Quick author note)

(This novel will contain swearing and other inappropriate stuff that is not recommended for children under 18 years of age)

After Mike had his breakfast he grabbed Raiu and left to go to the shop and craft some new spells before he had to open the shop and as he pulled up he saw Cecil wiping some of the tables outside the cafe and waved before Cecil smiled and waved back at Mike before Mike entered his shop and was about to start crafting when the system pulled up the exchange page and said

[Host, it is recommended to use your points before you open the store today]

Mike was curious and sat behind the counter before he started to have a detailed look at the exchange page when he noticed all the items on screen we're having prices of millions or even billions of points for them and said to the system

"System, can you exclude what ever I can't buy with my current points?"

The exchange page close and reappeared with low tier items before Mike started looking through after seeing he had just over three thousand points and picked the most beneficial items for the shop

~<Level 2 Training Room>~(Cost 600 points)

~<Level 2 meditation & Crafting room>~

(Cost 1,450 points)

~<Level 1 upgrade table>~(Cost 1,000 points)

After selecting these items on the exchange page a confirmation page popped up and mike clicked yes before it felt like a windstorm started in the middle of the room and before long it started to settle down before mike asked as he looked around for any damages to the shop

"System, what just happened?"

The system said as Mike continued to look around for any damages

[please do not worry, that was just the store installations they you purchased from the exchange page]

Just then Mike saw a system page labeled 'Store Facilities' and started looking at the page and found their upgrades compared to before

[Level 2 meditation & Crafting room] (15 -> 21 Mana regeneration A Minute and slightly reduced Mana need to craft)

[Level 2 Training Room] (8 -> 15 Training modules available)

(New)[Level 1 upgrade table] (30% to upgrade an Common Spell/Skill to Uncommon)

Mike was excited about the changes and hastily ran over the the crafting room and opened it to see it was the exact same except for a stone pedestal across from the crafting wheel with some runes on the sides of it

Mike approached the pedestal and said

"System, is this the upgrade table? Can you explain how I can use it?"

The system then replied as Mike started walking around the Upgrade Table

[Certainly, The Upgrade Table uses your mana to attempt to upgrade a skill or spell to the next rank however if it's fails then your skill with lower one rank]

Mike decided to hold off on any attempts and started to craft a Fireball spell when Mike was putting in the combination for a FireBall spell and confirmed it when he felt the floor vibrating and all his energy drain from his fingertips before a system message said as confetti shot off from inside the Crafting room

[Congratulations! You have made a rare skill and have gained 20 intellect stat points]

Mike was catching his breath when the spell book fell on the floor in front of Mike before Mike chuckled and said to himself as he grabbed the book

'This just got interesting'

Mike checked his watch and saw he still had a little bit of time before he had to open up shop and as he stood up he felt the ground tremble for a second and then asked the system

"What just happened?"

The system pulled up a video showing the outside of the store to reveal Scarlet and Sam fighting before Sam accidentally shot a pale blue FireBall at mikes shop and said

[A fight has accrued outside when a spell it the shop however no damage was done thanks to the protection ward]

Mike let out a sigh of relief and said with a joyful smile

"So nothing can touch me here, nice"

However the system showed a battery bar depleted labeled 'Store barrier' and said

[The Store's barrier has run out of mana so I am afraid that if another attach were to happen there would be serious damages to the store]

Mikes face of joy quickly changed to worry before he ran out the door to see Sam and Scarlet fighting in the middle of the street as if they were in the middle of a war with their members watching them before Mike yelled out as loud as he can

"Stop this! STOP!!"

However mikes cry to stop the fight fell on deaf fell on deaf ears before Mike grabbed the arm of one of the blue phoenix members and yelled as he grabbed the shirt of the member


The blue phoenix member backhanded Mike and sent him flying into a trash bin and yelled

"Fuck off! The fight just started and we're going to watch this"

Mike felt a rib break and casted [self-heal] and got on his feet and looked at Raiu and said as he stuck his hand in the air

"Raiu, [ThunderBolt]"

And as Mike wished Raiu shot a thunderbolt into the air and causing everyone too look up at the sky before they saw Mike and soon it was as quiet as a mouse before Mike yelled

"What is going on outside my shop!"

Scarlet and Sam stopped fight when they heard Mike yelling and they both yelled in unison

"Clear a path!"

Once a path was cleared they saw Mike standing there furiously before Mike said as he pointed to his shop

"Guild leaders inside! Everyone else stay here!"

Just then as someone was about to object, scarlet and Sam quickly entered the store with Mike following behind before Mike sucker punched the man who backhanded him and entered the shop behind Sam and scarlet and said once he closed the door

"What started the fighting?"

Scarlet and Sam said while pointing each other

""She started it by cutting in line""

Mike banged his head on the counter before he looked up at scarlet and Sam before saying as he held the rare [FireBall] spell book in front of them

"If this happens again then I will ban both of your guilds from my store is that clear?"

Both scarlet and Sam looked at the book before Mike yelled as he slammed the book on the counter

"Is that clear!?"

Both Sam and scarlet nodded before Mike said as he pointed at the rare book

"This is a Rare spell book for a [FireBall] spell, now I'm not selling this right now but in the future I will be able to sell books of this rarity or higher so long as there's no trouble here or around my store so if you want to kill each other then go somewhere else"

Both Sam and scarlet were shocked that mike had a Rare spell book let alone that he promised to sell them in the future as a single rare book can sell for a few hundred thousand dollars depending on the spell or skill

After gaining their attention with the spell book mike said as he put the spell book into his dimensional storage

"Now go back outside and wait till I open the shop and if I have to come back out then you both will pay double the market value for my books"

Scarlet and Sam were eager to see what mike was going to sell but neither one wanted to upset Mike any further and left before Mike started to stock up the shelves