
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · Fantasy
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19 Chs

They're Hunting Me...

Golden sparks emitted through the dark cave as the sound of striking blades resounded.

**CLING... **CLANG... **CLING.

The metallic noise became even more consistent with every dying minute.


"Fenrir hold onto its legs, while I lay the finishing blow"

The dark puma tried to approach the giant bear Aaron had been going at just a second ago but as the boss of the dungeon, it wouldn't be held down easily.

Calling this bear enormous would be the biggest understatement of this year, it was three times the size of Fenrir and Fenrir isn't a little kitten... If you catch my drift.

The bear swung its mighty paws at the charging cat and before Fenrir could evade he had already been sent flying into the rocky walls of the cave.

"You good?" Aaron checked on his raiding partner.

"I'm alright master...

I think we've played around with this annoying tree climber, play times over," Fenrir said as he charged straight at the red and angry bear.

[Ding! Fenrir has used the skill: Instigate]

The gigantic bear got affected by Fenrir's skill and all it could see was red, with nothing but the pure animalistic intent to kill it charged right back at Fenrir.

But in doing so it forgot about the greatest threat in the room, and this threat wasn't going to let this opportunity slip through his fingers.

[Ding! You've activated the skill: Partial Transmogrification]


With impeccable speed and precision, Aaron swooped for the bear, and from its blind spot, he slammed the side of its face which sent the massive thing bashing into the ground.

Aaron stood in front of the lying bear who was trying to recover from the devastating slap it had just received.

His right hand had completely been altered, it was now twice its regular size with black shiny scales running from the side of his neck down to his forefingers, and sharp claws that could slice through the hardest of minerals.

"You've been a pain in my left butt cheeks," Aaron said as he raised his right arm.

And then blood splashed all over the wall as the bear bellowed for the last time before passing away.

Congrats!!!... You've slain the boss of this dungeon.

Ding! You've slain the dungeon boss... You've earned 30 stat points... +150XP]

Ding! Fenrir helped to slay the dungeon boss... Fenrir has earned 24 stat points... +105XP]

Congrats! You've leveled up.

Congrats! Fenrir has leveled up.

Congrats! Fenrir has leveled up.

[Rewards for clearing the dungeon are now available.]

[Would you like to accept the rewards?]


"Of course, why wouldn't I?..." "It's a yes".

[The following rewards are now available.]

Reward 1: You've received a skill rune.

(Breaking this rune will grant one additional skill)

Reward 2: You've received the status recovery stone.

(When the stone is broken your status would be completely restored to its max)

[Status recovery stone and skill rune are available in your inventory.]

"Okay, Fenrir we've cleared out this dungeon... We should get going," Aaron said as he shattered the status recovery stone he had just pulled from his inventory, and his status was instantly recuperated.


Name: Aaron Plight

Race: Dragon <Night breed>

Level: 47

Job Class: None

Title: Dragon Lord.

HP: 459/459

Mana: 521/521


Strength: 488

Agility: 512

Intelligence: 520

Stamina: 490

Durability: 482

(Extra distributional points: 42)


°Active Skills.

~Sovereignty (Legendary - Level 4)>

~Flaming Wrath (Legendary - Max)>

~Ancient dominion (Mythic - Level 4)>

°Passive Skills.

~Darkness (Rare - Level 3)>

~Dragon's Madness (Mythic - Level 2)

~Partial Transmogrification (Extremely Unique - Level 1)


"I'll have his flesh now master.

He's quite strong, it'll be a waste if I don't take a bite," Fenrir said right before he took a bite of flesh off of the dead bear.

[Ding! Using the skill 'Morsel' Fenrir has obtained the properties of the dungeon boss.]

[Fenrir has activated the 'Morsel' skill]

Suddenly the black cat began growing bear-like features from its snout right down to its short tail, even its outlandish size. In seconds Fenrir looked like the dungeon boss the only difference was he was instead of red he was still black.

"How do I look?" Fenrir asked as he took a mighty pose.

"Quite bulky if you ask me, but undoubtedly intimidating," Aaron assured the giant black bear.

"Now let's get back home, we've spent months in this dungeon," Aaron told as he walked toward the exit of the dungeon boss's chamber.

Fenrir transformed back into his regular form and followed his master out of the chambers.


5 days ago back in 'Dragon's den' a weak little girl came running into the village asking the residents for help.

"Help... Help me, they're after my life"

The twelve-year-old girl looked dirty and tattered from the crown of her head right down to the base of her feet, she stumbled from door to door demanding help but the villagers were only weary of her.

It was not unlikely for swindlers to use little girls in other to steal from those who were so nice to take her into their homes.

Ysera had been patrolling the village when she saw this girl banging on the doors of the residents who were committed to ignoring her.

"Hey, little girl... What is it?" Ysera questioned from a distance.

Seeing Ysera the little girl using what was left of her strength ran toward the charming ogre in a short forest-green laced dress.

Reaching her set out objective the little girl let out only one sentence before she slumped into Ysera's hands due to fatigue and dehydration.

"They're hunting me... H-Help."

"Who's hunting you?" Ysera asked but she couldn't get any tangible reply from the little girl.

"Who's coming for you?" she asked one last time concerned for the well-being of the child.

And it was then the little girl turned her head to face the entrance of the village pointing to dark figures that could be seen lurking In the dark forest.

"They... They are coming for me... They are coming for us all," she said before hiding her face in terror.


Name: Fenrir

Race: Feline <Rare>

Level: 26

Title: <King of the forest>

HP: 208/276

Mana: 289/315


Strength: 301

Agility: 298

Intelligence: 310

Stamina: 284

Durability: 300

(Extra distributional points: 31)


~Instigation (unique - Level 3)>

~Morsel (Rare - Max)




~Morsel (Extremely Rare - Max)

<This skill is an extremely rare skill among animals which grants them the ability to possess the skills, strength, and appearance of whatever morsel of prey's flesh they ingest.>

-Consumes 1 mana/Minute.

(Having this skill maxed grants its user an additional 15 minutes should its mana deplete.)
