
Southern Murders

A small Mostly forgotten Town in Alabama Suddenly becomes the Hot spot for Murder when Dead bodies start popping up Now A Agent named Juniper Jones from this Local town must investigate but what Darkness will She uncover? And can she Solve the Case? Will she Catch the Killer? What secrets does Juniper have herself? Is the Killer someone she knows? A co worker maybe? A fellow Agent? A Commander? How can Juniper handle everything when it is her own Home town in danger? Does she have what it takes to handle all of it? Juniper has never failed but this is her biggest challenge yet!

Aron_West_081194 · Sci-fi
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Stolen Money

" Ok lets check the Footage. " Katie says. Katherine pulls up the footage for them and they see a Black haired and bearded Man taking stacks of Dollar bills from the safe. " Well he is not subtle at all " Katie says letting down her pony tail from her Orange hair. " Who is he? " Juniper ask. " Patrick Smith another Council member. " Katherine says. " Well it seems Mr Smith is a prime suspect. " Juniper says. Then Juniper's phone rings. " Hello " Juniper says answering the phone. " June Josh Bricks was Murdered need you to head over there and this time it was a Bullet not a Arrow. " Brian says. " On my way Commander " Juniper says. " What? " Katie ask. " Bricks was Murdered. " Juniper says. The two headed off to investigate and upon arrival saw Agent Burns there. " Oh look Agent Jones and former Agent Bella. " Daniel says. " Agent Burns why are you here? " Juniper ask. " Because We called him " Brian says. Juniper and Katie turn to see Brian and General Theo Long. " Agent Jones why is Former Agent Bella here " Brian ask. " I asked her for Help solving the Case it seemed like a good idea. " Juniper says. " You where not Authorized to bring in outside help. " General Long says. " What don't trust me General I was one of the Best " Katie says. " Yes however protocol is mandatory. " General Long replies. " Is it Authorized Sir? " Juniper ask. " N.... " General Long starts but is inturpeted by Katie. " I have actually helped find a lead Patrick Smith stole Money from the City funds Safe. " Katie says. " Your a consultant nothing More she goes no where unaccompanied " Brian says. " Yes Sir " Juniper and Katie both reply. General Long sighs. Agent Burns is annoyed. Juniper heads inside and begins to survey the Crime scene. " The Killer had to pick the Lock interesting quite a uncommon skill and They where all Stealthy until getting to Mr Bricks so why the change? " Juniper says. Katie shrugs. Brian looks on thoughtful. " Hmm look at bullets multiple shots fired and it appears in different Directions. and The Wound on His hand. " Brian says. " Mr Bricks fought back " Juniper concludes. " So Bricks fired and The killer threw a Star to disarm him " Katie says. " The Killer then took the Gun Shot Mr Bricks and Fought Thier way outside killing two guards on the way and using the Same bow and Arrows from the Mayor Murder to take out the Cops this was a Skilled Assassin. " Daniel says. " Agreed " Juniper says. " Agent Jones a word outside please " Brian says. Juniper nods and They both walk outside. " Why did you really call Katie here? " Brian ask. Juniper hesitates to answer. " June. " Brian says in stern tone. " I think that something is going on inside the CIA. I believe the Killer could possibly be a Agent. I wanted someone safe. " Juniper says. " By that logic the Killer could be a former Agent so would that not make Katie a suspect. " Brian says. Juniper takes a Breath. " Yes. Now I got my eyes on her. why did you order more gear off the Record? " Juniper says. " I figured you learn of that but before you go adding me to the suspect list I was A told to by General Long and I knew that the Killer might be a Agent so If anything goes missing we have replacements and I will be keeping a personal close eye on eventory. " Brian says. " I see. So that why you only call me and Burns. " Juniper ask. " I knew where you two where during Bricks Murder and I know you went through the inventory. " Brian says. " Huh Can't ever get past you. " Juniper says. " Nope. " Brian says. " So Patrick Smith go get him. " Brian says. " Yes sir " Juniper replies.