
Southern Murders

A small Mostly forgotten Town in Alabama Suddenly becomes the Hot spot for Murder when Dead bodies start popping up Now A Agent named Juniper Jones from this Local town must investigate but what Darkness will She uncover? And can she Solve the Case? Will she Catch the Killer? What secrets does Juniper have herself? Is the Killer someone she knows? A co worker maybe? A fellow Agent? A Commander? How can Juniper handle everything when it is her own Home town in danger? Does she have what it takes to handle all of it? Juniper has never failed but this is her biggest challenge yet!

Aron_West_081194 · Sci-fi
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Juniper sighs and reluctantly left CIA base. She thought for a long time on her drive home and as she parks she takes a Breath and dials a number. " Hello " a answer came from the other line. " Hey Katie been awhile. " Juniper says. " June. what do you want? " Katie replies coldly. " Katie look I know we haven't always seen eye to eye. But something happening Mayor Davis was killed by a Archer. " Juniper says. There was a long pause a sigh from Katie. " June we have been Friends and Rivals but I retired I am relaxing normal stuff I understand that is bad but I can't help. " Katie says. " Katie. Franklin sold gear to Brian. That is a match to the Killers. " Juniper says. " What!?! June ok that is one crazy two I am on my Way give me 24 hours. " Katie says. " Thanks Katie. " Juniper says. " Still officially retired. " Katie says. " Of course " Juniper says and hangs up. Meanwhile as Juniper waits for Katie. The CIA Commander Brian Scott was called in by The General Theo Long. " General Long " Brian says. " Ah Brian I regret to inform you that Josh Bricks was discovered Dead as was his Butler and Two guards. " General Long replies. Brian Sighs. " Think it was the same person who killed Mayor Davis. " Brian ask. " I do. " General Long says. Brian nods. " I shall call Agent Jones and inform her she will not be pleased. " Brian says. " Please ask her to keep a level head I know Blocton means so much to her. " General Long says. " Yes it does " Brian says. Back in Blocton Katie arrives at Juniper house and knocks. Juniper Lets Katie inside. " Ok so what do you know? " Katie ask. " I know Mayor Davis was killed by a Skilled Archer with special gear. I know Commander Scott ordered stuff from Franklin that is not on CIA records. I think something big is happening. " Juniper says. Katie sighs. " June Commander Scott has never done anything to raise suspension before or Harmed anyone innocent. " Katie says. " So why did he not put in the order of Gear and Weapons. " Juniper ask. " Early order in case a emergency Maybe. " Katie suggest. " Maybe but it still strange...What if..... Something going on inside the CIA? " Juniper says. " You think that someone is Dirty? " Katie ask. Juniper nods. " Ok we must Becareful who we say anything too. But first we must gather suspects for the Murder. " Katie says. " Well some City money went missing just before Mayor Davis murder. " Juniper says. " A assassin maybe someone hired the Killer. " Katie says. " It possible " Juniper says. " Ok let's go Girl " Katie says. They headed off to City Hall to investigate. " Hi is Katherine Caroline here " Juniper ask the Desk Clerk. The Clerk points to a Room. Juniper and Katie head inside. " Miss Caroline. " Juniper says. " Hmm oh hello... " Katherine answer. " I am Agent Jones this is Agent Bella. " Juniper says. Katie nods reluctantly thinking Retired Agent. " We heard some Money went missing Before Mayor Davis murder. " Juniper says. " Huh Money missing I made sure everything was deposited into the city account. " Katherine says. Katie raised her eye brow curiously. " Mister Bricks says that a large sum went missing. " Juniper says. " He is wrong the Main City account is fine. " Katherine says firmly. " Is there another Account? " Katie ask. " No.....but there is a Safe we have here only myself and Council members have a key. " Katherine says. " Can we check it? " Juniper ask. Katherine leads them to the Safe and opens it and starts counting money and sure enough...It was $1,500 short. Katherine was shocked. " So someone who works here on the Council took the Money " Katie says. " Yes question is Who " Juniper says. Katherine sighs. " Check the Logs and security footage. " Katherine says. " Oh we will " Juniper says.