

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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693 Chs

Chapter 507 ( Blood of Nidhogg - II )

"But leaving that aside, I'd like to know where you found this blood" - Cloud said while frowning because he honestly didn't expect something like this to happen, although now that he had something like [Nidhogg's Blood] in front of his eyes, maybe there are many other things much more useful.

"I can tell you where we found it, but I want more information" - Cheadle said as she adjusted her glasses - "Please I want you to be more concise with your words".

"I explained quite clearly the function of the blood" - Cloud said as he frowned - "This thing has to be consumed, but whoever does it, has to have a body strong enough to resist the corrosive power, as well as an obvious resistance to poison"

"I still can't believe this is blood" - Gel muttered as she tried to get closer, only to feel her body freeze.

Now that she had heard that this was the blood of a dragon, she tried to feel it with her [Bloodline], only to feel everything go black.

Gel shivered when she noticed this, but her expression paled when she saw with huge reptilian red eye.

"Gel!" - Cheadle exclaimed in terror when she saw how her partner was on the ground shaking with foam at the mouth.

Cloud frowned when he saw this, though he understood why when he saw the new status change under the woman's name.

[Terror (EX)]

"It looks like she did something she shouldn't have and felt the presence of the origin of the blood" - Cloud said as he shook his head, only to start thinking.

"Origin?" - Cheadle asked with surprise and terror - "Do you know what kind of beast is the origin of that blood?"

"Of course, but I can't say" - answered Cloud as he shook his head - "Though I can assure you that this dragon is much stronger than me."

". . ." - Cheadle didn't know how to react to these words.

"Don't give me that look, I'm still in my infant phase" - Cloud replied as he gave him a blank stare - "And even then, I'm much weaker than I should be."

Cheadle froze when she heard this because she didn't want to imagine how terrifying it would be to see Cloud in his final form, after all, he was already incomprehensible.

"Anyway, she'll be fine after a few hours" - Cloud said as he looked at Gel again - "The pressure she felt, will knock her out for at least about 3 or 4 hours, so you'd better call someone to take her somewhere to rest, oh, and I was forgetting, you'd better also call a psychologist because it's quite possible that the fear will turn into trauma"

Cheadle nodded weakly before calling her assistants to take care of Gel until she woke up.

"Back to business, I have a proposition" - Cloud said seriously.

"You want the blood, don't you?" - Cheadle asked with a frown.

"That's right" - nodded Cloud as he looked carefully at the girl with dog-like features - "But obviously I'll pay a corresponding price."

"What kind of price?" - Cheadle asked as she frowned, only to be surprised at the sight of the strange golden flower - "What is this?"

"The [Moon Tear]." - Cloud replied calmly as he folded his arms.

"You say this flower, it's the [Tear of the Moon]!" - Cheadle exclaimed in surprise as she looked closely at the golden flower that appeared to be a rose that glowed with a slight platinum hue despite its natura color.

* * * * * * *

[Moon Tear]

The flower that has been bathed by the light of the moon for more than 500 years, possesses an enormous vitality, and according to the legends, whoever manages to consume it, will have 100 years more of life.

1- Consuming this flower, increases the [VIT] in 500 points, increases the life expectancy in 100 years.

2- Generates the Skill [Selene's Blessing], which doubles the Stats during the nights, but reduces the Stats during the day by 25%.

3- Consuming the flower, makes the user immune to diseases, recovers limbs, eliminates all evil that afflicts him, and increases the base regeneration by 500%. It can save a life even when on the verge of death.

* * * * * *

"I never thought I'd see it this close" - Cheadle muttered because she truly thought the [Moon Tear] was just a myth, and if it weren't for the enormous vitality that the flower coupled with its characteristics, she would refuse to accept that this was the mythical plant.

"Well?" - Cloud asked while raising an eyebrow - "I'm sure that investigating this plant, will bring you better results than continuing to try to discover some of the blood that's inside that thing."

"You have a point" - muttered Cheadle as she started to think at full speed, only to nod after a few seconds - "We have a deal, but I'd also like to know where you found this plant."

"It was during one of our travels through the realm of Teramis, due to an accident, I got separated from the others and ended up in an ancient temple that worshipped a moon deity" - Cloud answered honestly - "And around an altar, I found this flower along with other wilted plants."

Cloud wasn't lying, but he wasn't telling the whole truth either, after all, he too had found the seeds of the [Moon Tear], or at least the seeds of the plants that had absorbed all the moonlight.

During his little discovery, he had found ancient information that he wouldn't have understood if it weren't for the [System], which said that these plants had the oddity that when they withered, they left seeds behind so that they could continue the species.

Cloud planned to plant them near the offshoot of the [World Tree] because these plants would be useful in the future, not only as [Stats] augmentation, but also as emergency medicine, incidentally he could tell Celestine and Olga to find a way to be able to multiply them.

"You seriously want to trade me the only chance to save you if you consume that stuff?" - Cheadle asked earnestly as she gave Cloud one last look.

"Yes" - nodded Cloud calmly as in his mind he snorted in disdain.

How was it possible that an object like the [Moon Tear], could hold against the power of a dragon's blood that embroidered the divine?

Just thinking about that situation, made the blond shake his head at the ignorance of the woman in front of him, although it wasn't as if he could blame her either, after all, the [Yggdrasil Devourer] wasn't something that a world as basic as this one knew, which made him think.

How was it that the planet earth, had so much knowledge about not only different creatures, but also different worlds?

Cloud had the doubt if the deities of the different religions that existed in the world, were real or not, and if real, where had they gone?

"Is something wrong?" - Cheadle asked as she put away the [Moon Tear] because this would be his new secret project.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about some things" - Cloud replied calmly as he approached where the bloodline, only to serve as his body began to tremble, not from fear, but from excitement.

His [Bloodline] was looking forward to being able to taste the blood of this superior being, even to his own, at least at present.

Cloud slowly opened the shelf and took the strange container, only to be surprised to see his HP drop with each passing second.

Such seemed like he was belittling the toxic qualities of the [Nidhogg Blood], making him think things over a bit better, after all, he didn't know what kind of consequences would come out of consuming the blood without preparation, it was even possible that he would end up in a situation similar to his previous world, forced to maintain his dragon form and being constantly attacked by his instincts to devour the world.

Cloud quickly made the container disappear into his inventory, only to sigh with relief when he noticed how the trembling in his body subsided.

"You're not going to consume it?" - Cheadle asked with surprise and curiosity.

"I was going to, but I feel it's not the time yet" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "I have some preparations to make before I consume this blood or things could get out of hand"

"I understand, preparing is paramount" - nodded Cheadle as she started to think - "I would like you to tell me when you are going to consume this blood because if I'm honest, I'm curious to see the results."

"I'm not an experiment, not a lab rat" - Cloud replied with a frown.

"Sorry about that, it's just that my scientific mind makes me curious to see the final result" - replied Cheadle with embarrassment while scratching her cheek - "Anyway, we better get back to the subject of your arrival, you can go to the library whenever you want, there is no restriction to the information you want to check, just be careful that there are times that knowing too much, is a danger for us."



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