
sounds of lightning and stars

a gamer is thrust into a new world out of nowhere a world he could only dream of before with magic, kingdoms even a bit of technology anything he could think of how will he use his new found power in this world will this world change for the better or worse can he break the habits that have become ingrained into his very being come along and find out on this wild adventure in a universe of fantasy and magic

ghost20356 · Fantasy
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61 Chs


The next morning Elise and I went to breakfast seeing us come in the king and queen smiled " it's been a long time since I have seen you this happy the only other time was when you were a little girl with that imaginary friend you had " the queen said with a smile seeing her daughter so happy she had more life in everything she did it made her mother and father very happy

" mom stop it" Elise said embarrassed her mother laughed " I'm just happy for you besides you two are going to be married in a couple days " Elise looked away and started eating I chuckle seeing her act like that the breakfast went well we all talked about what happened while we were gone...afterwards I opened the door to leave with Elise right outside the door lazza was there waiting for me

" my king I have been waiting to begin our training " lazza said kneeling as we came out I looked over to Elise " look what you started " I said to Elise she just giggled at me " what I thought you would like it " I just rolled my eyes at her " let's got to the training hall and stop kneeling I'm not a king yet plus I don't like it " lazza nodded then got up slightly behind us as we made our way to the training hall

When we get there Elise created a ice dummies in the middle of the training arena at different ranges while I helped show lazza how to load the rifle properly since she already had it with her after that I told her to aim and take a shot she raised the rifle taking a shot at the dummy closest to us steam ejected out the sides downward then the barrel lit up as the projectile flew out with a boom of compressed air it flew so fast I couldn't follow it while enhanced it missed but there was a big dent in the wall

I was shocked I didn't expect it to have that much power but I guess we need it if we are going to deal with magical beings surprisingly lazza didn't get hurt by the recoil I guess Liam thought about that I told her to try again and not to be disappointed she missed lazza shot again this time it hit the dummy shattering it but it didn't stop there it hit the second one shattering it too Elise was very shocked by this since the dummies were made of very thick ice

..3 hours later.. we were still watching lazza shoot the rifle zamel came in for a bit to he was pretty impressed by what he saw as she was reloading a the king came in with 2 elves behind him he walked over to us " these are two of the best archers we have in the kingdom " He said to me I asked him for a couple people so I could put a elite team together he agreed

The two behind him stepped forward bowing slightly " I'm James this is Kalsuras but you can just call him Kal he isn't much of a talker " the one on the left said after stepping forward he had brown hair with a bit of green in it his eyes were also brown I noticed his ears are not as sharp as the other elves

The elf next to him though had orange hair and blue-green eyes I nodded to them reaching out my hand " it's nice to meet you I'm ghost " I shook hands with both of them

" came at a perfect time lazza was just reloading so it's perfect for a little demonstration " said pointing at lazza who just got done putting the mag in she pulled the bolt back to rechamber in a round then took aim at the newly constructed dummies and shot

like the second time she shattered two dummies at once the three new to seeing this there eyes lit up the two elves were excited to get there hand onto a rifle which I did after they made a oath to be loyal the king asked him he could get the design to mass produce it for the army but I told him that I wanted these to be a bit of secret weapon for us plus it would be dangerous to have people start getting into gun development the king respected my wishes after a little bit of watching he left to deal with other matters

" this thing is amazing I love it " James said after a few more hours of shooting kal

nodded in agreement the two have been keeping a bit of a distance from lazza but I'm sure they will get over it since the will have to depend on each other now I smiled at them

" I'm glad you guys are liking it " after they got use to the rifle they never missed a shot

" well have to get you all matching outfits now you can't be called a elite guard without it wouldn't be right we'll take care of it tomorrow lets call it a day here " I continued and they nodded " don't you mean I will take care it " Elise chipped in with a smirk after I said that I looked away walking over to here

" well since we will be married after tomorrow I figure why not refer to us as a whole " I said leaning in to kiss her " is that right" I nodded at her remark as we kissed

After that we went to get something to eat and go back to our room the next morning after getting up and having breakfast lazza was waiting for us with the other two were a little bit away from her make our way to the training hall I wanted to nip the horse in the ass before it got to far gone " I hope you guys won't let the fact lazza is different become a problem at the end of the day you need to trust her with your life and hers with you I understand it may take sometime but I hope it's soon rather then later " they all nodded "yes your majesty" they said looking back I see a slight smile on all there faces maybe I was worried for nothing I thought to myself

A few hours after watching them train I wanted to go see Leon so I can get the outfits made " you guys stay here and keep training Elise and I are going to see about getting the outfits made" I say to all of them then turned to leave as we were walking Kal came behind us I looked at him " one of us should be with you guys wherever you go we already made a oath to be loyal and protect you " James said seeing me look at kal I nodded at this and continued to Leon's

After getting that done we came back to the training hall Elise left after watching a little bit to take care of something before our wedding lazza went with her I decided to try my pistol see how it was since I haven't shot it yet I went next to James and kal taking out my pistol aiming at one of the dummies that were there thanks to Elise pulling the trigger a small gust of steam came out the sides like the rifles a projectile came flying out of the rail gun like barrel coated in lighting element leaving a trail of lightning as it hit two dummies shattering them and partially shattering the third

I looked at the desert eagle like pistol in my hand satisfied with it I continued to practice shooting until it was time for dinner I made my way to the dining room with James and kal since they didn't leave me alone after eating with the queen teasing Elise and I about our wedding tomorrow we made our way back to Elise's room after we got inside James,kal and lazza finally left us alone

We didn't do anything that night wanting to wait for our wedding night " are you happy getting married to me " Elise asked as we cuddled on the bed I looked her and give her a little kiss " more then I could properly express you mean the world to me Elise I'm more worried if you are ok with me " she cuddled closer to me " you already know the answer to that " we stayed like that until we fell asleep

In the morning I woke without Elise I panicked until I noticed the note which basically said she will be avoiding me until the our ceremony later which made me bummed but I guess it's a traditionally thing after getting cleaned up I came out of the bathroom to see a couple maid in the room they had a bunch of leaves and things with them they started coming over to me

Apparently it was tradition to basically get married naked the only thing that can cover you are leaves, branches and paints made from barries Elise seemed to leave this out in her letter she is probably getting a good laugh knowing how uncomfortable I am right now when the maids where done putting everything on someone brought me something to eat

The king came in not long after " are you ready after today you will officially be my son in law and the future king of the elves ruling with Elise " I looked at him as determined as I could " I am I love Elise with everything I am I'm proud to have her as my wife and rule with her together " seeing this the king nods he motions for me to follow we get to the entrance of the palace as soon as he push open the doors loud noises hit me all at one there was cheers all over it looked like a festival was going on in the city things hanged up there was music people selling food it was crazy the whole city maybe even the kingdom as a whole was celebrating

The king led me to the middle of the city were a stage was set up he led me there in front of everyone as a symbol of passing the old to the new his father did the same to him when it was his time to be crowned the next king

we stood on stage for a little bit before I noticed the cheering get louder as the crowd parted then I saw Elise she was as beautiful as ever with the paint on her body and leaves covering her bits with a small wooden with a green white gem in it she also had wooden anklets and bracelets on I was honestly a little jealous everyone gets to see her like this she was gorgeous right now her mother was leading her to the stage

When they got here Elise stood next me with her mother next to her while the king was next to me on the other side the crowd cheered seeing us all together zamel then came on stage which seem to be a glowing white rope he told us to hold up one of our arms we did what he said raising the arms that were next to each other " with the power vested in me as the royal mage for this kingdom for over four hundred years I here by soul bond you together to officially pronounce you husband and wife may you two lead this kingdom into a brighter future together " he said while wrapping the pure white rope around our arms then tied them so the are side by side I couldn't do anything with my left without moving Elise's right it was another tradition

The king put a crown on my head while the queen did the same with Elise the crowd cheered at this and the wedding went on it was more of a party at that point everyone came up to congratulate us or give presents and drinks there even was a few games we played it was a fantastic time late into the night it started to wine down a little bit Elise and I were to drunk at that point so we went back to the room people congratulated us on the way there The king and queen disappeared a hour ago but Elise told me not to worry about even they needed to have fun evey now and again

When we got into our room Elise turned with a smirk " I'm finally all yours pyou jealous human" she was right I was jealous everyone basically got to see her naked even if it was covered for the most part I took her to bed removing the leaves covering her most precious spot I didn't need to do anything she was already good to go i looked at her She looked away with a blush

" you pervert " I say to her as I removed the leaves on me and got on top of her we made love all night even a bit into the morning before we fell asleep to exhaustion