

In the depths of despair following his death, Zeru Flameheart found a glimmer of hope in his seemingly hopeless situation when he encountered a mysterious being who offered him a deal for his revival. Is it a stroke of luck or a pact with the devil?

Zereeo_Ak · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

035 - Trouble


"What are you guys doing here? Get lost!" a voice rang in the training ground. The voice was reprimanding these individuals, and for some reason, I feel like I have heard it somewhere. Seeing that they were about to be scolded, some students shouted in retaliation.

"Why should we leave?!"

"Do you own the place?"

"Leave us alone, man!"

"Please leave; the girls don't like being stared at," the same voice echoed again. It seemed like there were people taking care of this group, so I would do what I came to do. I walked forward and stood near the group of females who were looking at the males at the training ground, especially the two who were arguing.

One had blue hair tied in a small ponytail and light blue eyes with a mix of gray. The other one was that guy, Adam, with his golden hair waving in the wind. Does this world think he is the protagonist? Why is it supporting him with a breeze?!

However, I wasn't here to fight him. Let's see, where is she? My eyes jumped from one female to another until they froze on one spot. In that spot was the girl I was here for. She was wearing a loose training dress that still clung to her skin, showing her curves. Her long black hair was tied in a ponytail, and she had a towel she used to wipe her sweat wrapped around her neck.

I turned to look at the group of females. "Oh, Reagan looks hotter with his face covered in sweat."

"No, Adam looks cooler. He's like a prince."

"I can't believe those guys came to ogle at girls, perverts."

"Beat them up!"

I couldn't help but scrunch my face. If they are perverts who came to watch the girls, what does that make you? Aren't you a pervert too? Even though I had that thought, I didn't want to say it out loud. I didn't want to argue with this bunch.

"Oh, shut up! If we're perverts, what does that make you?"

Seems like someone had the guts to voice it out. Good luck, my man!

"Why are we perverts? We didn't come here to ogle girls like you guys. We came to support the combat class by cheering."

"Ha, hypocrites!" the guys scoffed at their answer.

I agreed with them.

"Stop!" Adam shouted to stop their argument. "Leave the training grounds, or I will call our instructor to give you a class," he threatened. The males took a step back at the warning. They knew that the instructor of the academy was strict with rules, and the punishments were severe.

"Fine! But if you want us to leave, then send them away too," they decided not to back down.

"Nah, the ladies can stay," Reagan chimed in.

"What! Then we won't leave!" the males roared back.

"Leave now! Or you will get a beating from us!" Adam warned.

"Do you think we are afraid of you?" the males shouted.

"Yes, do you think you can beat us and go scot-free?"

"Well, why don't we find that out?" Adam drew his training wooden sword.

"It seems fun," Reagan pulled his sword in support.

"Yes, beat them up. Adam! Reagan!"



The girls started to chant their names as they cheered for the fight, riling up. Whatever, I will do my job, but I came to see her, and I didn't bring anything. Hmm, I wandered my eyes as I looked for something, and I found it.

"Thank you!"

I snatched a water bottle from the female near me and started walking toward her.

"Hey, that's mine!"

I ignored the female's protests as I continued toward my destination. While I was walking toward her, some of her classmates noticed, but they ignored me as there was a war brewing between the combat and non-combat class.

I walked next to her and noticed that she was worriedly looking toward the males.

"Hello," I waved my hands to get her attention and threw her the bottle of water.

She caught the bottle instinctively and turned to me. Her eyes scanned my face, trying to match it with all the people she knew to find a resemblance. Her eyes widened a bit as she remembered who I am.

I could literally read her thoughts; how cute!

"You, you, what are you doing here?"

A smile naturally formed as I replied, "For free food."

"What?" her face showed her confusion.

She couldn't believe that I had come to meet her just so I could ask her to pay for my food because she bumped into me.

"Just kidding! I am just kidding. But would you like to go to the cafeteria?" I asked her on a date, subtly.

"I-I don't t-think,"

Her eyes wandered between me and the males who were on the verge of a fight. I could see that she was unsettled by the fact that the fight was about to break out. These guys are being a pain, and I couldn't help but get angry as these extras were spoiling the mood.


I stopped her from speaking further and removed my blazer to cover her. Even though the training clothes were thick, I didn't like the fact that it was sticking to her skin.

"W-What are you doing?" she panicked.

"Just wear this, and I won't sweat," I said as I turned to the extras.

"What?! H-Hey,"

She called me, but I didn't turn.

"You wanna fight, huh?" one of the extras shouted. 

"No, but if you keep annoying us, you will get a beating," Adam warned.

"Do you think that being in the combat class gives you the right to beat us?"

"You think you're strong because you're from the combat class?"

"Then why don't I beat you?"

They all turned toward a new voice. Zeru walked toward them with an annoyed look on his face.

"Who are you? You think you can beat us because you're from the combat class?" one of them shouted.

Zeru smiled kindly, which looked twisted. "But I am from the theory of the magic circle."

Adam and Reagan eyed Zeru warily as they didn't know why he was here.

"You think you can beat all of us, you traitor," they shouted at him.

"Man, I was never with you. Why are you calling me a traitor?" Zeru smiled. "And I don't like you guys causing noise. So, leave peacefully."

"Did you think we would be scared and leave? You average face bastard!" they shouted back.

"Haaaa," Zeru breathed out as veins popped.

"Have you guys want die?" He questioned them in a cold voice.


No retort came back as the guys who were shouting froze, feeling chills looking at Zeru's deep blue eyes, like the depths of the ocean trying to drown them. And the smile on his face looked twisted. With the shadow that covered his face, he looked so evil that anyone who saw him felt creeps.

"Get lost! Before I show you how it feels, please," he smiled kindly, which looked anything but that.


Seeing that no retort came, he nodded his head and turned to go back

 to her.


"You should leave with them!" A sword blocked his path.

Zeru turned to look at the person who was pointing the sword at him. Should I just beat the shit out of him? That was the first thought Zeru had as he looked at the person. Adam was blocking his path with his sword. Zeru's eyes were already cold, but they turned even darker as an abyss. They both stared at each other, and the atmosphere around them grew chilly.

"What is this? It seems fun," Reagan mumbled to himself in amusement.

"Bro, why are you always standing in my path?" Zeru sighed at the end.

"I am not! It's you who never obeys," Adam replied coldly.

"Ha, do you think everyone will obey you just because some people call you a prodigy?" Zeru mocked.

"I am not talking about obeying me but the rules," Adam replied.

"Oh, is there a rule saying that I can't be here?"

"No, but I want you to leave!"

Zeru tilted his head and smiled at Adam. "Can't do~"

With those words, the tension between them became all-time high, enough to spark electricity.

"Whoa, whoa, it seems like we'll get to watch a good show! Who will win: the strongest of the combat class or the Rookie from theory?" Reagan commented from the side while leaning on his classmate.

"Adam! Leave him; he came to meet me." A voice interrupted their standoff.

Adam turned to the voice. Elain was walking toward them with a red blazer on her.

"He came to meet you?" Adam questioned.

"Yes," she answered.

"See," Zeru chimed in.

"Okay," Adam lowered his sword.

"What?! That's it?! Where's the fight?" Reagan drooped his shoulders in disappointment.

Adam sheathed his sword and walked away from them after giving a final look at the boys who were leaving.

"Sorry, he is kind of stubborn," Elain apologized.

"It's okay. So, you coming to the cafeteria?" Zeru asked.

"No, I don't think so," Elain refused.

"Well, okay. I'll meet you later, Elain!" Zeru turned around and began to walk away from the training ground.

"Ah, my name is Zeru. Don't forget!" he shouted without turning around.

He slowly vanished into the corridor, leaving Elain in utter bewilderment. She didn't know what to say; he just came, said his piece, and left. It took her a moment to realize that she was still wearing his blazer.

"Hey! Your blazer!" she shouted, but it was too late.

Seeing that she was late in calling him, she walked back to her friends, still wearing the blazer. Seeing her walk back to them, her friends got up.

"Oy, Elain, seems like you already got a guy on your back," one of her friends teased.

"Come on, Emma, he was just here to meet me for bumping into him," Elain shook her head at the remark.

"Think about it, Elain. He came to the class this morning. He was sitting beside you without you even noticing, and then he comes the minute the break starts. He's into you!" Emma said.

"Yes, I agree with Emma. He came for you and gave you his blazer like a gentleman. Not only that, he was about to fight Adam, the successor of the golden saint," her other friend chimed in.

"Whatever, guys, I don't think I will meet him again," Elain replied.

"You think so," Emma chuckled as she pointed at the blazer Elain was still wearing.

"Ah! I have to return this," Elain facepalmed as she forgot about the blazer again.

"Hahahah, he got you!" both her friends burst out laughing.

Meanwhile, at a distance from the training ground in a blind spot, a figure murmurs to itself. "Seems like I can use him."


On the other side, that bastard... I am going to rip him a new one the next time he pulls some shit like this. I don't know what his deal is; does he like her too? If things come to a head, I will just bury him six feet under. I am enraged by that bastard. Again, I was that close to beating the shit out of him. If Elain hadn't stopped me on time, I would have shoved that sword through his butt. Next time, I will beat him the moment he pulls shit like this.


Shit, this again. I pull out my storage and pulled out the black book from the storage bag. The book buzzed as I took it out and flapped out of my hand.

{ Bastard! I am going to kill you. }

Those words projected out in front of my eyes. "Come on, Grim. I can't let others see you, and you can't do shit to me," I smirked. This bastard thinks he can h-

*Bam* (the book flew and hit him in the face)

"Grim, I am going to lock you in the chest and throw you into the depths of the ocean," I roared in anger. How can I not when this stupid book hit me in the face?

{ Hahaha, try me, you bastard. }