

In the depths of despair following his death, Zeru Flameheart found a glimmer of hope in his seemingly hopeless situation when he encountered a mysterious being who offered him a deal for his revival. Is it a stroke of luck or a pact with the devil?

Zereeo_Ak · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

034 - Adam McCane

A middle-aged man was standing on the podium wearing a magician's robe with a six-circle badge on his robe, indicating he was a sixth circle mage. Even though the amount of magicians were high, a sixth circle magician was a rare sight.

He looked at us as if we were jokes, clearly, he is the professor for this class and the first thing he saw was two students arguing with each other.

"Sorry sir, I asked him to exchanging seats with me, and he is being a bit stubborn," I replied to truthfully.

His furrowed his brows in annoyance.

"Are you both fighting over seats?" he questioned, a bit of disbelief in his voice.

"You could say that," I answered nonchalantly.

"What! Are you both children? Fighting for seats. What are your names?" the professor roared from the podium, clearly angered.

"I am Zeru," I answered, unfaced.

The professor raised a brow before asking, "what's your family name?"

"That-" is a hard question to answer. Should I say Flameheart, but I don't think anyone would know, or should I say Griffin, that doesn't sit right.

"I don't have a surname, sir," I gave an answer since I couldn't think of anything else.

The professor nodded in understanding before taking out a sheet of paper form his file and he turned toward the 'prince'.

"Then, What's your name?"

The prince bowed slightly before answering, "I am Adam, Adam McCane, sir"

"Oh," The professor exclaimed in surprised before continuing, "Are you the child prodigy who said to have the potential to become the next Swordmaster."

Adam bowed humbly before answering, "I don't deserve such praise."

I couldn't help but cringe. Bro, if you are so humble then why don't you give me the seat? Why are you stubbornly fighting me? Are you one of those arrogant character that acts like a good guy but deep down you look down on everyone? If it's that I will never allow you to get near her, never! I will protect her even if I have to kill you.

While I was having my internal monolog the teacher and Adam exchanged some pleasantries.

"You," the teacher called me.

"Yes, sir," I replied as I snapped out of my mind space.

"You are not in my list of students," he said with a paper in his hand.

"Oh, really," I said and rummaged my pockets of my coat before pulling out my timetable, "Is this not theory in magic circle?" I asked.

"No, this is practical magic and combat,"

"Hmm, seems like I am in the wrong class. Please forgive me," I apologized.

"You not only disturb the class but also in the wrong one,"


Some students broke out in laughter.

The professor felt annoyed and disbelief, but he had patience as he had met many new commers causing problem. He them pointed to the door.

"Don't disturb the class and leave,"

"Okay," I nodded and walked from Adam, only after giving him a murderous glare.

When I came near Elain who was looking at me because of the mess. I gave her a smile and lowered my head naturally and said in a low voice.

"Don't forget to buy me something for pushing me down,"

At those words her eyes widened a bit as she recognized me. I just gave her a slight smile before walking down the steps. I bowed towards the professor before moving out of the classroom, but I stopped before crossing the door and turned to Elain who was still looking at me and gave a wave.

With this she won't forget me.

Hehe, this just got fun.


Zeru walked out of the class with a stupid smile and moved toward other class. He found his class easily as he got caught by a professor who was going to his class. It turned out to be he was the professor for the Theory in magic circles.

The professor was wearing a magician's robe with a five-circle badge indicating he was fifth circle mage and there was another badge that had a feather quill, it was a batch indicating he was a scholar mage. He was wearing a golden-rim glasses and a scholar aura around him.

And he had a handsome face too.

When Zeru met him, he was relieved that this man was older and a professor. He was a lady killer to say the least. Zeru was well aware of his averageness.

The professor dragged him toward the class and asked him to stand to the side. Zeru obey as he stood to the side observing the class and he could see some girl already looking at the professor as if he was a candy to eat. Because of him they, thankfully, forgot about him.

The classroom was not different from the other classes.

Two big black board made specially for drawing magic circles as even a drawn magic circle reacts to magic in air. A lifted podium for the professor and ten rowed of seats for students divided into six columns in a curved arrangement. Each columns having 3 seats each.

Most of the seats were filled,

All in all, the class was spacious.

The professor drew a first circle spell. It was the magic circle for fireball, a first circle spell used by apprentice mages and first circle mages. He then proceeded to explain what each of the symbols and lines represent in the magic circle, such as shape, size, intensity and element.

After he finished explaining, he looked at Zeru who was yawning, and caught him doing it. He threw the chalk at Zeru, who got hit in the head.


"YOU! come here and point at the symbol that caused the elemental change in the magic circle," he called Zeru.

Zeru rubbed his head off chalk and picked up the chalk from the floor. he walked toward the blackboard and looked at the magic circle and other symbols drawn beside it dissecting the magic circle and explaining which is used for which.

Zeru observed for the magic, trying to figure out which one is used for the elemental change. He compared the symbols on the board and the magic circle. He arrived at one of the symbols by deduction, pointing to the symbol in the center.

"This one?" he was not sure himself.

'It's not like I studied about magic circles before I came here. Ah, what a pain? This is why I hate studying.'

"Are you sure it's the one?" the professor questioned.

"I think so?" Zeru lowered his head in embarrassment.

'Man, I really, I really want to be like a turtle, so I can pull my head into my body.'

"Okay then, cast the spell without that symbol, so we can see what the effect the magic circle when it is cast without this symbol," the professor pointed to the students,

Zeru felt the eyes of everyone on him. he scratched his head in embarrassment not knowing how to say that he can't use mana. He felt like the word struck in his throat. After contemplating for a bit, he decided to spit it out.

"Sir," he called.

"What is it?" the professor looked at him.

"Sir, I can't use mana," he spoke.

"What? Really?" the professor lifted an eyebrow, not believing Zeru. Many students say this as an excuse.

"Yes, sir" Zeru answered.

"Let me check, you don't mind me checking?" he asked while observing Zeru's reaction.

"It's okay, sir," Zeru agreed.

It's not like I can used mana when my mana core was poisoned, shattered and burned.

The professor put his hand on Zeru's shoulder and inserted some mana through his hand, checking Zeru's body and his mana core.

His eyes widened when he noticed the difference in Zeru's body.

'He doesn't even have a mana core. Unlike normal humans who have a bit of mana but wasn't able unlocked it to use magic, he doesn't have mana core or veins for using mana. how can a human not have a mana core? Is he a mutation?'

"Sir," Zeru called him, snapping out of his thought.

The professor looks at him with pity,

'What an unfortunate fellow.'

"You can go sit," he pointed to the seats, "Make sure you concentrate in the class."

Zeru nodded to the professor and moved to take seat but the front rows and the back rows were filled. He looks a seat in the middle, on the fourth raw, the 10 seat on the row.

As he pulled out his notes that he prepared. A black book fell out of his spatial storage bag. It was fully black without any details, it was like a shadow without any dimensions.

Zeru brought the book near and opened it, it had bright white pages, contrast to the cover, greeted him and a golden line moved as it formed a sentence.

{ It was suffocating, you bastard! }


Zeru scoffed at the book, it was hilarious that a book was saying it was suffocating.

He closed the book without much thought and opened his storage bag. The book vibrated fiercely as if to protest as he shoved it into the bag, but he didn't care and shoved it into the bag.

He then opened his notes and started to write.


Finally! I escaped!

Man, can't believe that guy took the whole three hours explaining magic circle. he nearly made me memorize every single line in the magic circle and its uses. Fuck!

But now, finally its break! I can go see her. I hope she didn't forget me due to intense classes.

And now that's its break, all I see is red, black, brown and rainbow-colored hairs mixed-in in groups. The red is the academy uniform, the rainbow, black and brown are hair color. As far as I know, the colored hair indicate their lineage as only the nobles or prestigious martial family have colored hairs. While black and brown are more common.

And my hair is black as it can get,

Well, not that I care about the color of my hair or skin, All I care about is the color of their heart.

Now, I shall continue my journey to get the girl's heart.

And that how I arrived at her class without thinking much and was frozen on the spot. Why? You ask, because no one is present in it. Where the hell did they go? Did all of them run away because I was coming! No way, right!


I couldn't help laugh self-deprecatingly.

In hope I stopped an extra who was walking by,

"Where are the students of this class?" I pointed to the class.

The extra looked at me and the class for a bit before asking, "Are you a late admission?"

"Yes, why?" I raised a brow.

"Seems like you don't know! The combat class is in the training ground today." He answered.

"Ah! thank you."

"No problem,"

"Then can I ask where it is? I don't know," I scratched my cheek.

"Go straight and take right on the end. You will arrive at the first year's training ground," he pointed down the corridor.

I thanked him again before rushing down the corridor.

Now that it's going to take some time to go to the training ground. I will explain some things, As in why I am a late admission. I not exactly a late admission as I am only a week late in joining the classes but the students were supposed to come to the academy a week prior to familiarize with the academy ground.

So its been two weeks since academy started to take students in and I am two weeks late.

And now, I am at the training grounds.

It seems their training class is over and they are taking a break, proved as they are lying around in exhaustion. Don't tell they are smoked out due to due to train.

Seeing people out of breath, I checked around to find her but I couldn't help but squint. Many students were gather in the training ground, males and females alike. I narrowed as my heart started to burn, it seems these guy are her look at the females in this class.

Well, I don't care about other but I won't allow you to look at her with your dirty eyes. Let me show you hell, you bastards!

Enraged I walked toward the crowd to teach them a lesson but,

"What are you guys doing here? Get lost!" a voice rang in the training ground.
