
Soulbound Shadow

Lukas: (standing in a dimly lit alley, gripping a dagger) "You really thought you could escape, didn't you?" Elena: (emerging from the shadows, her eyes glowing with an eerie crimson light) "I always find a way, Lukas. You should know that by now." Lukas: (narrowing his eyes) "You're not the woman I loved anymore. What happened to you?" Elena: (smirking) "I embraced the darkness, Lukas. It's where the real power lies." As the story unfolds, Lukas, a skilled demon hunter, and Elena, his former lover turned demon, engage in a deadly cat-and-mouse game filled with tension, secrets, and unexpected alliances. Lukas will have to face unimaginable challenges and uncover the truth about a hidden world of demons and the hunters sworn to protect humanity.

Nicky_RBLX · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 13: Elara's Retrieval.....


In the heart of a dark and foreboding forest, Thorne, the strategist and swordmaster of Crimson Blades in the village of Dugo. Closed in on the location where a cunning demon had taken Elara. The forest was shrouded in an eerie silence, as though it held its breath, awaiting an unseen reckoning.

Thorne moved stealthily, his senses heightened by the urgency of the mission. Every rustling leaf and whispered breeze seemed to whisper secrets. He knew he was close, guided by an uncanny intuition honed through years of battle.

As he ventured deeper into the forest's gloomy depths, the air grew heavy with an otherworldly aura. He felt as though the very fabric of reality had shifted, and he stumbled upon a clearing that defied all logic.

There, in the heart of the forest, stood Elara, bathed in an ethereal light. Her eyes, once filled with warmth and kindness, were now filled with fear. Her body hovered several inches above the ground, suspended by an unseen force.

Thorne's heart clenched in his chest. This is anything but goid. He called out to her, —but another voice responded.

"This girl... will no longer be who she once was." a voice echoed, each word a mournful lament. "She will be touched by the darkness that envelops this world."

The voice itself came from the kidnapper, who was female and had a human shape, but was no where near the definition of a human.

The she demon who magically emerged from the shadows, unleashed her presence of commanding attention and evoking a potent mix of fascination and terror. Cloaked in an ethereal aura, she possessed an otherworldly beauty that defied mortal comprehension. Her form, a perfect blend of elegance and seduction, was both alluring and unnerving.

Her porcelain skin, smooth and flawless, seemed to emit a subtle, mesmerizing glow. Long, flowing locks of midnight black cascaded down her back, framing a face that bore an unsettling allure. Her eyes, vibrant and piercing, glowed with an infernal fire, reflecting a hint of the darkness that dwelled within.

Her features, delicately sculpted, held an intoxicating mix of sensuality and danger. Lips, full and inviting, were tinged with a shade of red, like a haunting reminder of the infernal depths she hailed from. High cheekbones accentuated her face, casting intriguing shadows that enhanced her mysterious allure.

This wasn't any demon, it was an Humanoid Demon. One that has already been consumed by the darkness.

Thorne was astonished that a being with this much beauty existed, but did not let his guard down as he confronted the wicked monster.

Thorne": Let her down or I'm going to make you wish you never came out from your mother's womb!"

The demon": Haha, it's too late."

With that, the she demon vanished in to the shadows, Thorne wanted to chase after but something weird happened.

Suddenly, Elara's eyes went dark, and her whole aura changed. She stopped floating and fell to the ground, but she was flexible enough to land swiftly.

A strange energy pulsed around her, causing the very trees to sway in rhythmic sympathy. Thorne could feel the raw power emanating from her, but it was tainted, corrupted.

He drew his sword, determined to free her from whatever malevolent influence had taken hold. With each step closer, the aura of the clearing grew more oppressive.

Thorne could sense a malevolent presence, an ancient force that sought to guard its newfound prize.

As he reached out to touch Elara, a shockwave of energy surged from her form, throwing him back. He hit the ground hard, his sword clattering out of reach. Through blurred vision, he saw Elara floating higher, her body wreathed in spectral flames.

The forest itself seemed to awaken, trees contorting and roots rising like serpents. Thorne realized that this was not a mere kidnapping; it was a ritual—a merging of Elara with the ancient, malevolent force that dwelled within the forest.

Desperation gripped him as he scrambled to his feet. With newfound determination, he channeled every ounce of his strength into a final, desperate assault on the barrier surrounding Elara.

"Elara, fight it!" Thorne shouted, his voice cutting through the supernatural chaos. "You are stronger than this darkness!"

For a fleeting moment, Elara's vacant eyes met his, a flicker of recognition in their depths. 

"Elara," he called out, his voice resonating with steadfast conviction. "I know you're in there, fighting. You are stronger than this darkness, and I believe in you."

As if in response to his words, the spectral flames that wreathed Elara's form flickered and waned. Her vacant eyes met his once more, a spark of recognition breaking through the darkness that had ensnared her.

Thorne continued to approach, his every step a declaration of faith. He reached out to her, his hand extended in a gesture of hope.

The malevolent force recoiled, a shrieking protest against this intrusion into its dominion.

But Thorne pressed on, unyielding. He touched Elara's outstretched hand, and a surge of energy coursed through him.

In that instant, he felt a connection with her, a link that transcended the boundaries of the physical world.

With unwavering determination, Thorne channeled the strength of his with Elara.

He called upon the memories of their shared battles, their triumphs and losses, the unbreakable camaraderie they had forged through the 11 months.

The darkness recoiled further, unable to withstand the power of their connection. Elara's form began to waver, the spectral flames fading into nothingness.

With a final surge of effort, Thorne pulled her back from the brink, the malevolent force's grip slipping away.

Elara's body fell gently to the forest floor, her breathing shallow but steady.

Thorne knelt beside her, relief washing over him. The ancient darkness had been thwarted, and his friend was free once more. As Elara's eyes fluttered open, they were clear and filled with gratitude. 

She woke up and gave Thorne a wholesome hug.

Elara": Thank you, Thorne. You saved me, I don't think i could ever repay you! And your-"

But Thorne just lightly pushed her off of him, he then said the next words with a stotic face.

"Please, I didn't do this for you. People are dying in the village and we're wasting every precious second here, we need to get going, Elara."

Elara was shocked and clearly hurt by those words, she couldn't even expressed how she felt at the moment.

Thorne": I'm sorry if I might sound harsh, but it's just reality, many have died in this war and even more so are dying at this moment.

In times of war, there's no room for sympathy. That's just how it is in this wicked world."

Elara was shaken, but understood Thorne's words, they had no time to waste, with that. They quickly headed towards the village.
