
Soulbound Shadow

Lukas: (standing in a dimly lit alley, gripping a dagger) "You really thought you could escape, didn't you?" Elena: (emerging from the shadows, her eyes glowing with an eerie crimson light) "I always find a way, Lukas. You should know that by now." Lukas: (narrowing his eyes) "You're not the woman I loved anymore. What happened to you?" Elena: (smirking) "I embraced the darkness, Lukas. It's where the real power lies." As the story unfolds, Lukas, a skilled demon hunter, and Elena, his former lover turned demon, engage in a deadly cat-and-mouse game filled with tension, secrets, and unexpected alliances. Lukas will have to face unimaginable challenges and uncover the truth about a hidden world of demons and the hunters sworn to protect humanity.

Nicky_RBLX · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 14: One Demon After Another.


In the dead of evening as the villagers of Dugo sought refuge in their homes, a malevolent presence loomed. The demons had descended upon the unsuspecting village, their intentions sinister and their thirst for blood unquenchable.

Amidst the chaos, a particular demon. One who was at the Superior Tier, singled out a small cottage at the village's edge. It seemed to have sensed the fear emanating from within.

Inside the dimly lit cottage, a mother clutched her children, their eyes wide with terror. The father stood before them, a makeshift weapon in his trembling hands.

The demon's ominous shadow loomed over the window, its ghastly features twisted in a cruel grin.

The demon raised a clawed hand, preparing to strike, its malevolence palpable. It was a scene of impending doom.

But just as the demon's claws were about to descend upon the family, the cottage door burst open, and Lukas, ever vigilant and resolute, stepped into the fray. His daggers gleamed in the dim light, and his eyes burned with a fierce determination.

With astonishing speed and precision, Lukas engaged the demon, parrying its claws away from the family and striking it with powerful blows with his butcher knives.

Lukas": You son of a bitch, imma make you regret ever coming to this village!!!"

The battle that unfolded was a testament to his unwavering courage and unyielding resolve.

The family, their terror slowly giving way to hope, watched in awe as Lukas held his ground. With each strike of his bucther knives, the demon howled in agony. Its malevolent presence wavered, and the grip of fear it held over the family began to loosen.

In a final, daring maneuver, Lukas exploited a weakness in the demon's defenses, driving his dagger deep into its heart. With a guttural cry, the demon collapsed, its dark form dissipating like smoke in the night.

Lukas turned to the family, a reassuring smile on his face. "You're safe now," he said, his voice carrying the weight of their collective relief.

The family, their gratitude overflowing. They thanked Lukas with tears in their eyes. He had emerged as their savior in their darkest hour, a beacon of hope.

But at that moment something came crashing in the house at hypersonic speed, it came at Lukas who was to startled to react. 

Lukas was unfortunate and couldn't do anything when the creature crashed into him.

Lukas was met with an impeccable force and was flown out of the cottage.

The family were in fear at the arrival of this new monstrous, towering and menacing demon, but it didn't seem to be interested in them. Instead, it went over to where Lukas was at.

Lukas recovered quickly from the attack, and was dusting himself as he got up.

Lukas":Damn, I was caught off guard there..."

As Lukas looked at the direction of where he was thrown at, he could see a being that was only seen in nightmares.

As the dust was starting to fade out, the demon display came into full view.

Standing at an imposing height, the minotaur's muscular frame exuded raw power and primal strength. Its torso, hulking and sinewy, bore testament to the formidable force contained within.

Thick, coarse fur covered its body, a tangled tapestry of earthy hues, ranging from deep browns to hints of rusty red, seemingly matted and unkempt.

From the neck upward, the minotaur possessed the head of a bull, complete with massive, curving horns that spiraled outward with an intimidation.

It was holding large double headed axes, sharp and deadly, spoke of its fierce nature and its readiness for battle. The eyes, deep and penetrating, glowed with an untamed fire, reflecting an ancient wisdom and an unyielding determination.

Beneath the bull's head, the minotaur's lower body retained the form of a powerfully built human, with legs like sturdy tree trunks, capable of delivering devastating blows. Its feet, encased in hooves, echoed with each step, resonating a haunting rhythm that intensified the creature's imposing aura.

Lukas":Oh well, you look like one of those ancient ones aren't ya? Meh, I've seen more scary ones."

This demon was a Superior Tier Demon, but not a normal one, this one is a very old one, it seemed to have lived for many centuries.

Some might think that if it's this old then it would be weak but it's quite thr opposite, demons grow more stronger the longer they live, and this is no exception.

The Minotaur let out a huge puff of smoke, the smoke was so hot that Lukas, who was 20 meters away, could feel heat to the point that he was slightly sweating.

Lukas": Huh, what made you so angry like that? Broke up with yo girl or something?"


The minotaur let out a soaring roar, which managed shake the whole village, it then ran towards Lukas at frightening speed. But Lukas was prepared this time.

As the minotaur charged forward, its massive axe sweeping through the air like a scythe, Lukas dodged with lightning reflexes. He felt the wind from the weapon's deadly arc graze his cheek, a chilling reminder of the peril he faced. With each dodge, Lukas assessed the minotaur's movements, looking for a weakness to exploit.

Lukas, known for his cunning and precision, knew that his strength alone wasn't going enough to defeat this formidable foe who was way more way better than him in terms of physicality.

The demon was more stronger, more durable, more aggressive and heck, Lukas doesn't know if imagining or not, but it also looks like the minotaur's size is increasing as well.

The only good thing is that the speed seems to be equal, The Minotaur is not faster than Lukas, nor is Lukas faster than the Minotaur.

Lukas:'(thoughtful) This battle is tough, I have to only rely on a few things: speed, agility and my unwavering resolve. That's my only key to victory in this given situation!!!"

With a series of rapid, precise strikes, Lukas tested the demon's defenses. As he swiftly slashed around the minotaur with perfect timing, with his buchter knivess a blur of steel.

The demon bellowed in frustration, its every attack thwarted by Lukas's uncanny agility. Lukas's timing was well calculated and his movements was genius, making the Minotaur's attack nothing but air.

But after some time, the minotaur became relentless, its started swinging recklessly Lukas knew he couldn't outmatch its strength in a direct confrontation. Instead, he relied on his knowledge of the terrain.

He ran a towards a section of unstable ground, with the demon following his with all its might.



After running for a bit Lukas finally reached the site, the demon was right behind him catching him.

With a burst of speed, Lukas lured the chasing minotaur onto the treacherous ground. The earth beneath the demon's hooves gave way with a deafening crash.

The minotaur stumbled, its massive bulk toppling forward, and for a moment, it teetered on the precipice.

In that vulnerable moment, Lukas seized the opportunity. He unleashed a flurry of calculated strikes, targeting the demon's exposed weaknesses with ruthless precision. His daggers found their mark again and again, and the minotaur roared in agony.

The battle reached its climax as Lukas, his breath ragged and his muscles aching from the relentless struggle, delivered a final, thunderous strike. With all the force he could muster, he drove his dagger deep into the minotaur's heart.

The demon let out a guttural, agonized cry, its massive form convulsing before collapsing to the ground. Lukas had emerged victorious, but the battle had been grueling, pushing him to his limits.

As he stood there, catching his breath amid the echoes of the fallen demon's roars, Lukas knew that this was but one battle in a war filled with unimaginable challenges.

He wiped the sweat from his brow, retrieved his butcher knives, and ran towards the village center in pursuit of dealing with more deadly demons.
