
Soulbound Retribution: A Tale of Yin and Yang

It is a gripping fantasy web novel filled with twists, betrayals, and unexpected alliances, set against the backdrop of modern China. It's a tale of a morally ambiguous hero seeking retribution through the power of soul-swapping, all while navigating the intricate threads of Chinese mythology and mysticism. Will Li Wei find redemption, or will revenge consume him entirely? Only time will reveal the true cost of his choices in a world where the line between good and evil is as thin as a soul's connection to its body.

marvel_away · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 17 - Veil of Shadows (2)

The challenges of inhabiting Mei Ling's body extended beyond the realm of mere physicality. Li Wei grappled with the complexities of Mei Ling's relationships, a web intricately woven over years of shared laughter, tears, and moments of quiet understanding.

Mei Ling's family, in particular, posed a delicate yet significant hurdle. They were a close-knit unit, bound by ties that Li Wei could only observe from the outside. Mei Ling's parents, exuded warmth and kindness, their affection for their daughter palpable in every word and gesture.

In their presence, Li Wei treaded carefully, seeking to emulate Mei Ling's familiar gestures and expressions. She took solace in the fact that, for now, her transformation remained undetected. Yet, beneath the surface, a pang of longing echoed. She yearned to be himself, to embrace his own connections, but destiny had bound him to this intricate dance of identities.

Mei Ling's younger brother, Xiaojun, was a source of both amusement and challenge. His spirited energy and infectious laughter brought a unique vibrancy to their interactions. Li Wei marveled at the bond Mei Ling shared with him, an unspoken understanding that transcended words.

Yet, as the days passed, a quiet understanding began to blossom. Mei Ling's family sensed a change, a subtle shift in their daughter's demeanor. They attributed it to the ebb and flow of life, a natural evolution that every person must navigate.

In the heart of this delicate dance, Li Wei found moments of solace. She witnessed the profound love that bound Mei Ling's family together, a reminder of the strength that familial bonds could offer. It was a lesson in resilience, a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit.

As Li Wei faced the trials of Mei Ling's soul, she discovered a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of human connection.


In the hushed confines of their makeshift headquarters, Zhang Tao's scholarly fervor ignited the room. The air was charged with anticipation as the scrolls and tomes sprawled before him held the promise of hidden wisdom, secrets waiting to be unearthed.

With each stroke of his quill and each careful examination of the symbols, Zhang Tao delved deeper into the esoteric language of the supernatural. His brow furrowed in concentration, his mind a tapestry of intricate connections. It was a dance of intellect and intuition, a testament to the depth of his knowledge.

As the hours waned into the night, Zhang Tao's efforts bore fruit. He uncovered subtle nuances within the arcane symbols, discerning patterns that revealed the threads binding their quest. It was a testament to his expertise, a reminder of the invaluable role he played in their pursuit.

Yet, amidst the triumphs, there were moments of frustration. The language of symbols was a cryptic code, its meanings often shrouded in layers of metaphor and allegory. Zhang Tao wrestled with each enigma, his determination unwavering. It was a testament to his unwavering commitment to their shared cause.

Through the long nights and early mornings, Zhang Tao's scholarly pursuits became a beacon of hope, a reminder that within the labyrinth of the supernatural, there existed a path illuminated by knowledge and understanding.


Their quest for information led them to an unlikely gathering—the "Society of Supernatural Enthusiasts." Led by the charismatic but eccentric Professor Hawthorne, this peculiar group was known for their satirical take on the supernatural. Their meetings were a blend of intellectual discourse and irreverent humor, a testament to the members' shared fascination with the unknown.

Members of the society bustled about, their conversations a symphony of animated discourse. Some examined ancient relics with an ardent fervor, while others engaged in spirited debates about the boundaries of the supernatural. It was a sanctuary for those who dared to question the confines of the ordinary.

At the heart of the gathering stood Professor Hawthorne, a figure of enigmatic charisma. His presence commanded attention, his gaze keen and perceptive. He was dressed in an assortment of garments that defied categorization, each piece a testament to his unapologetic individuality.

"Ah, seekers of the arcane!" Professor Hawthorne declared, his voice a blend of mirth and intellectual vigor. "Welcome to the Society of Supernatural Enthusiasts. I am Professor Hawthorne, your humble guide through the realms of the inexplicable."

The trio exchanged glances, a blend of fascination and bemusement coloring their expressions. This was a realm unlike any they had encountered before—a convergence of minds with a shared fascination for the supernatural.

As the evening unfolded, they found themselves immersed in a tapestry of discussions and demonstrations. Zhang Tao engaged in spirited debates about ancient rituals and mystic incantations, his scholarly rigor met with enthusiastic curiosity from fellow members. Hua Jian explored a collection of demon-hunting artifacts, exchanging insights with those who shared his vocation.

Li Wei, too, found herself drawn into conversations, her inquiries met with a blend of amusement and genuine interest. She listened intently as members regaled her with tales of spectral encounters and enigmatic phenomena. It was a testament to the depth of human curiosity, a reminder that the quest for understanding transcended the boundaries of the known.

In a quiet corner, Li Wei found herself in conversation with a fellow enthusiast named Evelyn—a woman with a penchant for deciphering ancient scripts. Their dialogue wove through the intricacies of forgotten languages, each word a brushstroke on the canvas of shared fascination.

As the evening progressed, Professor Hawthorne gathered the society for a collective exploration of an enigmatic artifact—an ancient amulet said to hold the key to unlocking the boundaries between realms. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, a palpable energy that pulsed through the room.

As Professor Hawthorne unveiled the artifact, a hush fell over the assembly. The amulet gleamed with an ethereal light, its surface etched with symbols that danced in the flickering candlelight. It was a testament to the mysteries that lay at the heart of their shared pursuit—a reminder that within the tapestry of the supernatural, there existed threads waiting to be unraveled.

In the heart of the Society of Supernatural Enthusiasts, Li Wei, Zhang Tao, and Hua Jian found themselves immersed in a world that embraced the enigmatic, a sanctuary for those who sought to pierce the veils that shrouded the unknown. It was a convergence of minds, a testament to the enduring human spirit that dared to question, to explore, and to seek the truths that lay hidden in the shadows.