
Soulbound: Embers of Defiance

Kira, a timid bookstore owner's daughter, has always craved adventure. But she gets more than she bargains for when she discovers the king's dark secret: he steals life through a forbidden magic. Thrust into a rebellion unlike any other, Kira joins a ragtag group of vengeance-fueled rebels led by the enigmatic Caleb. Whispers follow him – a savior, a monster? He holds the key to unlocking soul bonding, a power as beautiful as it is devastating. Can Kira trust him to wield this forbidden magic for good, or will he succumb to its corrupting influence? Time is running out. Every day, young men vanish, sacrificed to fuel the king's twisted immortality. Can Kira master this forbidden magic before the next tribute claims her loved ones?

vanillefisch · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Whispers in the Wild

Swallowing my fear, I grabbed Kass' hand and pulled her deeper into the undergrowth. We scrambled over fallen logs and waded through patches of damp earth, the sounds of pursuit growing closer.

Reaching a steep incline, we clambered up the loose rock face, fear lending us a strength I never knew we possessed. Reaching the top, we collapsed on the damp earth, gasping for breath. Below us, the frustrated shouts of the soldiers faded away, swallowed by the dense foliage.

My lungs burned, each ragged breath a shallow rasp against the cool night air. We lay sprawled on a bed of damp leaves and moss, clinging to the precarious ledge overlooking the tangled undergrowth below. The frantic shouts of the soldiers had faded, replaced by an unsettling silence that hummed with tension.

Kass, her face pale in the moonlight, shifted closer to me.

"Do you think they've given up?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

I shook my head, my gaze fixed on the spot where we'd last seen the glint of armor disappear.

"No," I murmured, "they won't stop until they find us."

As if on cue, a harsh voice broke the silence, sending shivers down my spine.

"They couldn't have gone far," it growled. "This entire area is dense as a troll's beard."

Another voice, gruffer than the first, replied, "That girl we chased? Pretty sure that's the bookseller's daughter."

The voice trailed off, laced with a hint of cruelty.

"Maybe the girl knows more about the scrolls. Her father wouldn't budge under questioning, but a young chit like her..."

Kass' brow furrowed in confusion. "Scrolls? What scrolls?"

The weight of their words settled on me. Memories flickered — a hushed conversation with my father years ago, a worried glance exchanged over a dusty tome. Now, the ransacked bookshop and the soldiers' relentless pursuit all clicked into place. This wasn't just about spies. They were searching for something my father had hidden.

Below, the soldiers continued their conversation, their voices muffled. Relief washed over me as they moved on, but a gnawing worry remained. Scrolls. What secrets did they hold that the King was so desperate to find? My father wouldn't have kept them for personal gain; there had to be a bigger reason.

I flinched, a cold dread gripping my heart. This was a piece of the puzzle I hadn't shared with Kass. But with the truth hanging heavy in the air, I knew I couldn't keep it a secret any longer.

"There was... something," I confessed, my voice barely a whisper.

"A few years ago, I overheard Father talking in hushed tones with a cloaked stranger. He mentioned scrolls — something about hiding them, making sure they didn't fall into the wrong hands."

A chilling realization cut through the fog of sorrow. Father wouldn't have let us leave town without a reason. This wasn't just some random attack. No, this devastation, this organized chaos, pointed to something more sinister – something he knew about.

He knew.

The secrecy surrounding the delivery, the lack of travel documents, it all clicked into place with a horrifying clarity. Father had sent us away, not just to deliver some dusty books, but to keep us safe. He knew something terrible was coming to Eldoria, and he had orchestrated our escape, however messy and desperate it may have seemed.

The missing papers – it wasn't an oversight. It was deliberate. He wouldn't risk us being detained at checkpoints or turned away at the city gates. He wanted us to struggle, to disappear into the anonymity of the countryside, away from the watchful eyes of the King's soldiers. The "secret" cargo, those innocuous-looking books, were just a cover, a smokescreen to hide his true motive – getting us out.

A surge of bittersweet gratitude washed over me. My father, ever the cautious man, had sacrificed his own safety for ours. He had sent us away with a cryptic mission and a flimsy excuse, hoping it would be enough.

Anger, hot and potent, bubbled up alongside the gratitude. Why hadn't he told us the truth? Why cloak his intentions in secrecy? The answer, I realized with a sinking heart, was fear. Fear of the rebellion being exposed, fear for our safety if we knew too much. He'd taken the burden onto himself, leaving us blissfully unaware until it was too late.

But now, we were caught in the crossfire. Homeless, paperless, branded as potential rebels simply by association. The weight of that realization landed on me like a physical blow. Naivety had been a shield, but now it was gone, replaced by the harsh reality of our situation.

Tears streamed down my face, a mixture of grief and newfound resolve. Father was gone, but his message echoed loud and clear. He had entrusted us with a legacy, a responsibility that transcended our personal loss.

"Kass," I whispered urgently, my voice trembling with newfound purpose. "We have to go back to the shop. We have to find him. Maybe there's a clue, a hidden compartment, anything that could tell us where the scrolls are."

Kass' eyes widened in disbelief.

"That's insane! They'll be crawling all over that place by now, looking for us. It's too dangerous!"

I knew she was right, the logical part of me screamed against the idea. But a fire had ignited within me, a desperate need to understand the truth.

"We can't let them have them, Kass. The King can't get his hands on whatever's in those scrolls."

Kass bit her lip, her face etched with worry.

"But how can we possibly get back in there without being caught?"

The truth settled heavily in my stomach. She was right; returning to the shop was a reckless gamble.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, I forced my voice to remain calm.

"We can't. Not now. But we can't stay here either. Those soldiers will keep searching until they find us."

Kass stood beside me, her expression a mirror of my own grief as we came to terms with the devastating loss that had befallen us. I clung to her for support, the weight of our shared sorrow pressing down on us like a leaden weight.

"They have him. They questioned him. He's probably already dead," I said, my voice barely above a whisper as I thought about the shattered remnants of my father's life's work, of our home.

Tears streamed down my cheeks unchecked, blurring my vision as I struggled to come to terms with it.

Memories of my father flooded my mind, each one a bittersweet reminder of the love and warmth he had brought into my life. I remembered the countless hours we had spent together in the cozy confines of the shop, my father's gentle voice guiding me through the pages of countless tales and adventures.

But now, all that remained were charred remnants of a life once lived, a testament to the cruel whims of fate and the fragility of existence. The pain of my loss threatened to consume me, a raw ache that cut deep into my soul with every beat of my heart.

Grief washed over me in waves, each one more crushing than the last as I struggled to come to terms with the harsh reality of my father's absence. It felt as though a part of me had been torn away, leaving behind an empty void that echoed with the silence of my despair.

Kass' voice trembled with emotion as she reached out to me, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"I'm so sorry, Kira," she murmured, her words heavy with sorrow.

My throat tightened at the sound of Kass' voice, my own grief threatening to overwhelm my fragile composure.

"I... I don't know what to do without him," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. 


A sob ripped through me. My knees buckled, and I sank onto the ground, tears blurring my vision. More memories flooded in – the scent of old paper, the comforting weight of leather-bound volumes, my father's gentle voice reading me stories by the warm glow of the gaslight. It was all gone. And with it, him. 


The ground rushed up to meet me, the world dissolving into a swirling vortex of ash and smoke. My stomach lurched, a wave of nausea rising within me. The ragged gasps for air that had been fueling my frantic escape transformed into dry heaves, each one a silent scream of despair. 

My body, spent and trembling, refused to obey. My limbs turned to lead, my eyelids drooping with an exhaustion that transcended the physical. Darkness crept in at the edges of my vision, a suffocating blanket threatening to steal the last vestiges of consciousness.

Through the haze, I felt a rough hand on my shoulder, a firm but gentle shake that jolted me back from the precipice. Kass' face swam into view, her features etched with concern and a sliver of something I couldn't decipher. Her lips moved, forming words that reached me as a muffled echo, their meaning lost in the fog clouding my mind.

But the urgency in her voice was unmistakable. Panic flickered in her eyes, a stark contrast to the steely resolve she'd displayed moments ago. Yet, all I could do was stare back at her, a hollow shell devoid of the fire that had fueled me just moments before.

The floor felt strangely comforting beneath me, the damp stone a stark contrast to the searing heat that had consumed our town. 

Apathy, a cold and suffocating fog, descended upon me. The anger that had burned so brightly just moments ago flickered and died, replaced by a crushing sense of numbness. The world around me receded, the shouts of soldiers and the distant glow of flames a nightmarish echo.

What was the point? My father was gone, our home reduced to ashes. The rebellion, the fight for a better future – it all seemed so meaningless now. 

Kass was still there, her voice a persistent drone in the background. She might have been pleading, cajoling, even threatening, but it all reached me as a muffled cacophony devoid of meaning. 

I sat there, a statue carved from despair, the weight of my loss a physical presence pressing down on me. Kass knelt beside me, her hand on my shoulder, a silent offer of comfort. But words failed her, as they failed me. All that remained was a crushing emptiness, a hollowness that echoed with the absence of his booming laugh and his twinkling eyes.

Kass' voice trembled as she spoke, her words heavy with the weight of our grim reality. "If the soldiers are still here, they will come for us. We have to run."

The world dissolved into a kaleidoscope of smoke and ash. My lungs burned, each ragged gasp a desperate claw for air amidst the suffocating haze. The once vibrant melody of my town had been replaced by a cacophony of screams and crashing timbers. Tears streamed down my face, blurring the nightmarish scene around me.

Gone. It was all gone.

My father's bookstore, a haven of stories and whispered secrets, now lay smoldering in a heap of rubble. The familiar scent of aged paper and leather was replaced by the acrid stench of burning wood. 

My father, reading me fantastical tales by the flickering lamplight, his voice a warm rumble that soothed my childhood fears. The feel of his rough hand in mine as we browsed the endless shelves, his gentle guidance leading me to my next literary adventure.

All gone.

Grief, a suffocating weight, constricted my chest. I clawed at the air, desperate for a single familiar landmark, a shred of normalcy amidst the devastation. But all that remained were ghosts of a life stolen away.

Suddenly, a rough hand gripped my arm, yanking me back from the brink. It was Kass, her face grim with a mixture of fear and determination.

"Kira, come on!" Her voice was a lifeline in the storm. "We can't stay here."

But my body refused to obey. The world swam before my eyes, the pounding in my head a relentless drumbeat drowning out reason.

"My father…" I choked out, the words catching in my throat. "He's…"

Kass understood. Her own eyes welled with tears. 

"We can mourn him later," she said, her voice firm despite the tremor in her hand. "But right now, we have to survive. The soldiers won't hesitate to finish what they started."

Her words were a cold slap of reality. I looked around, finally registering the distant shouts of soldiers combing through the wreckage. Fear, sharp and primal, ignited within me.

With a surge of adrenaline, I scrambled to my feet. My vision blurred, but Kass kept me steady, her arm a pillar of support.

Anger, a white-hot ember, flared within me. This wasn't just about the destruction of my town, the loss of my home. It was about the King, this tyrannical monster who reveled in suffering.

He wouldn't win. I wouldn't let him. 


Panic surged through me, a primal scream trapped in my throat. Where could we go? Every corner felt choked by the King's soldiers, their dark armor glinting under the dying embers.

The north was out. The simmering rebellion there was a hornet's nest we wouldn't want to disturb, especially without proper documentation. Places like Elmwood, once a peaceful haven, were now teeming with paranoia and suspicion. We wouldn't last a day.

The east, shrouded in perpetual twilight, held no solace either. Whispers spoke of shadow creatures lurking in towns with names like Moonshade and Wraithwood – places fit only for nightmares. 


The fabled merfolk of the southern seas might offer a fantastical escape, but reaching the coast was a journey fraught with its own perils.

Across the western border lay the elven kingdom of Aethel, a land of ethereal beauty and aloof inhabitants. We wouldn't be welcome there – outsiders with no papers and a face wanted by the very King they despised. Besides, the treacherous Stone Isle, rumored to be haunted by vengeful spirits, stood sentinel before its shores.

The tangled woods of Eldoria, a realm whispered to be haunted by restless spirits, loomed as our only option. A shiver danced down my spine, but fear was a luxury we couldn't afford. Kass, her face streaked with soot and tears, mirrored my trepidation.

"Deeper into the forest," I rasped, my voice hoarse from the smoke and the desperate sprint through the burning city. "It's our only chance for now."

It wasn't a perfect solution, but for now, it was our only hope for survival. We had to disappear, to become ghosts in the land of the living, until we could decide our next move. As long as we stayed one step ahead of the soldiers, as long as we could unravel the secrets my father died protecting, there was a chance. 

The forest loomed in the distance, a dark curtain promising some semblance of safety. Each desperate step fueled my resolve. I would find a way to fight back. I would make the King pay for what he'd done, for the life he'd stolen.

I rose from the damp leaves, my body protesting the sudden movement. The forest loomed before us, an unknown labyrinth that offered both danger and a chance at escape.

Tonight, we would take our chances with the unknown, pushing deeper into the heart of the woods, away from the soldiers and towards an uncertain future. But one thing was certain: this was only the beginning.