
Soulbound: Embers of Defiance

Kira, a timid bookstore owner's daughter, has always craved adventure. But she gets more than she bargains for when she discovers the king's dark secret: he steals life through a forbidden magic. Thrust into a rebellion unlike any other, Kira joins a ragtag group of vengeance-fueled rebels led by the enigmatic Caleb. Whispers follow him – a savior, a monster? He holds the key to unlocking soul bonding, a power as beautiful as it is devastating. Can Kira trust him to wield this forbidden magic for good, or will he succumb to its corrupting influence? Time is running out. Every day, young men vanish, sacrificed to fuel the king's twisted immortality. Can Kira master this forbidden magic before the next tribute claims her loved ones?

vanillefisch · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Smoke and Secrets

The cries of the soldiers faded behind us, replaced by the cacophony of a town in ruins. Our hearts hammered a frantic rhythm against our ribs, our breaths ragged with exertion and fear.

Kass, her breath catching in her throat, clutched my arm tightly, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"How could this happen?" she whispered, her voice barely audible above the roar of the inferno.

But even as she spoke the words, she knew that there were no easy answers, no simple explanations for the horrors that had befallen our town. All around us, chaos reigned supreme, the cries of the wounded and the dying echoing through the night like a dirge for the fallen.

Healers scrambled to tend to the wounded, their faces drawn with exhaustion as they worked tirelessly to save lives. The cries of pain and anguish echoed through the streets, a haunting symphony of suffering that filled the air with a sense of despair.

Children huddled together in terror, their tear-streaked faces pale with fear as they clung to each other for comfort. Some wandered the streets alone, their eyes wide with shock as they tried to make sense of the devastation that surrounded them.

The sight was almost too much to bear. We pressed on, my heart heavy with grief and sorrow for the lives lost and the innocence shattered.

As we navigated through the chaos of the burning town, our eyes scanning the devastation for any signs of information, we came across a wounded man lying in the street, his face contorted with pain. I recognized him as the owner of the bakery. Without hesitation, we rushed to his side, offering what little comfort we could in the midst of such despair.

"What happened here?" I asked, my voice gentle but firm as I knelt beside him, my heart heavy with sorrow.

The baker grimaced in pain, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to form the words.

"The King..." he managed to choke out, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kass leaned in closer, her eyes narrowing with concern.

"What about the King?" she pressed, her voice tinged with urgency.

The wounded man's gaze flickered with fear as he met our eyes, his voice trembling with the weight of his words.

"He was looking for spies," he whispered, his words hanging in the air like a dark omen.

My heart sank at the revelation, my mind reeling with the implications of what the man had said. If the King was hunting for spies, then no one in Eldoria was safe, not even us. 


Kass leaned in closer, her brow furrowed. "What else? What did he say?"

The baker's eyes, filled with a flicker of terror, met mine. "He..." he coughed, a splatter of blood staining his beard. "He burned everything." His voice trembled, a whisper lost in the crackling fire.

As the gravity of the situation settled over us like a suffocating shroud, I knew that we could not afford to dwell on our fears. We had to act, and we had to act quickly if we wanted to have any hope of surviving the night.

"We'll get you help," I promised, my voice hoarse but resolute. "Hold on."

Together, Kass and I lifted the baker between us, his groans turning into whimpers. We stumbled through the burning wreckage, smoke choking our lungs, towards the faint glow of a flickering lantern – the healer's abode. We dropped him off, entrusting him to a young woman with a red cross on her sleeve. He had to live.

A silent plea rose in my heart. Please, please let the flames have spared the bookshop. Please let Father be alright. The image of our little haven, filled with the comforting scent of old paper and ink, flickered in my mind, a fragile beacon of hope amidst the chaos. I couldn't bear the thought of losing it, of losing him.

The sight of smoke billowing on the horizon filled me with a sense of dread, the acrid scent of burning wood and flesh hanging heavy in the air like a shroud of mourning.

With each passing moment, my thoughts raced, my mind plagued by a thousand fears and uncertainties. What if my father was caught in the chaos? What if he was injured, or worse? The mere thought of losing him sent a cold shiver down my spine, threatening to engulf me in a suffocating wave of despair.

With Kass by my side, I pushed through the chaos, my eyes scanning the wreckage for any sign of my father's familiar figure. But as we reached the spot where the bookstore had once stood, my worst fears came true.

The building lay in ruins, its once sturdy walls reduced to a smoldering heap of rubble and ash. Tears stung my eyes, the enormity of our loss threatening to crush my spirit like a fragile flower beneath a boot.

As we combed through the wreckage, calling out for my father in vain, my mind raced with a thousand unanswered questions. Where could he be? Was he injured, or worse?

As I sifted through the debris, my hands trembling with emotion, a sudden glint of metal caught my eye. With a surge of hope, I reached out to investigate, my fingers brushing against the jagged edge of a twisted beam. But as I pulled my hand back, a searing pain shot through my palm, the heat of the metal burning my skin.

I cried out, tears springing to my eyes as I recoiled from the source of my agony. I cradled my injured hand to my chest, the pain pulsing with each beat of my heart.

"Kira, are you alright?" Kass' voice broke through the haze of pain, her concern evident in the furrow of her brow.

I nodded weakly, blinking back tears as I tried to compose myself.

"I'm fine," I managed to say, my voice strained with pain. "It's just a burn."

I looked down to see the skin already reddening, bubbling and blistering under the intense heat. The acrid scent of burning flesh filled the air, assaulting my senses and making my stomach churn with nausea.

Each blister that formed on my delicate skin felt like a branding iron pressed against my flesh, sending waves of agony radiating up my arm. The heat seemed to penetrate deep into my bones, searing my nerves with an unrelenting intensity that left me breathless and trembling.

Despite the overwhelming discomfort, I gritted my teeth and forced myself to press on, my determination to find my father driving me forward even as my body screamed out in protest. And as I fought through the pain, I knew that no amount of suffering could quench the fiery resolve burning within my heart.

With trembling hands, I helped Kass sift further through the wreckage, a sliver of hope clinging to my chest. Maybe, just maybe, there was something left, some clue, a message from Father hinting at his whereabouts or his plans.

Dust motes danced in the fractured sunlight filtering through the gaping hole in the roof. My throat was raw, choked with the acrid tang of burning wood and the ever-present worry. Father. Where was he? Every fallen timber, every sheet of scorched metal felt like another shred of hope turning to ash.

A wooden beam, thicker than my thigh, caught my eye. It lay half-buried, wedged against a pile of shattered bricks. A desperate urge surged through me. Maybe, underneath... There could be something. My fingers scraped against rough, splintered wood. Panting, I strained, muscles screaming in protest. But the damned thing wouldn't budge an inch.

"Let me," Kass said, her voice a steady counterpoint to my ragged breaths. I glanced at her, frustration warring with a blooming sense of helplessness. Her broad shoulders were squared, powerful. The scarred muscles in her arms flexed as she reached down without a word.

With an effortless grunt, she heaved the beam clear. It moved with an ease that mocked my struggle.

The search became a desperate prayer, a plea against the rising tide of despair. We unearthed charred remnants of books, melted ink pots, and twisted metal clasps – all testaments to the fire's fury. Yet, amidst the ashes, a single glimmer of hope remained. Nestled beneath a broken shelf, partially shielded from the flames, lay a small leather pouch.

My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs as I reached for it, my fingers brushing against the worn leather. Inside, a single sheet of parchment awaited. With trembling hands, I unfolded the letter, my eyes scanning the familiar but hurried script.

The paper, once crisp and white, was now singed at the edges, the familiar scent of smoke clinging to it. Inscribed upon it, in my father's normally elegant handwriting, were not the eloquent words of comfort or cryptic warnings I had half-expected, but something altogether different.

Across the small piece of paper ran a series of numbers, meticulously arranged in a grid. They seemed random at first glance, a nonsensical jumble devoid of any apparent pattern.

4 8 3 1

9 2 5 3

12 9 4 6

13 5 9 2

20 10 1 4

28 7 6 3

31 5 6 6

34 3 7 9 

38 5 9 2

44 6 2 1

47 3 5 2

56 7 5 3

62 4 1 5

68 2 2 4

79 4 5 2

84 9 2 6 

Disappointment washed over me. This wasn't the message I'd craved, a clear directive or a hidden location. It was a puzzle, a cryptic code that seemed designed to frustrate more than enlighten. Were these coordinates? A reference to a forgotten text? Or something far more obscure?

My father, a man who reveled in elaborate stories and hidden meanings, had left me with this – a riddle. But somewhere within those seemingly random numbers, I knew, lay a message. A message of hope, perhaps, or a warning I desperately needed to heed.

Below the grid of numbers, however, the urgency of the situation became clear. Three sentences, scrawled in the same familiar hand, but with a hurried slant and faint smudging, cut through the confusion like a beacon. It seemed my father had written them in haste, perhaps fearing interruption, before he could mail the letter. They read: Stay safe, my darling. You have a fierce spirit and a golden heart. The fight has only just begun.

The words hit me with a force that stole my breath. This wasn't just a code, it was a final act of love, a plea from a father to his daughter in the face of unimaginable danger.

Clutching the paper tighter, I vowed to decipher it. This wasn't just a puzzle anymore, it was a promise. A promise to honor his memory, to fight for the cause he believed in, and to unravel the message that held the key to their future.

Tears welled in my eyes, blurring the already ravaged streets. But before they could spill over, Kass's hand clamped onto my arm, her grip surprisingly strong. "Kira, we have to go!" Her voice was a taut whisper, laced with urgency.

A soldier's guttural shout ripped through the air, followed by the heavy thud of boots. No, no, no. My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat urging me to flee.

But my legs refused to obey. My father… he could be hurt, trapped… He needed me. I couldn't just leave him.

"Kira!" Kass hissed, her voice sharp with panic. Just then, the unmistakable silhouette of a soldier loomed over me, his shadow swallowing the last of the dying sunlight. Fear, cold and sharp, finally lanced through my denial.

Kass yanked me back, her strength surprising. We bolted, weaving through the debris-filled streets, the thunder of soldiers' boots close behind. My lungs burned, smoke stinging my eyes, but I pushed myself harder, fueled by a desperate hope of outrunning both the flames and the approaching threat.

We careened around a corner, Kass leading the way. Ahead, a narrow alley promised a temporary refuge. We plunged into it, the darkness a welcome embrace. The pounding of boots grew fainter with every frantic step, until finally, it faded completely.

Gasping for breath, I slumped against a rough brick wall, the adrenaline slowly draining from my body. Tears streamed down my face, hot and unchecked, a mix of grief and fear. The bookshop… Father… everything felt lost.

With a shaky breath, I looked at Kass, her face etched with concern. "We'll come back," she rasped, her voice thick with emotion. "We'll find him." 

As the smoke cleared, the reality of our situation began to sink in. 


The acrid scent of smoke and burning wood assaulted our senses as we sprinted through the frantic streets of Eldoria. Flames danced wildly, casting an eerie orange glow on the chaos that surrounded us.

Muffled screams and the clash of steel echoed behind us, a chilling reminder of the relentless pursuit. The soldiers, clad in the King's dark armor, were hot on our heels, their heavy boots pounding the cobblestones like a relentless drumbeat. We didn't dare look back, fear propelling us forward with a desperate, primal energy.

Darting around fallen timbers and leaping over debris, we weaved through the burning wreckage. The cobblestone streets, slick with water used to battle the flames, gave way to a narrow alley choked with tangled weeds and overflowing garbage bins. This was our chance.

Pushing through the pungent foliage, we emerged on the other side breathless and panting. The rhythmic pounding of boots had momentarily faded, replaced by the unsettling stillness of the forest. Moonlight filtered through the dense canopy above, casting dappled shadows on the uneven ground beneath our feet.

"This way," I hissed. I had spent countless hours exploring the outskirts of the forest as a child, building forts and chasing fireflies. Now, those childhood memories were our only guide as we plunged deeper into the unknown.

The air grew thick and humid, the sweet scent of pine needles battling with the acrid tang of smoke that clung to our clothes. Thorns snagged at our clothes, and gnarled roots twisted beneath our feet, threatening to trip us. We kept moving, the urgency in our hearts pushing us forward despite the obstacles.

Every rustle of leaves and snap of a twig sent shivers down our spines. The forest, once a haven of carefree exploration, now felt menacing, a labyrinth of darkness filled with unseen dangers. In the distance, the faint glow of flames flickering against the night sky was a constant reminder of the destruction we had left behind.

Suddenly, the rhythmic thudding of boots returned, echoing closer this time. We froze, hearts hammering in our chests. Had they found us? Panic surged through me, a cold wave threatening to consume me.

"There!" a gruff voice bellowed from behind. "They went this way!"