
- Inviting A Friend

"System show all of my statistics please." he said ready to look at his newly gained attributes.


Strength - 5

Agility - 16

Stamina - 17

Wisdom - 8

Intelligence - 8

Endurance - 10

Charisma - 2

"Hmm, I don't recall there being an endurance attribute before. System I demand that you tell me everything you have hidden from me." he said.


As you wish, first of all the attributes I hid, Endurance and Charisma:

Endurance relates to your perseverance like during the challenge trial your END stat allowed you to continue running at full pace even though you were becoming tired.

Charisma is your appeal to other people like the higher it is the higher chance they will start a conversation with you or count you as a friend.

Another fact I may have 'forgotten' is that you can pay Soul Points to make someone become a Soul Warrior.



*Soul Warrior Invitation* - (3000 Soul Points) - (Missing 1200)


2 Months Later -

John had decided to stop going to school as soon as he became a Soul Warrior. After all any information he needed could be bought from the shop and If he wished he could upgrade his INT attribute and learn from the internet.

He could buy food, water and any necessities from the Soul Shop and he could now live with the mantra, Work Hard and You Can Have Everything You've Ever Wanted.

Soon enough he made sure all his attributes had reached 50 and he had looked at other techniques that could help improve his strength such as a change of bloodline or a cultivation technique.

Long ago he could've bought the Soul Warrior Invitation but to the advice of the system he as decided to invest in his personal power before moving onto others after all he didn't know when the Soul Demons would attack

His attributes and gains listed are:

Soul Points- 11730

Challenge Trial 1 (X)

Challenge Trial 2 (X)

Challenge Trial 3 (X)

Challenge Trial 4 (X)

Challenge Trial 5 (Incomplete)

Dungeon 1 (Incomplete)


Strength - 50

Agility - 50

Stamina - 50

Wisdom - 50

Intelligence - 50

Endurance - 50

Charisma - 2

He had learned that every attribute except charisma could be upgraded with Soul Points. First it was 100 for one point then when it reached 10 it doubled to 200 then from then on every 10 points the total increased by 100 so to get to 51 points he needed to spend 500 Soul Points. It was at this point he decided he needed to find a better way of income.

Fortunately the system had reminded him about the dungeon area but before he entering he had decided to buy some new equipment.

He chose out a katana that cost 2000 and 2 daggers that cost 1000 each. Even though he had not used them he felt that the cheap weapons would not be able to handle his new strength. An example of this was when he tried to sit in a chair he found himself on the floor as he had sat down without thinking and his raw strength had taken him through it.

Then with the remaining 7000 or so points he bought himself a body armour that acted like a new layer of skin.