
Soul Sent By The Void

Mundane Earthern Life. Three words that described my life. Who knew, if given a second chance, I would let everything within myself loose? Was I always crazy? Maybe. Died and got a shot at another life. Aside from being devoid of any lifestyle choices or otherwise, I think It would be proud of what I've done. Or not, it's a Void... ----- Author thoughts: This story is fiction that will have some action, some kingdom-building, some gore, some casual fun, some r18 stuff, some smut, some random escapades and yeah overall, some good stuff. Please proceed with absolutely no caution whatsoever but be over 18+ at least so I don't get into trouble.

DreamJunkie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

I'm smart now!

Serving the odd customer who showed up for some specialized boots with fur had become the norm for little ol' Sun.

He knew he wasn't doing much but the Boss trusted him enough to let him start taking the cashier position after two weeks.

Still, Sun didn't really care too much about it as he was focused on accumulating his awesome stat points or UP in order to get him some real results.

Sun having already broken the 20-point mark on intelligence started to notice how great this attribute was. It allowed him quicker thinking, in-depth reasoning and a hint of brilliance when facing his daily, mid-term, and long-term goals. 

'Intelligence helps me understand, organize, plan and execute my gained knowledge. The rest just help me maintain, and exceed my physical parameters.' Sun mused as he cleaned the shop and served customers.


Another month passed within the blink of an eye.

'Okay, this time I know what to do.' Sun thought as he directed his available UP towards his goal while sitting on his bed.

"We gonna specialize!" He mumbled, barely a whisper into the world before finalizing his choices.

"..." He was shocked at the results.


[User: [Day Sun]

Status: Weak

Strength: 07

Intelligence: 36

Agility: 08

Vitality: 08

UP: 0


Gift of the survivor: A survivor's gift to those worthy of its title. Allows a basic view of one's personal status, basic attributes upgradable in their journey and a small subspace to store their belongings as the roads are as long as they are perilous.

Photographic memory: Can recall any memory without fail and with utmost clarity.]

Breaching the 30-point barrier was a serious move for Sun. 

His mind exploded with clarity and focus.

He saw the real opportunity in front of him and his new life after breaching the 30-point barrier.

He started remembering his old earthly life and analyzing his new life with the new skill having added a powerful boost to his already enhanced intelligence. He started taking into account the failures of his past, the lessons, the different ideas and possibilities that stemmed from them all.

This went on for hours until a headache hit him like a brick and he passed out. 

Waking up he wasn't sure of what happened for a few moments before realization dawned on him.

"Although this enhanced intelligence is a fucking amazing ability, I can't handle it too well with a normal body. Guess a few points into the other three, especially vitality is going to have to take priority for a bit." Sun thought as he checked the time and seeing it was the next morning, he started preparing a small breakfast. 

As he was making some odd version of toast and eggs, he started thinking about what to do next. His job was okay as it helped pay the bills. Mainly just the food expenditure, since rent was free and he didn't have any hobbies but he knew he couldn't continue like this when so much opportunity was available to him. 

'Hmm, guess I'll hit up the library first.' Sun thought of going to find out a bit more about what he should do next.

Learning magic was a must but he wasn't sure how to do it at all, and how to go about it either. He did have his boss he could ask but he wasn't too sure how she would respond to his wanting to quit after only two months. 

A little while later. He made his way to the library to get a feel for how things worked as he saw the streets change in quality as he made his way toward the district that had the biggest library in the city. 

He still couldn't help but be amazed at the various types of people and different outfits everyone was wearing. He saw odd creatures, things that looked like winged pets and some futuristic hunter-type individuals with sheathed weapons. 

As he was gazing around he finally arrived at his destination.

The library was a white-marbled building that seemed to have been built more recently than the surrounding architecture but still looked aged. 

He didn't really care much for aesthetics so he barged in and was stunned to see how normal it looked. For a futuristic city filled with various species, and technologies, the library seemed a little dull with shelves of books and the odd screen here and there with some sort of information. 

Over the past two months, Sun learned to read and write on his own and the intelligence boost just made the whole process that much faster. Now he was here to learn more about magic and what could be done with it.

There was a librarian but trying to avoid any trouble, he just paid the small fee at the door and started his search.

A few hours flew by and Sun realized why the library seemed so dull.

Most of the information was basically censored to cater to general information. Any attempts from him to learn anything in depth were useless aside from some knowledge about the planet he lived on being part of an alliance-type organization and some history that bored him to death.

Anything related to the mystic arts was privy only to special organizations and groups. 

He also found out that the only way to get access is either to join those groups or get into a school that nurtures mages for the eventual joining of those groups. 

"Sigh... guess it wasn't going to be that easy," Sun muttered before taking hold of the next book he had some interest in.

The book was titled "Mana and its various uses." 

This book was a lot more interesting than the crap that Sun was reading until now as it actually held some information on Mana. 

The book states that mana is everpresent and is as old as existence itself as without mana creation would have been difficult to exist.

Sun found the line odd considering Earth was not present with the fantasy style mana but like the Romans say, when in Rome do as the Romans. 

As he continued reading he found that beings born on mana-rich planets naturally have adaptability to mana but strict and rigorous training was needed to achieve true control over the use of mana.

It went on to say how mana was used for various different professions ranging from warriors using it to enhance their physical bodies, to alchemists using it to craft various elixirs, blacksmiths with a penchant for hammering new weapons and even runic masters who can create talismans and formations.

The variety was abundant. 

These professions could be anything from the classical mages to the weirdest niched-out specialists of chicken egg colour modifications.