
Soul Sent By The Void

Mundane Earthern Life. Three words that described my life. Who knew, if given a second chance, I would let everything within myself loose? Was I always crazy? Maybe. Died and got a shot at another life. Aside from being devoid of any lifestyle choices or otherwise, I think It would be proud of what I've done. Or not, it's a Void... ----- Author thoughts: This story is fiction that will have some action, some kingdom-building, some gore, some casual fun, some r18 stuff, some smut, some random escapades and yeah overall, some good stuff. Please proceed with absolutely no caution whatsoever but be over 18+ at least so I don't get into trouble.

DreamJunkie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

A Job!

Sun was at the "Boots with Furs" shop early in the morning the next day.

After leaving the store, Sun checked on his finances on his way home and found that the card had a total of 1 dollar available. So as he was hungry and tired, he just slept to get to the next day faster.

He pondered why the previous Sun didn't get a job like this but then again, he wasn't educated and was mostly just uninformed about how things worked so he did what he saw others in his situation do, being a junkyard rat. With no friends either, no one really taught him much. 

'Don't worry kid, we'll see the world one day!' Sun though before refocusing.

"And here we are! Let the journey begin! " Sun mumbled before entering the shop as he noticed a lack of a certain puss ball in the front yard.


[User: [Day Sun]

Status: Weak

Strength: 05

Intelligence: 12

Agility: 06

Vitality: 06

UP: 1


Gift of the survivor: A survivor's gift to those worthy of its title. Allows a basic view of one's personal status, basic attributes upgradable in their journey and a small subspace to store their belongings as the roads are as long as they are perilous.

Occupation: Jobless]

'Great, I got the jobless occupation. What a fresh start to this fucking journey. Sigh.' Sun couldn't help but feel a little pathetic but recovered his mood shortly after as he stepped into the store. He ignored the UP stat as he was nervous for his big first day ignoring whatever this was.

"Ding Ding" The bell announced his arrival as he noticed the shop looked similar to the day before. Not that he was expecting a fleet of cats manning the counters and shelves. Not at all.

Waiting around he noticed nobody showing up to greet him so he started to take in the items of the shop.

As he was browsing he started noticing something strange.

"Do these boots have special effects? Damn." He couldn't help but mumble every time he picked up a pair of boots. They had odd feelings of magical sensations surrounding them.

During his little window shopping, Sun didn't notice the Orange furball eyeing him as he made his way across the shelves.

"Meow" The cat meowed to get the boy's attention

Turning around Sun noticed the same cat as yesterday staring him down with the best kitty poker face he had ever seen.

'I really want to pet you! Argh!' Holding himself back he neared the cat with a smile.

"Good morning ... uhm?" Sun stuttered as he did not recall getting the name of his would-be employer. 

"Call me boss. Now here is the deal, you clean this place, don't steal and make sure to sweep the outside every morning and evening. I pay you for that. Get it?" The cat, or Boss now said in one breath.

Sun was originally a little apprehensive but the deal was too good. For a soul who just got shoved into this new world, this was as good as it gets without getting a servitude talismans slapped on his neck. 

"Yes, boss!" Sun replied enthusiastically. 

"Good. Now sign this and go clean." His new boss said as a slip of paper appeared under its front paw.

'Magic!' Sun thought before reading the document.

"Right! Boss! I can't read..." Sun uttered after a moment of staring at the squiggly lines of symbols.

"..." The cat just kept staring at him without a single change of expression. 

"..." Sun not knowing what to do, just stared back but his nerves started to slowly feel the tension rising.

His new boss proceeded to smack his forehead while seemingly irritated at this new employee.

Magically, the letters become visible.

"Wow, that's some cool magic boss!" Sun was amazed at what he saw.

And like that, his unemployed life was no more!


A month passed as Sun started adapting to his new life and new world.

He was amazed at the different things he learned and witnessed during this month but the number one thing was how he would be able to survive which finally made itself known during this month.

His status had these points called UP or Upgrade Points. 

Amazingly simple but they were divine to Sun. They appeared once every two days and Sun ignored it at first as he was more focused on earning enough to secure his meals and keep his new job as he saw how difficult it was to survive around here. 

After 30 days, 15 UP were available.

Sitting in the store after his daily morning cleanup, Sun was staring at his status screen.


[User: [Day Sun]

Status: Weak

Strength: 05

Intelligence: 12

Agility: 06

Vitality: 06

UP: 15


Gift of the survivor: A survivor's gift to those worthy of its title. Allows a basic view of one's personal status, basic attributes upgradable in their journey and a small subspace to store their belongings as the roads are as long as they are perilous.

Occupation: Glorified Janitor]

"Tsk, glorified janitor eh? This panel sure is demeaning..." Sun couldn't help but notice the sad reality. However, he was excited at what these UP could do.

'Let's see, what direction should I choose... For one, the world is a bit more high-tech than the usual medieval bs that most reincarnate go through so I should lean for an adapted build. 

I also learned that fighting and strength are the rules of this world but I haven't really seen any, meaning right now it's not a priority. 

Personally, I don't really want to go down the battle maniac route. Hmmm.'

"Work smarter, not harder! That's it!" Sun mumbled as though he had come to a realization.

'+2 stats to strength, agility, vitality, the rest to intelligence!' 


[User: [Day Sun]

Status: Weak

Strength: 07

Intelligence: 21

Agility: 08

Vitality: 08

UP: 0


Gift of the survivor: A survivor's gift to those worthy of its title. Allows a basic view of one's personal status, basic attributes upgradable in their journey and a small subspace to store their belongings as the roads are as long as they are perilous.

Occupation: Glorified but Intelligent Janitor]

Mystical energies surged within him. For some reason, he felt as though he was bathed in the most refreshing waters and his body almost moaned in delight at the blissful experience he felt once he made his choices.

"Huh, Intelligent janitor now I guess?" Sun mumbled before he heard the "Ding Ding" of the door.