
Soul Reaper in HP/Marvel

Our mc wished to get transmigrated into the body of Harry Potter with the Hogyoku and a Zanpakuto that can imitate the power of all others. Super overpowered MC that will fuck up a lot of cannon and others shit.

HerrSpawn · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 11

Changing the subject Harry said "Anyway if you want to get your Harry over here I can extract the leech he has. Luckly its not a Horcrux cause that would have hurt like a mother fucker."

"You are not changing the subject mister I WILL want to know how is it that I am adopted. But first I'll get my son, the fastest you get that thing out of him the better it'll make me feel." said Lily

As she left Harry turn to Albus, he liked this one, having read his mind it wasn't nothing like the one in his dimension having a super power soul it was easy. "Ask away, i know enough about the Dumbledore of my dimension to know you are truly dying to know, no pun intended" said with a smirk

Albus laughed with some mirth "Too many questions really, but the one that comes to mind is why is it that you where so aggressive against me?"

Harry laughed at that earning a couple of questioning looks and look directly at his eyes sending a mild Legilimens probe its like a nock on the door, a technique Unspeakables and high end Hit-Wizards use for communication. And showed him everything his Albus did and wanted to do.

Albus looked disgusted for a moment something that everyone that was paying attention to the both of them noticed "I'm sorry for what my counterpart did and wants to do for what it's worth. But I can't help but notice that you started to lose that animosity towards me."

"Well you are not him so nothing to apologize for and lets just say that some people are an open book"

Albus had a face that was about to admonish Harry but had to shut up when Lily appeared with this dimension Harry in tow "So what's up mum, you never let us in when you have orden meetee... what? Who are you?!" he said pointing a finger at his clone

Lily was about to explain but someone beat him to the punch "I am you, well I am the real you, you are just a golem that took my place while I was living with a away"

"WHAT?" "Pffttt hahahahahaha you should have seen your face kid"

"Okay what the hell is going on? Do I have a secret twin or something?"

"No baby, we did a ritual to summon someone who had already killed you-know-who. He is you from another dimension, though with a weird sense of humor" said Lily glaring at Harry for that joke

"Oh. What!? Other dimension? What the hell? But he is the same age as me, how could he do that?"

"I'm older that old Albus here kid, don't sweat the small stuff. I just took better care of myself, vegetables do that you know and I don't eat so many sweets as him either."

After a few laughs the 'older Harry' stood up and went to the younger one "This is gonna be weird for a bit kid but trust me you're gonna feel like you've got a weight lifted of your shoulders" and with an open palm he gave a little push at young Harry and everyone saw him going to fall but got caught by Lily and with a few gasps everyone saw a Harry floating much like Hogwart ghosts most of the people there where surprised and scared but with Albus assurance that everything was okay calmed down

Young Harry was looking at his body scared but older one came close to his astral form and with a wave of his hand a black smoke separated from it with a wave of his other hand brought down his sword on it and made explode with pooff after that reunited his astral form with his body and asked him how he felt, a question everyone had by that point.

"First of all what the fuck? Second I feel fine, better than ever even, like you said like I was always carrying something on my shoulders and now its gone. What was that thing? It was like my second year with the diary all over again. Oh Merlin! Don't tell me I had that thing on my all this time? Was that what Granpa Albus told me about my connection with Voldemort??!!!" Asked Harry meanwhile his mother was cleaning his scar that was spewing black goop and now less noticeable than before now.

"I know right! I felt the same way as you when I figured it out, though I got it out when I was much older than you unfortunately. Now your scar will start to fade until it it's nothing but a blemish on your skin like mine, see? Also it won't hurt if snake face gets close, and don't say his name now he will put or already has a taboo on his name meaning if someone says it he sends his death munchers to kill or capture the ones on the proximity. Also you won't be having visions about the mother fucker and will start to sleep more comfortably."

Younger Harry was speechless for a second and then hugged Harry "Thank you thank you thank you"

"Yeah okay kid, I know more than you how much it means. Now stop hugging me and shoo adults are talking here, go find a girl or a few to celebrate"

"Can you please not be a bad example for my son Harry?" said Lily exasperated

"Hey he has to experiment a little, I know I did, still do... trust me, I was with a few veela and succubus last night before I got kidnapped by your folks and the order. Thank my padfoot and moony." said Harry in mock whisper getting a cuff on the head by a very irate Lily

Young Harry eyes almost mimicked a House Elf as how big they got and blushed like an idiot and run out of there amidst the laughter.

"You know the mystic arts." Said Albus with awe after the young Harry left and the door was closed

"Uh huh, trained by the Sorceress Supreme herself, she wanted me to become her successor as she didn't see this timeline with me coming back in time saying I was a better choice as the one she wanted but I know who will be and he was a good friend and ally so I turned it down." said Harry earning some raised brows by Albus and coughs from Moody

"She trained you?!" Spoke Moody for the first time, who by this point was a little less guarded with that information.

"Indeed, I'm already a Master" Said Harry with a nod

"I'm sorry but who is the Sorceress Supreme? She can't be that powerful right? And what are the mystic arts?" asked a woman in the order with a few asking themselves the same question

"Heh, I forgot how uneducated Wizarding Britain really is. She's the stronger Sorceress in the world, oldest too, has a couple of decades on the Flamel's. Though she doesn't involve herself with small stuff like this." Said Harry earning a few scoffs

"He's right, the things she handles would give you nightmares for your entire life Vance. She could play with Albus and us together and we wouldn't even know it." said Moody earning incredulous looks and everyone looking at Dumbledore for confirmation, which they got by a nod leaving them with their jaws opened.

"Talking about the mystic arts, does Hogwarts here has wards against them Albus? Because in my time when I was Headmaster I added those." asked Harry

"No, why? Tom won't go to learn there and even if he wanted to she wouldn't even let him in. Wait you said you where headmaster?"

"No no, not because of that. And yes, I was saddled with the position as a favor for Minnie" Said Harry and with a wave of his hand a circle of fire opened next to him startling everyone but Albus and Moody "Because one of his anchors is there in my world, come" everyone Albus was the first to stand up startled by that and follow as fast as he could accompanied by everyone after that. Though they where wondering what was that portal.

They ended in front of a wall where Harry started to walk back and forth making everyone question what was he doing when they got startled as a door appeared on the wall "What is this?" Asked James

"This is a room the Marauders never found, The Room of Requirement, or The come and go room, as the elves like to call it. Watch out and be careful going inside, try not to touch anything or better yet don't go in if you don't have good mental shields, nice way of getting curse or dying otherwise.

Those who come with me watch out for a Tiara or better known as Ravenclaw's Diadem, that's what we are looking for. It has a very strong compulsion that makes you want to wear it, easy way to get possessed that way, it's location is near a stuffed troll so say something if you see it. Try to stay as far away of it as possible."

As Harry finished speaking he opened the doors startling everyone when the saw what was inside "Inside is everything students forgot in the time since Rowena created this room and the elves just use it as a storeroom, there are a lot of dark items and stuff. So everyone going inside be very careful about what you touch. Constant vigilance and all that." earning a chuckle from Moody

Those who followed Harry guiding them into the mess where everyone was looking everywhere at the piles of items that where everywhere until Harry stop making and waved his hand in front blasting something apart scaring everyone "That was a Vanishing Cabinet, which in my original timeline Draco Malfoy was ordered to repair this year by snakey face so they could smuggle DE including Fenrir Greyback into the castle, the other one is or was at Borgin and Burkess. He succeded too the excuse for sperm."

That left everyone opened mouthed and reeling at the idea that it could have happened here. "And here it is, fun fact this is also what is powering the curse in the DADA position." making Albus brows almost reach his hairline

Harry took his Zanpakuto and touched the Diadiem with the tip of the sword making that it realesed another black smoke with Voldemort's face which he slashed with the sword. "There all done, do what you wish with it. Though I would wait to showcase it until tommy boy is dead so he doesn't know it's cleansed." he said, already turning around to go back to the entrance.

"Good idea. Could you answer why your wand turns into a sword and with just the tip in this case you could destroy 'that'?" asked Dumbledore

"Huh yeah no problem it's called Zanpakuto, which in English translates to something like Soul-Cutting sword or Soul Slayer. And you could say it's one of the forms IT takes and one of it's powers." was Harry answer and continued "I can show you another form when we get back to the house, you might really like it." he said while giving a pointed look at Dumbledore's hand.

That left Dumbledore with his twinkling eyes brightening more. As they got out of the room Harry closed the doors making them disappear again onto the wall. And they went back through another portal to Grimmuald Place

"Now I need James, Moody and you Albus to come with me. If we are going to be fighting death muncher I need you complete with all your parts for once and not dying for another. Sirius I need to use your ritual or dueling room whichever is the largest." Said Harry earning some questioning looks and hopefuls, giving all the miracles he's been doing.

Sirius said it was the dueling room and guided everyone towards it, Harry looked around and with a wave of his hand made it a bit more wide and elevated the roof a little bit, while everyone was still surprised as the ease he waved his hands and things happen he was checking the room and then with a flick of his hand his wand was out and switching to his Zanpakuto he said something that no one understood "Shikai: Minazuki" letting go of the sword that was glowing surprising everyone until there was a beast floating next to him

The beast a giant, green, one-eyed manta ray-like creature making was floating for a while until from its belly two claws grew and landed on the floor bumping its head with Harry who put a hand on its head and started to caress it "Hi there Minazuki, gonna need your help buddy" which responded with some weird sounds

As he turned to look at the people who came with him everyone was wands in arms freaked out except Albus who was looking curiously and Hagrid who had stars on his eyes and started walking at a fast pace towards it.

"Wha' creature is dis Harry? Shes a beauty." and started to pat it's head making the beast close it eye and leaning to Hagrid's touch

"Ha leave it to you Hagrid, they are the same in my world hahaha. She is a manta-ray Hagrid, the only one like it. Now come on James, Moody and Albus, she'll heal you to your tip top shape, best in the business in that. All your limbs back, or you get a refund garanteed!" said Harry with a laugh, leaving everyone shocked about that statement

The three ones mentioned look a little dubious at eachother more Moody than anything and started approaching slowly "I need you to get back a little Hagrid" Hagrid walked back a few steps and when Albus, James and Moody got closer to the manta Harry looked at them with a look most recognize when James, Sirius, Remus got to mischief "And you three prepare for a bumpy ride hehe." at that moment it was to late for them to regret things, so with a wave of Harry hand the fake hand that was on James arm, the peg leg Moody had and his fake eye where separated from their bodies and with another wave they went flying inside Minazuki's mouth who had it opened when they where flying.

That had everyone up in their wands more so when the beast everyone had in front started making sounds as it was munching them together and where about to start to do something if they weren't so shocked that after a few minutes it spit those three out of it's mouth along with a lot of saliva, shockingly James and Moody where whole and Albus didn't have his hand blackened anymore.