

The Original Soul Land Belongs to TANG JIA SAN SHAO. This is Just a fan-fic, which is mostly headed to positive way trying to prevent all of the tragedies. I Thank All The Readers For Reading My Creation .

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26 Chs

Chapter-22: The Reality!? Shen Long's Shock!

"Shen Long I heard you wanted to talk to me. So what is it that you wish to say about?" Grandmaster asks Shen Long as he, Shen Long and Tang San talk privately in his room.

"Senior grandmaster I wish to suggest about Tang San's 2nd-Soul-Ring."Shen Long replies calmly.

"Huh? My 2nd-Soul-Ring?" Tang San exclaims in confusion.

"Yes, your 2nd-Soul-Ring! I have a though of helping you absorb a 1000-year-old Soul Beast as your 2nd-Soul-Ring, so that your overall growth can be elevated."

"This may cause harm to Xiao San." Grandmaster says in a serious and stern tone.

"But not if he has twin martial soul. Hehe." Shen Long answers childishly.

"This... How do you know? Not even Wang Yan knows this secret." Tang San asks with a raging voice as he grabs Shen Long by the collar

"Oi, I also have which is why.", Shen Long replies pushing Tang San's hand of his color shocking both of them.

"Don't lie Shen Long, we know that you had innate soul power Lv.1 when you started." Tang San says seriously thinkinh Shen Long is trying to joke.

"You guys..." Shen Long sighs on seeing their 'I ain't accepting bro' facial emotion, then takes out his Broadsword Martial Soul followed by his Gaulet Martial Soul which shocks both Tang San and grandmaster Yu Xiaogang.

Both the people remain speechless not knowing what to say.

Shen Long then continues his words breaking them out of their shocked state and says, "Ok, do you believe me now. And also, before further questioning, let me clarify Gaulet martial soul of mine is a mutated one which I suppose absorbed all of my soul power at the beginning leaving me with only Innate soul power Lv.1 but I still reatined the innate full soul power talent allowing my fast growth. And if you even consider Chaos Sutra you may notice it cannot help one cultivate with speed like mine. Now any questions?"

Of both, Tang San and Grandmaster, who are listening attentively, Tang San asks Shen Long, "Why are you telling your secret to us? Aren't you afraid if we may do something to you?" with curiosity.

"Well, who has time for such useless thoughts. First of all, you are my friend Tang San. Second, all I wish for is to help you grow strong along with me because you are my friend."

"You... you really are doing just because he is your friend?" Grandmaster asks with shock though he knows about all the happy and cherishable moments of Shen Long and his friends including Tang San, from Tang San but to such level.

While Shen Long nods as a positive reply to the question he also unleashes his Soul Ring.

Both Tang San and Grandmaster stare at Shen Long with shock as they get dazed by his Purple coloured halo beside him.

"A 1000-years-old Soul Ring as 1st-Soul-Ring. This is unbelievable!" Grandmaster exclaims with shock while Tang San says, "Master, did you actually lie to me? How is it possible! Master?" with blurry eyes and teary face (like a cute child).

"No-no-no, Xiao San master would never do that. This even I don't know." Grandmaster says as soon as he hears trying to clear himself up.

Seeing that Shen Long chuckles thinking proudly that this change is due to him as Tang San being with them (him and other friends) for more than half a year Tang San got influenced and allowed a great change to him.

Shen Long coughs breaking their minor argument and states, "It's not grandmaster's fault Tang San. It's because difference in Martial Soul Type. Your one is a plant type having no effect on your body while mine both are Attack System with my Dragon Gear one stronger as it is mutated one and had absorbed my Innate Soul Power and coupled with my training, the resulting physical prowess is the main factor but the Martial Soul type factor."

"Yes, its indeed true. Tang San if I had known better I guess I also could have helped you get a 1000-years-old soul ring as your 1st-Soul-Ring."

Grandmaster says to Tang San acknowledging his fault here.

Tang San then says, "I guess its all right. By the way, master what is that Orb like jewel with a dragon eye?" which makes Grandmaster to also get his thoughts straight for a moment and look and the Orb-like Jewel with daze as he only says, "This..."

Shen Long says, "I also know nothing but my guess is that it's related to my Bloodline and Martial Soul's Mutation."

"Is this really possible?" Grandmaster ponders. After that they talk about Shen Long a bit and yeah he again lies about his fake parents story to both Tang San and Grandmaster.

After that Tang San also shows his Clear Sky Hammer and says, "Shen Long, this is my 2nd-Martial-Soul, Clear Sky Hammer."

Shen Long gets shocked in seeing it because unlike Tang San's plane and simple Clear Sky Hammer, this one had marks on it and looked much cooler one."

'SYSTEM, what is this? It's not normal!' Shen Long voice resounds in his mind to which a reply comes from system;

"Host is correct. This is not Clear Sky Hammer but Clear Sky Emperor Hammer which is in dormant state."

Clear Sky Emperor Hammer!

Wasn't that supposed to be a stage that his hammer reached after eating the Yin-Yang leaves?

And what dormant state?

Questions start pouring in Shen Long's mind. System's voice then resounds;

"Host no need to think much. And also note that it is in dormant state because of his Blue Silver Emperor Bloodline being unawakened.

'This...' Shen Long's mind starts getting confused more and more not knowing what to do till System says: " Why bother when time will show everything." which causes Shen Long to understand and stops questioning.

While Shen Long was questioning in his mind Tang San and Grandmaster looked at his dazed face with a grin, a satisfying grin, which showed their happiness for being atleast able to shock Shen Long, finding him dazed.

"Shen Long!" Tang San says as he snaps his finger in front of Shen Long getting back to normal and Shen Long says with making a shocked expression, "Tang San, isn't this hammer-" and before Shen Long could continue Tang Dan interrupts saying, "Yeah, it belongs to Clear Sky Clan. I am the current Clan head's grandson."

"Wait... what!? Current head's what? who told you?" Shen Long asks with total shock and seeing that both the others feel a bit happiness.

Grandmaster then says, "Well, it was his father lord Tang Hao, the current Clear Sky Douluo, who said that to him."


Shen Long's mind starts undergoing multiple shock.

he asks, "So Tang San's 2nt-Soul-Ring?"

Grandmaster say with a smiling face, "It will indeed be 1000-years-old one. Well even if you didn't suggeat it would have been the same."

Suddenly a thought comes to his mind, so he asks, "Grandmaster what is Tang San's 1st-Soul-Ring's origin?"

Tang San replies instead of Grandmaster, "Hehe. Shen Long, it's from a 700-years-old Datura Snake."

"Wait a 700-years-old one? Didn't you say 420-years-old previously?"

"Well, I told Xiao San to keep it a secret."

"Forget it, I won't say much. But I feel something from you Tang San, I feel some kind of bloodline energy from you which is dormant. If you can awaken it, then it will be very easy for you to compete with me. I don't know much just ask your father."

"This... Really!? "


"Well, then as both of you have revealed secret, I as Tang San's master having known your secret will also show my secret to you."

"Master are you relly sure?"

"Yes, Tang San. We need to have trust amongst our people."

"Mr. Grandmaster's secret! Ineteresting."

Grandmaster, Yu Xiaogang, then takes off a hat showing white hair and then washes both his face and hair resulting colorful water flowing down. And as he takes a towel to dry them color starts to get attached to the towel while his face seems more bright and smooth like one in early 20s. Shen Long stares at shock when Grandmaster shows his young face to him.

"This-" as Shen Long is about to say but is interrupted by Grandmaster who says, "And here is my Martial Soul. Lan Pao San."

A Cute Puppy emerges from nowhere who starts playing with Tang San while Shen Long gets dazed and to more of his surprise Grandmaster unleashes his Soul Rings causing a devastating shock to Shen Long. He yells loudly, "This cannot be possible." looking at Grandmaster's 12-Soul-Rings.

Grandmaster and Tang San hen calm down Shen Long and after 5 minutes, Grandmaster starts to explain.

He says that even though he was born with innate full soul power, his cultivation stopped at age of 15 after he reached Lv.30 and for five years he worked hard on theories from Martial Soul Hall and even then he couldn't find anything till one day while randomly hearing stories from some kids of Martial Soul Hall who were reading story books, he started researching those story books and other history books and found a case matching his case. Later on he finally understood the reason of him unable to cultivate further.

while on his adventure with two of his dearest friends he successfully absorbed two more Soul Rings for his own body of which both were 1000-years-old and 3000-years-old respectively related to dragon kind allowing his Martial Soul Lan Pao San to mutate and grow two dragon horns with dragon wings and also his body became as strong a Attack System Soul Master with a unique innate soul skill. So he was able to uplift upperlimit and absorbed a 5000-years-old Soul Beast for 3rd-Soul-Ring for Lan Pao San and a 7000-years-old one for his body.

Likewise he absorbed 10,000-years-old for his both of his 4th-Soul-Rings. And this is his story of being a soul master with prowess of Twin martial soul while having capability to use all of his Soul Rings at once.

Shen Long's face made an O face and he runs out of the room yelling, "You both are too much, bullying me." while both Grandmaster and Tang San look at his departing figure with a laugh as Tang San says, "Finally such satisfaction of him getting shocked. It's refreshing to know that we are not the only one to be shocked."

--> To Be Continued