

It is a world different from original douluo dalu but follows the same system and has single super continent 'Sura Continent'. The world is still in early era of empire and emperors, the whole continent is divided into different territories. Spirit dragon is a mystical beast, only one of its kind in the world. Its silent life is disturbed by a sudden attack from an strong enemy, for saving its own life the Spirit dragon uses it's final option 'Self destruction'. By detonating the body, it preserved the soul and reincarnate through an special method. This time he born as a human child Kaito Kame, eldest grandson of Kame's sect master. Kaito's mother died when he was just a years old. When his Martial Soul awake at the age of six, it is a weak Martial Soul he inherited from his mother. His family and even his father started to despise him and one day his step mother even tried to kill him but that incident become an opportunity and Kaito get what he was waiting for. Second Awakening!

KAISHIVA · Fantasy
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6 Chs

CHAPTER 5 Devil Serpent

Meanwhile Kaito jump from one rock to another as he gets close to the shore but he suddenly stopped in his trail, he straightened his back in a sense of danger as his body suddenly turned illusionary.

The soul grandmaster got startled as he saw Kaito disappearing and before he can comprehend this change, he suddenly saw a serpent type soul beast jumping from the shore like an spring towards the rock where Kaito was at just a moment ago.

But it missed its target as Kaito has already disappeared from there, the soul grandmaster can finally see the serpent type soul beast and he got shocked because he recognized it.

It was a dark blue snake with long and scary fangs, it is a devil serpent the same soul beast as Kaito's first soul ring but this one is four meter long and by its size, the soul grandmaster conclude that it's close to a thousand year soul beast which make him terrified.

Just as he was analyzing all this he heard another cry from behind, he knew that it was the other soul master with him who is struggling with the devil fish but he can't bother to turned around as the thing in front of him is much more dangerous than the fish.

The devil fish which attacked his comrades is around seven hundred years old but the devil serpent in front of him is at least 900 years old soul beast. It is important to note that both devil fish and devil serpent has similar furious nature but they are rivals, devil fish are actually the predator of devil serpent.

Soon the cry from the monkey type soul master from behind disappear which is the sign that he is dead. The soul grandmaster had the urged to turned around in hope to see if his comrades are still alive but he can't.

Soon he comes back to his senses and use his snake type martial soul and tried to pretend to be a snake.

It is important to note that the soul beasts below thousand years of cultivation has low intelligence and mostly lives on their natural instincts, the soul grandmaster recognized that the devil serpent is female and pretend to be a male serpent to seek a chance to escape but unfortunately this devil serpent seems to be hungry as it jump on him as it bares its fangs.

The soul grandmaster activated both his soul skills in hurry and his movement become fast, despite being in a water he was able to dodge the attack. It was his first soul skill 'swift movement', his second soul skill also show its effects as he got two long fangs like a vampire and he tried to bite the neck of the devil serpent.

Because having a snake type martial soul he knows that the mouth is the most dangerous part of any snake type soul beast that's why he attacked in a position where the serpent can't bite him back, but unfortunately at this time the tail of the devil serpent shine with a dark blue light and hit him which sent him deeper into the water.

Devil serpent followed closely as it spreads its jaw, its fangs started glowing dark purple as it bite at left thigh of the soul grandmaster. He let go an agonizing cry from pain.

Just as he has lost all hopes, the devil fish suddenly attacked the serpent. The fish was its predator, although its cultivation is lower than the serpent but the natural habit it has inherited and its low intelligence makes her avoid the danger.

On the other hand Kaito has already reached the shore, but he didn't run away instead he sat down cross legged facing towards the river, little further away from the shore against a tree. He closed his eyes and started recovering his consumed energy.

The soul grandmaster seeking the chance muster all his strength tried to get out of the river, it was thanks to his martial soul that he is able to survive in water otherwise he was long dead from the fight earlier.

He can feel the raging struggle between the two soul beasts behind him but he didn't bother, even avoiding his pain he reached the shore and crawled over. As soon as he got out of the river, he saw Kaito sitting with his eyes closed. He felt a rush of anger going through his blood seeing the reason of his comrades death as he crawled toward Kaito.

As the soul grandmaster master was getting closer to Kaito, he pulled out a knife from his pocket to kill him. But Kaito who seems to be completely oblivious of it, was still meditating.

`Now your time has come, die you brat!` the soul grandmaster shout in his brain as he was about to stab Kaito, but suddenly his vision got blured and when it got cleared again, he felt severe pain in his chest. There was the knife in it.

He was still holding it with right hand but there was another hand over his, a left hand smaller than his own but it currently has more strength than his, it was Kaito's hand whose eyes are still close.

In the same posture, Kaito released the knife and pushed forward by his left palm which caused the soul grandmaster to fall backward, he no longer has any strength to do anything as he looks at Kaito who went back to meditation and all his life and evil deeds seems to pass through his mind as his life came to its end.

Please feel free to comment and express your thoughts about my work, I am still new so it takes time to gather the right words to express my idea in the novel but I have thought a long and amazing adventure for this one. I hope you like it.

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