
Soul king brook

The story of a guy named Gem and his transportation in the body of Brook after his body had turned into a skeleton. The Mc will have powers of the yomi yomi no mi similar to that of Brooks. Other than that There will be no harem or romance Authors note: This is my first time writing a fanfic/novel. I am mainly writing it to improve my writing skills. There isn't a certain aim to reach with this story and, it can be dropped anytime. Also, the first five chapters are prologues, so skip them it isn't really important.

Aster_Lite · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Water 7

With a crackling sound, lightning strikes were raining in the sky, as the strike fell, a swift blur moved in between the strike.

As Brook was traveling in the grand line, the constant and abrupt weather changes were quite troublesome to deal with.

It was very difficult to deal with not because they were dangerous for him, but because he had two children with him Reiju and Law, While traveling out of the grand line he didn't have to deal with this problem because his body was immune to lightning strikes.

So, he had to cautiously navigate through the dangerous seas while protecting the children.

After a while, as the weather calmed down Reiju inquired "Is the weather in the grand line always this dangerous"

Brook swiftly answered, 'Most of the time it's like this"

Reiju continued questioning him," By the way, where exactly are we going and when will we reach there? I am already getting exhausted from all this."

Taking out a log pose Brook told, "We are going to one of the islands in the grand line called water seven, in about a few hours if the weather is decent, also if you have any questions ask the other crew members, once we reach there.

Reiju asked in an interested tone, 'We are going there to meet the remaining crew, how are the other members? They must also be weird like you."

"Once we reach there you will know the answer, so stop talking while we are in the air." After that Brook didn't speak.

Reiju tried to ask further questions but since Brook didn't answer there was nothing she could do.

During all this law didn't speak much, he just observed everything in silence and assessed current actions of Brook, he didn't trust Brook much currently.

As water seven islands came into view, he recalled how much time it took him for this trip.

It took him almost two weeks to find Law and reach where he was now. It didn't take much for him to arrive at the north blue but almost 3 to 4 days were wasted due to his poor navigation skill. So, in total it took him about a week to find the law after that some time was wasted to find Zeff and his crew. And during the remaining time, he finally reached the Water 7 island.

As they neared, the Water 7 island both Law and Reiju were astonished upon seeing the island which looked like a beautiful fountain shaped like a volcano.

He then went to the outskirts of Water Seven and landed there, allowing the two children to jump down from his solder.

After finding Water Seven, he went in search of his crew, Before going to search for the Law, he had told his crew to stay in water seven.

He also informed Bolton about building a new ship by the shipwright of the water seven, and regarding money, it wasn't much of a problem, firstly all the treasures he had accumulated in the Florian triangle were brought out using the Rhino pirate's ship, and if that money also fell short then there were always pirates coming to build ships in the water seven, they just had to take it that's all.

As they were walking through the outskirts of Water Seven, Brook spoke," By the way when we meet the crew don't talk anything about me, neither about my looks nor about my condition."

Both of them raised an eyebrow and asked in confusion, "Why is that, doesn't your crew already know that?"

"Oh, the crew doesn't know about how I look, although there are two people who do know about me, I will introduce you to those guys later."

And we might as well buy some masks while we are at it because you guys might be famous in the future, so you should properly hide your face for a while.

If you guys don't want to wear the mask that's also okay, If someone comes after you I will just have to slaughter them but I think you should first get strong enough to protect yourself.

Hearing that both of them felt silent, Reiju didn't exactly want her father dead as she had already learned that Brook was a dangerous person, much more than her father. Law also wanted to exact revenge himself so both of them decided to wear a mask.

So both of them wore simple wooden masks, due to Water Seven being the place to make ships which are made from wood, there were a lot of wooden masks and other wooden items on sale in the city.

As he kept moving for a while he could finally spot a pirate ship with familiar people inside.