
Soul Behind the Mask

Can you prove life is more than just goals, aspirations and expectations? What if there is more that what you see at first glance? ******************** Ashlyn is an independent, free spirited girl who has already her future carefully planned. Her only problem right now however, is to avoid marriage as much as possible, as any young woman of her age is required to get a husband and be good wife. Forced to attend yearly balls, she has no choice but to follow her family expectations. Her life gives her a twist when in this year's (masquerade) ball, she meets a mysterious man she won't be able to forget ...

MelodiousMelody · Fantasy
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9 Chs



Téir abhaile riú Mhearai

Téir abhail gus fan sa bhaile

Mar tá do mhargadh déanta

Do Mhargadh de - do mhargadh déanta

Ashlyn bowed to the public as she finished the last couple of lines, ending the song. It was one of those days where she successfully managed to arrive to the city for her usual walks and conversations with her metropolis best friend Stefan to get to know any interesting updates. She watched a people were throwing roses to her, even received some cash as gratitude for today's performance. This happened without her obvious parents' knowledge of this (for them, a lady of her age, especially a married one, main goal and priority was doing house chores and keep her husband content as long as possible). Nevertheless, people loved her spontaneous song choices and dances, and she was more than happy to bring them more joy after most people's daily struggles.

She walked down the stairs from the stage, not noticing a hooded man standing up from the table he used to admire her songs from. Ashlyn smiled as Ian walked towards her to hug her tightly.

"Heyyy bestie! That was AWESOME!"

"Hellooo hahah thank you! Seems they really loved today's song."

"You're the best, you know that?"

"Aww, you too ehhh" They giggled. It was nice to see each other again. They quickly shared the news before Ash decided it was enough for today. Her parents would be missing her by now, demanding her to come back. Besides, she had to prepare for the masquerade ball she was attending with her family the evening after. She put her cape and hood on as they said their goodbyes and left to take a carriage back to the the countryside cottage she was living in.

Stefan noticed his old friend Lewis emerging from the shadows approaching him. Before he could greet him, he was interrupted.

"Where is she?"

"Oh, too late now mate, she's probably on her way home".

The young man growled and walked away. Stefan smirked, watching him leave the inn. Ever since his sister's unfortunate passing, seven months ago, the Prince's whole world turned upside down. The duke, the actual person guilty of this, was already set in jail for life. Yet, upset with the situation and misled by the same Tirich thinking his son was the one guilty of this, King Leonard of the Royal Sacred Feline Empire ended up prohibiting him from stepping his feet the family's main castle ever again. His sister was everything to him, and yet, he failed at the only task he promised himself he would achieve: protect her against any harm. Lewis was left with a castle in the north, with Stefan and a few servants being still loyal to him. The rest of the people in the empire well, despised his face. Although there were rumous of him being a cold, distant person, he was thankful for those that did not leave him, and made sure they were living good lifes while helping him to cope.

The young man still felt lonely despite having the servants' company at the castle. Depression was now something common for him. The past kept on haunting him every single day. To fight it, he set his mind to visit the city to entertain his mind at least, beings inns and pubs of course, one of his main visits.

And that was where he first saw her. Singing, dancing, so carefree. Her long blonde curls following her as she danced, sometimes even barefoot, as if levitating above the wooden floor. Light. A spark of hope. The long awaited happiness he was seeking everywhere. Days passed as he went ignoring his own feelings at first, but he soon realised he had to take the opportunity before it was too late. He HAD to meet her.

Again, it seemed like fate didn't want him smiling. He walked through the dark night and finally decided to come back to the old inn he was staying in.


Ashlyn finally arrived to the ball. It was an event she was obliged to attend, as a young woman of her age - age that was considered a proper one to get married -, so her parents, a modest family of merchants, set the decision that every year, Ash was now attending every single ball in the country.

The only difference? It was a masquerade ball, an event of special celebration between people of all social classes. Aslyn would be interested if she didn't already have a plan of her own for her future. Asides from her brief visits to the city to sing in random inns and pubs, she loved drawing and painting, and quite a few people already loved to purchase her works. She was sure that once she would move to the big city, her art would spread to even more places, both thanks to her talent and family reputation. No need for marriage!

She sighed as she was walking to the large hall, accompanied by her parents and younger brother. The only hope for her was to meet Stefan to entertain herself with some chat.

She left her family as they started their usual gossip with the excuse to meet and dance with men. The girl started searching for her friend until she saw a family figure. Lucky for her, Stefan was one of the few dark skinned people present in the event.

She made her way with her turquoise dress and adjusted her mask before patting his back softly. He turned around.


"Oh hey! There you are!"

"Yeah I left my parents as soon as they started to talk about literally everyone here haha"

"Mine's went to drink sooo I would probably be bored unless you didn't come! Which I'm thankful for."

"Same, same"

"So, what are you up to?" He looked at her.

"Ah I don't know. This is so boring. I prefer to make my way through society by my own merits and achievements, not just being my future husband's shadow, you know? Now I'm forced to come here every year"

"Yeah, I understand"

"What about you?"

Stefan shrugged. "Well, I suppose I do wish I had a special someone... Sometimes it gets really lonely.. Asides that, I can say my parents have enough family fortune for us, and I'm doing quite well with my own business, so I can't complain."

"I see. I'm happy for you Stefan" Ashlyn smiled. Seeing her friend doing okay made her heart feel at peace.

They kept on with their casual chat until Stefan made eye contact with a beautiful brunette girl who waved at him, inviting him for a dance. He raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, uhm seems a girl wants to dance with me soo could you wait a second please?" He couldn't hide his excitement.

The girl giggled. "Of course, silly. Go have so fun. You deserve it".

And there she is. Alone again. She walked through the people and decided to grab a glass of wine. She wasn't too much of a drinker so one wouldn't do any harm. Lost in thoughts she bumped with a man.

"Goodness, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking and-"

"No no, no need for apologizing, I should be the one doing so!"

Ashlyn sighed, relaxing her tense body.

"Ah, I should be more careful"

"I suppose, just look at the crowd! Miss...?"

"Volkova. Ashlyn Volkova. You may call me Ashlyn. And you are..?"

"Armand Destler, miss Volkova, at your service" He kissed her hand as he smiled, looking at her. Even with a mask, Lewis recognised her at first glance, and now the name confirmed his feelings. "May I invite you for a dance tonight?"

She nodded. Ashlyn barely managed to hide her blush behind the mask. She felt as she couldn't stop staring at the young man in front of her. He was wearing a simple yet gorgeous cat mask hiding his face with delicate golden ornaments. It only emphasized his mysterious hazel eyes and styled, dark blonde combed hair. His black suit was also covered in golden ornaments, giving him the final elegant touch.

Sure, he was good-looking and well-mannered, but she wasn't going to allow to fall easily right to the trap of anyone having an already planned future. She decided to continue the conversation as they walked to the dancefloor.

"So what brings you here, Armand?"

"Oh, I was just wandering around, saw a nice evening to spend here... Why not?"

Ashlyn giggled, swinging her dress as the music flowed through her mind and soul. "Well, why do I feel you're not very approachable towards people then?"

"That certainly may be true, although it depends on only certain type of people".

He then winked at her, before twirling her around. Ashlyn's inner hopeless romantic girl started to freak out. "My god, did he just wink at me? At ME? What in the world?! AAAaahh. I'm going to die today and I didn't even come back home. Oh my god. OH MY GOD".

Her more mature side, however, wasn't happy with the reaction. "Just calm down! Don't you see? He's such a flirt, he probably does this with every woman he meets".

"Are you alright miss?"

And just as she zoomed out, she turned back to Earth in an instant. She smiled, doing her best to not show any visible signs of her being flustered.

"Huh? Me? Oh, I got just distracted by some thoughts, don't worry! I think I'm just a bit tired, that's all"

"It's alright, to be honest with you, I'm not fond of social gatherings either"

"Then uhm, might I ask why are you here?"

The answer was more than clear to him. "To be with you, OBVIOUSLY. Do you even know how happy I am that oh fate! Suddenly decided that should meet here?"

But he couldn't say this. Not now at least. Or ever, if he only could...

Instead, he went with the usual expected answer from a young man in social events of that kind; "Let's say, establishing conversation with people, while learning and discussing a large majority of topics is far more entertaining than being at home, if it's understandable this way".

"Oh it is, Monsieur Destler" She scrunched her nose smiling, and Lewis almost died of a heart attack. A good one of course. She was both equally beautiful and cute.

Ashlyn suddenly saw her brother waving at her from the distance, asking her to come to them.

She took a step back. "Oh uhm, my sincere apologies, but seems I have to go now. Family is calling for me".

"That's perfectly alright M'lady. Hope we meet again?"

She tilted her head aside, both puzzled and curious, when she heard him call her that way but decided not to question him. "Yeah I hope so too. See you later Armand." She bowed to him, as he did too before her hands slipped away from his reach. He watched as she made her way across the gentlemen and ladies, until he lost her sight.

Before reaching her brother, Ashlyn saw Stefan and ran towards him.

"Hellos! How is it going?"

"Best night ever! Met a cute girl and I invited her for a date tonight. Seems we really connected. Let's see how it goes."

"Oooohhh looks who's finally getting this "special somebody" ehhhh?" She smirked. That's amazing.

"What about you? Anything new?"

"Welllll asides from almost dying out of boredom after you left, I met a guy here as well."

"Good lord, tell me more"

"He might be a gentleman but such a flirt! I'm pretty sure he's like this with all the other ladies and it makes me so mad!"

"Oh my, aren't you jealous already, my dear Ash?"

"Not at all!! I mean he may be good-looking but that is all. Not enough to tempt me or anything anyway".

"Alriiight I see".

"Anyway I should be going! My family usually doesn't have much patience."

"Take care friend!"

"You too!"

She reached her brother at last, who accompanied her to the carriage back home. It seems her parents didn't get the entertainment they seeked for the night.


Stefan took two glasses of wine and slowly walked towards his old pal.

"So, how is it going?"

"It's alright, I guess"

"Ashlyn told me he met a guy here. Seems you have competition".

"I don't actually".

"How so?"

"The man he's talking about is myself". Lewis lifted his face and looked at him, feeling proud of his achievement.

"Thank God he decided to help you today".

"Or one of my nine lives".

Stefan took a sip and offered the other glass to Lewis.

"Well, let's see how it goes. I'm here happy too. Met a girl and we clicked immediately".

"Oh that's so nice of you. Congratulations".

"Thanks! I'm leaving now Lewis.. have a good night. Also make sure to smile a bit more!"

The banished prince finished his drink and left the hall. He found his horse and galloped back to the city. Lewis was thankful today mainly for two good things: he didn't have to hide as much as he does usually when he walks in the city, the event allowing any person with a mask to enter, and yes, he met Ashlyn and had a nice conversation with her.

Could life allow him to be happy at last? He wasn't sure of it, but he smiled a bit noticing the Sirius star, shining bright in the dark sky.

Hope. It's all he lived for. And all he had left.