
Soul Arts: Mystic Eyes

Eyes type martial soul? I do not think so. Tian Xie grew up with his dad and no mom. No matter what how many times he asked about his mom to his father, he did noy receive any concrete answer. Not until he awakens an eye type martial soul, his father gave him a strange book and let him, a 6 year old boy go to a journey without a second thought. What are the secrets behind his martial soul, that even his father let him go on his own despite being a 6 year old kid?

_Aestra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 5: Rating



As for the rewards it will be only given after everything is settled. First criteria is the quality of the martial soul. Report-base are not enough to decide the quality so the team managers also need to see it by themselves.


Next criteria is the innate soul power, the innate soul power represents the current level of their martial soul even without yet the proper cultivation and training. Level 1-2 means that the martial soul is beyond help and the person can only live as slightly stronger than normal person. Level 3-5 means that it is an average quality, most soul artist awaken this level range. Level 6-9 are rare genius that has a bright future. And lastly is the full innate soul power of Level 10, awakening this level is comparable to those who have a big background like nobles, this also indicates that one can already have his or her first soul ring.


Next is the mental strength, this criteria can only be tested if the martial soul is more likely to be a support/assist type martial soul or spirit type martial soul, as this categories mostly uses mental power than soul power.


After 10 minutes, 3 kids and 8 adults arrived-five of them are members of the special unit.


Bing Chuan and Xie came closer to San Tong while the other kid went to a woman who's in all black and his mouth is covered with black mask.


"Now that everyone's here, let us now begin the testing. Starts with you Liya." Xiuxiu said. Liya is the woman whose wearing a black mask. Then she instructed the little girl on what to do. The little girl enters the transparent cubicle.


"Hello, my name is Tie Ningning." She greeted and release her martial soul. Her martial soul is a Tool-Support type martial soul, the Zither of Heavens. Then a digit appeared in the transparent cubicle, it is an 8. the number symbolizes how rare the martial soul is so it gets an 8 out if 10.


Since it is a support type martial soul, she needs to test her mental strength. So she was told to place her hand on the crystal ball in front of her and release her martial soul again.


Ningning did as what she was told then numbers appeared again. Normally the initial mental strength will be around 10-100, and her score is 23 which is pretty normal. Then a number 2 appeared, it the grade of the mental strength she has.


Then lastly is the innate soul power, again Ningning was told again to place her hand on the black crystal ball and release her martial soul again. This time, the level will also be the score so as she release her martial soul, a bar was rising indicating the rising innate soul power and it stops at level 5, meaning her score was also 5. this level is pretty normal and that's how his test was concluded.


The score she receive will be all added and will be the score of Liya. 15 is the score and after converting it to contribution points it became 15,000 contribution points. This points are use as money inside the Martial Soul Hall. Items, information etc. are valued through contributions points. 1 score point (SP) is equals to 1,000 contribution points (CP).


As for money used outside are divided by small, medium, large coins. 1 medium coin (MC) is equals to 1,000 small coins (SC), while 1 large coins (LC) are equals to 1,000 medium coins. Aside from those there is also the gold currency which is also divide by raw and purified gold and each are divide into two, average(1lb) and chunk (100 lbs). 1 average raw gold (arg) is equals to 100 large coin, 1 chunk raw gold (crg) = 10,000 large coins, 1 average purified gold (apg) = 10 arg, 1 chunk purified gold 1000 arg, and lastly 1 CB = 100 SC.


Then it is Bing Chuan's turn he only undergoes the martial soul quality and innate soul power. His martial soul is scored 9 while his innate soul power was 7 giving 16 points to San Tong.


Next is Xie, his martial soul scored 9, then his mental strength got 10, as his initial mental strength reached 189 and his martial soul also got a score of 10, giving another 29 points to San Tong. All in all, San Tong got 45 score points or simply 45,000 contributions points.


His colleagues congratulates him as he manage to got that much contribution points. After that, Xiuxiu told San Tong that they will go to the auction house at night for a soul beasts auction and get Xie his first ring.


After the test, all of them rested first and Xiuxiu wrote her report to submit. With this success, Xiuxiu will also receive a corresponding reward.


At night, Xiuxiu, San Tong, Bing Chuan and Xie attended the auction. The whole 21st to 29th floor is the auction area. Each floor only has 10 rooms, the rooms have a viewing area and can all see in the middle is the auctioneer and the items auctioned.


Everyday is auction day, however they still hold big auction events. First is the monthly auctions, second are the quarter auction, third is the annual auctions and there is also special auctions. Today is just a regular auction day so, thing are quite ordinary.


In auctions, contribution and score points needs to be converted to coins. However, in big and major auctions, coins are not the only that are being used to buy, some even uses contribution points or gold, some even uses the trade method to get the items.


Auctions are also game of luck and guts as lists of items are not given, lists are only present during big auctions and on that lists are only the common ones. Special items are not on the lists but big sects and families has a way of getting information.


Their target is 300-500 year old spirit type soul beasts. Though spirit type soul beasts are rare, there is no harm in trying. The money they will use will be coming from Xiuxiu.


When they arrived, the auction is currently on going and there is a intense bidding for an item. When they looked at the item, it is a fruit that emits both warm and chill aura. Base from them intensity of aura and size, it is a hundred year old Ice and Fire fruit. The fruit this size and age can help a soul artist beak through 1 level upon consuming, this fruit can also provide 5% immunity to fire and ice type attacks.


This type of fruit maybe nothing in the eyes of big people but for many present right now, this is a luxury. The current price now is at 500 medium coins. San Tong wants to buy this fruit for Bing Chuan, with this fruit Bing Chuan will reach level 8 and possibly reached level 10 before the school starts.