
Soul Arts: Mystic Eyes

Eyes type martial soul? I do not think so. Tian Xie grew up with his dad and no mom. No matter what how many times he asked about his mom to his father, he did noy receive any concrete answer. Not until he awakens an eye type martial soul, his father gave him a strange book and let him, a 6 year old boy go to a journey without a second thought. What are the secrets behind his martial soul, that even his father let him go on his own despite being a 6 year old kid?

_Aestra · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 4: Sun and Moon Academy (2)



Two days later, they have already arrived at the port of Moon Continent. Then a black car was waiting for them. Near the car is man who's wearing all white, then when this man notice them, he walked towards them and asked…


"Are you mister San Tong of the Martial Soul Hall Moon Continent Branch?" He asked, San Tong nodded as a response. Then, he also introduce the two kids beside him. "These kids are the ones whom I wrote report." Then the two kids bow to the white-dressed man.


"Good morning mister, I am Tian Xie from Dark Star Town of Star Continent." Tian Xie introduced himself politely.


"I am Li Bing Chuan, I also came from the Dark Star Town. Good morning, mister.?" Bing Chuan also bubbly greeted the person.


The man wearing in all white was flustered by the kids' actions, while San Tong was chuckling on the side. Xie and Bing Chuan look to each other, clueless. Then San Tong called and they ride the black car.


The black car can be considered normal car in the area, to be exact in the Moon Continent. This kind of car model are the oldest and those who can earn so much will not buy this type of car. But to Xie and Bing Chuan, this is the most extravagant ride they take as they grew up in provincial town where a bicycle is already a luxury to them. The kids are seated at the back of the car, after few minutes, the kids fell asleep.


It was already afternoon when they arrived in a condominium building. This where San Tong currently lives. He did not wake the kids up so that they can continue to have a good sleep.


After sending the kids to his unit, he left a note there saying that if they woke up hungry, they just need to call for room service and they can request whatever they want. Then he left his unit and came down, the men in white also waited for San Tong as they will escort him to the Martial Soul Hall branch.


San Tong does not have a high position in the hall, however his family background makes him receive this kind of treatment. His great grandfather used to be a branch manager, after his death this position remains in their family. Currently his father is the branch manager while his eldest brother works as an assistant of their father as a preparation when it is his turn to take over.


Another reason why he was only as a Awakening Proctor is that he is not much talented as the other Soul Artist. With his age of 30, he is only at level 43. His martial soul also became a mutated one from a sky hawk to blazing hawk.


Not long after, he arrived at a magnificent 100 storey building. This is the Martial Soul Hall Moon continent branch. The martial soul hall is not only a hall but also provides different kinds of service.


They can post missions and give rewards, hold auctions, buy and sell items and many more. In short, they are much like a business corporation.


Aside from those things, they also hold awakening ceremony to commoners. If they have talent, they will be supported by the hall, but depending on their talent and achievements, the level of support that the hall gives may change.


San Tong pressed the 35th floor, it was the office of his superior. The structure of the hall is that, the 95th to 100th floor are owned by the branch manager. The 94th to 80th floor are for the elders the branch. 79th to 70th floor are for the high ranking Team Managers. 69th to 40th floor are for average ranking Team Managers. 39th to 30th are for the low ranking Team Managers.


Although the Team Managers are divided into 3 different ranks, they all directly report everything to the Branch Manager and the Branch Manager will report to the Main Hall in the Sun continent.


The following floors are used for banking, buy and sell, training areas, testing areas, research areas, auction and many more. The 1st to 5th floor are the training and testing areas, as well as the banking. The 6th to 10th floor are for trading, buy and sell, and commissions. 11th to 20th floor is the market. 21st to 29th floor are the auction areas. The research facility is on the underground so that they cannot be abruptly disturb.


When the elevator door opened, he saw a woman sitting while reading some files. It was his Team Manager, Li Xiuxiu. Their age are relatively close, she was 32 years old, however her strength was above his. She was already a level 56 with a Valkyrie Martial soul, a rare type human type martial soul.


The report she was reading was the report written by San Tong. Of course, employees of the Martial soul Hall can also receive rewards. For employees like San Tong, if they manage to find and recruit talents, they can receive rewards and the rewards varies depending on how rare the martial soul, the innate soul power and talent of one has.


"Well, this report seems kinds weird but I hope that the kids this time are real deal." Xiuxiu said. Then she stood up and walks towards San Tong.


The two of them entered the elevator and Xiuxiu bring out her phone and called someone.


"Bring all the kids here at 10."She said and hang up.


San Tong understood what Xiuxiu meant that time. It means that, the special unit per team are taking the kids that the members got and they need to be at the testing area in 10 minutes.


Aside from San Tong, there are also another 3 members under Xiuxiu, making them a team of 5 plus the special unit. Among the five of them, only him and another member manages to get decent kids.


Then they arrived at they 5th floor where they will test the innate soul powers of the kids they manages to recruit.