
Sorcerer of Rhand

In a galaxy far far away.... On the planet of Rhand, a child was born with powers beyond comprehension. Said child was quite powerful in the Force, yet could not be found by neither Jedi nor Sith. The reason being was that he was being protected the whims of the Force. The one to whom this child has to thank as their protector is the last of a long line of Sorcerers from the Unknown Regions.

Lor_Astran · Movies
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4 Chs

The Pawn

Outside of the city where the Jedi and his companions slept rather peacefully, clashes of lightsabers rung in the middle of a sandstorm.


An infuriated Darth Maul thought in anguish as he began to spin his lightsaber in circles. Opposite of him was the icey glare of Caidus, his hueing orange eyes barrowing into the Zabrak. He held his blade rather closely to himself while staring down at the shorter Zabrak. With the usage of the Force, Maul dashed forward. He twirled his lightsaber around as he spun through the air. He was expecting to hear the sound of flesh being torn through. Unfortunately for him, he didn't hear such a sound.

Instead what he heard was the continued sounds of the rushing sandstorm around them. Once he landed back on his feet, Maul immediately turned and moved his blade up to parry a blow from Caidus. The Sorcerer was not standing idle, he had simply used the Sith's frustration against him. "Come now Assassin...surely you can do better!"

A growl left Maul as he grinded his teeth, and with effort he began a flurry of strikes wifh his lightsaber. Caidus simply moved around the Sith, keeping his lightsaber between him and his adversary. It looked as if he was smiling this entire time, that sinister smug look never having left his face. Maul hated that face, it reminded him so much of a certain Sith. It was as if this man before him was taunting him, playing with him. With a twirl of his lightsaber he sent a Force embued strike aiming to knock the Sorcerer off balance. Instead, Caidus moved in the other direction, simply dodging the strike altogether.

'How is he doing this!?' Maul though furiously, 'It's as if he knows what I am going to do before I've already decided!'

That thought couldn't have been ever closer to the truth. Caidus DID know what Maul was going to do, that was the whole point of his personal fighting style. Darksight allowed one to see any outcome, and to act upon it so that it could become the future. The moment that Maul stepped foot off his ship was the moment that his death was solidifed.

Caidus came to a halt before beginning to take a far more serious expression. Maul noticed this shift of facial features, beginning to realize that the Sorcerer was now done with his games. "I tire of this, Sith, it is time for you to die."

Maul's grip on his lightsaber tightened, he prepared himself to be attacked. Instead of that, he watched as through the sandstorm, Caidus began to morph and change into that of the one man whom he feared.


Maul exclaimed with terror, his eyes widening as he took a step back. Standing before him was now Darth Sidious with cloak and all. Even his lightsaber with it's hilt resembled the Sith Lord's. With a Force Scream, the Sith attacked Maul in rapid succession. His blade not aiming to carve through, but to stab. Maul moved backwards, moving his lightsaber around to block and parry the attacks from Sidious. However, regardless of how many blows that he could stop, the strikes were too precise.

Sidious' jabs were either grazing against his skin or weakening him each time he tried to defend. As Maul continued to do this, doing his best to defend himself from his cruel master. The Sith could be heard cackling sadistically, as if the pain that he was inflicting on his supposed apprentice was pleasing.

'So his mind is not strong enough...'

Caidus thought, he stood off to the side with an slightly outstretched hand. This was the magics that he learned from his mother. Force Illusions, though his mother used the Dark Side to create them. They were not real enough to inflict too much damage. However with the power of Entropy, Caidus made them real enough to make them kill someone through their mind. In other words, Maul's body may not be physically damaged, but to his mind it is.

The Sorcerer did not really enjoy the suffering of others. It was more or less having to do what must be done regardless of circumstances. For instance, he cared not of the Jedi's impending doom. Actually he was rather looking forward to it for several reasons. Those plans however would be for another time when it came to that day.

Caidus watched with a smile as Maul was finally knocked off his feet with a seemingly Force Push by his master. "Mercy!" He pleaded, "Please!"

"There is no mercy." Sidious sneered before firing bolts of lightning into Maul. These were not real, but to Maul they most certainly were. As this happened, Caidus walked aboard Maul's ship. He was aiming to take away a piece off the board rather early. One that the Sith could use, which was of course the ship. The reason why he needed to board the ship was because once Maul was brain dead, Sidious would sense the seemingly death of his assassin. With that death, he would detonate the bomb aboard the ship itself.

With some slight effort on his part, he found the bomb itself. Darksight was quite handy when one needed to find anything. Though removing it would trigger the device. So he decided to do the one thing required of him to make sure it does not kill him. The Sorcerer took a small device from his belt, one that looked quite odd. It was a hacking device, made not by him but by someone associated with him. Once he plugged it into Maul's ship, he watched as the device went to work.

It was more or less meant to disconnect it from any wireless connections. In other words, he was rendering the bomb useless for several moments.

Caidus immediately turned to the bomb and used Entropy to quickly remove it. He moved rather quickly to take the bomb off the ship, where a shaking Maul was. To the Sith, he was still being electrocuted by Sidious.

Just as Caidus moved a good several feet away from the ship, he hurled the bomb away so that it may explode at a safe distance. Several moments passed before the bomb itself did explode.

A satisfied smile appeared on Caidus' lips, he had taken a piece off the board and was now in command of a useful asset. He turned to find a drooling brain dead Maul laying in the sand. The Sith's eyes having glassed over. Caidus pitied the Sith, he was pawn, meant to attack the Jedi rather directly instead of his own master. The plan that the Sith had in place would still go on without him. His life meant nothing, his struggles meant nothing. It didn't matter if he had allowed Maul to live, the damage to him had already been done. The Sorcerer had already peered forward into the future outcome had he allowed Maul to live. The Sith would have betrayed him and set his plans back centuries.

His death was in other words was inevitable. With a deep breathe leaving him, he released the brain dead Sith from his spell. The deed was done, Maul was dead and Sidious none the wiser wouldn't know a thing. All he would know is that his apprentice had just died due to unknown means and that the "evidence" had been destroyed.

So basically, Caidus was still no one in the wider galaxy, just as he liked it.

With the use of Entropy, Caidus retrieved Maul's lightsaber. He intended to use the weapon, though not for himself. Then he used Entropy once more to bury the Sith's body, making sure no one knew that he was even here. By this point in time the sandstorm had already passed.

Once Caidus had finished his work, he boarded the ship and closed the ramp. He would need to use Darksight for his plans with this ship. Meaning he must have no further distractions...

Two Days Later...

Caidus awakened from his deep meditation of Darksight. He had peered forward viewing future outcomes that would need to be taken. He was seated cross legged in the cockpit of Maul's ship for the past two days. His eyes were pitch black with Entropy circulating through them. They would eventually turn back to their normal glowing orange pupil state. The Sorcerer took in his surroundings for a moment before rising to his feet. He stretched himself, feeling so stiff and sore. He hadn't moved physically for two days after all.

'Now then, time to retrieve my girl.'

He thought and began to leave the ship, he took the on board speeder and drove off into the desert. At this point in time, he was sure that a certain child should be racing in a podracer. Instead of heading to where they all were, he decided to wait for them in the Skywalker home. The future outcome would remain the same, though with the cheering of Alema wouldn't make it anymore different.

What he planned to take off the board, was one that would hinder Sidious future plans once he becomes aware of Anakin Skywalker.

Caidus arrived at the Skywalker house, parked his speeder outside of it, then entered it. Well, one could say that he was "breaking and entering", but who exactly was going to tell the authorities? This was Tattooine!

Caidus remained in the kitchen dining room as he waited for the group to return home. They would probably find his sudden arrival to be rather peculiar. Well all but two children, one who would most likely be esatic while the other will most likely be horrified.

He was counting on such a thing from that other child...especially with what his future self will become.

Several hours would pass as Caidus sat in the room by himself. He had procured himself tea with what supplies that Shmi had in her kitchen. It was rather good and calming, despite the fact that he had just murdered someone. That was when he heard the sound of a door opening. A slight smile came to his lips, one that was of relief that they finally made it. That was when he heard small footsteps running inside them coming to a sudden halt. The eyes of a young Anakin Skywalker was staring into the back of his head. Though his head and face was covered by his cloak, his body was not hidden to the Chosen One.

From Anakin's perspective, he was terrified by what he was looking at. It was as if the Force itself was rejecting Caidus existence. As if he shouldn't exist to begin with, like an anomaly that could interact with it's surroundings. That was not untrue, after all Caidus used Entropy, and that sort of power is far worse that whatever the Dark Side could procure. Anakin was staring at Entropy, he was staring at the death of all things. When he watched the Sorcerer rise to his feet and slowly turn to him could only thing of one thing towards him.

'A void...'

Behind the child came Shmi who nearly jumped upon seeing Caidus, then Qui-Gon Jinn. The two giving Caidus odd looks before the young Twi'lek girl bounded around them. A smile sprang to her lips before she ran towards Caidus and hugged him with all her might. "You came back!"

The sudden hug from Alema was still new to Caidus, though not unwelcomed. He tilted his head before placing a gentle gloved hand to the top of her head gently. With a soft caress she closed her eyes, relieved that she wasn't left behind. "Why didn't you come back, you've been gone for two days!"

"I got lost."

The Sorcerer said, and noticed the Jedi Master raising a brow at him. Though he could tell that the man was far more vigilant than he ever was now.

'He assumes that I want Skywalker', thought then internally chuckled, 'How amusing, who would want a wild card that will work against you?'

With a gentle motion, he lifted the Lethan Twi'lek child into his arms. The small child wrapping her arms around his cloaked neck with a beaming smile. "How could you get lost?" She questioned, "Aren't you a Jedi?"

"My sweet child, a Jedi does not save others."

As soon as that sentence left his lips, Qui-Gon narrowed his eyes onto Caidus. Realizing what the Sorcerer was insinuating. Anakin seemingly looked past his fear and gave the man a pout. "Anakin, go gather your belongings, Shmi I would like to speak to my acquaintance...alone."

Qui-Gon's suggestion and demand was met with another pout from Anakin. Though Shmi herded her son away from the kitchen, leaving the Jedi and Sorcerer alone with a Twi'lek child.

The two stared at each other, with the Jedi more vigilant and the Sorcerer far more relaxed. Qui-Gon thought upon what he should say to Caidus. He wasn't sure if the Sorcerer knew of Anakin's importance or not. That said, he was aware that Caidus return here wS not simply for Alema.

"I assume that you plan to leave now." Qui-Gon began to say, his tone neutral.

Caidus nodded with a small smile appearing on his lips. "Yes, though there is something else that I would require before leaving."

That caused Qui-Gon to give him a soft glare. "And what would that be pray tell?"

"Something that you could not possibly understand."

"I am rather sure that I could if you would allow me to try."

"Oh but you would not, that is due in part to your Order's teachings...as well as your inability to sense it at all."

That last sentence got Qui-Gon to furrow his brows. He was a Jedi Master and he was being told that he wasn't prepared for what knowledge that Caidus had. It both intrigued him as well as made himself distrust the Sorcerer. He knew not if whatever he says was truthful or not. "Mr. Qui-Gon?"

Anakin Skywalker was standing behind him, trying to get the Jedi's attention. Of course, the Jedi Master turned to the boy and gave him a curt smile. Putting off the fact that Caidus knew something that he simply did not.

Caidus on the other hand was enjoying the fact that he was getting into Qui-Gon's head. It wasn't every day that one could get into a Jedi Master's head. To make them doubt what they know for even a single moment. That was a feat in this day and age where the Jedi were so arrogant and ignorant. For Caidus, this may not mean much to any others outside of the Force's influence. However, it meant alot when it came towards those within it at this time.

While Qui-Gon and Anakin conversed about why his mother would not be freed. The Sorcerer chose now to leave, wanting to give them the illusion of his departure. "We shall he going then."

Alema looked to Caidus with a look of wonder. "Where are we going mister?"


That simple word made her feel warm inside, she wasn't going to he scavenging for food anymore. The Skywalker household was good, but they too were slaves. With Caidus she would be truly free, to where she can live a happy life...if only.

Qui-Gon and Anakin both snapped their heads towards him. Qui-Gon with curiosity and Anakin with sadness, he had befriended the Twi'lek girl. This was part of the outcome that Caidus had chosen, the boy was just about as infatuated with Alema as he was with a certain Handmaiden. Conflict was always in the boy's heart, so why not add more?

Without waiting for either of them to speak, Caidus moved between the two and simply walked out of the door. Once outside, he boarded the speeder that he arrived in. With Alema sitting before him, he powered up the and was about to leave before he heard a childish voice calling to him.


A stressed Anakin Skywalker was running up to the cloaked Caidus. The Sorcerer looked over at Anakin, waiting for the boy to speak. He had a backpack on his back with tearful eyes gazing up at his hueing orange ones.

"M-my mom...she's coming with us", He started as he tugged at the Sorcerer's cloak now, "Please free her!"

Caidus was mildly surprised that the boy had come to him to save his mother. He tilted his head a bit, feeling as if he was thinking about it. He could feel the pleading eyes of both Anakin and Alema upon him. Jogging up behind him was Shmi with Qui-Gon not too far behind. "Anakin, it's alright!"

She stopped when she saw Caidus powered his speeder off. He rose from the speeder while Alema looked at him with curious eyes. With an outstretched gloved hand, he placed it upon the boy's head. "You wish for me to save your mother, boy?"

Caidus words with littered with mischievousness. "What do I gain from doing such a thing?"

Anakin gave Caidus a confused look before speaking. "You said Jedi don't save people, so please save her!"

A small smile appeared on Caidus lips, one that Shmi and Qui-Gon could both see in the scorching heat of the Tattooine twin suns. "Jedi forbid attachments boy, if I free your mother...then you shall never see her again."

"The take her with you!"

That shout of words was music to Caidus' ears. To say that being told to take away Palpatine's spark at turning the boy over to him was grand. Granted, it did not change the boy's fall, but it did give himself time.

Well, of course that didn't mean time to stay within the light. More like, time to be content with himself. Caidus did not plan for Shmi to reunite with her son, he did not care to be doing the right thing. He cared about if there was something to gain, after all, no good deed goes unpunished.

"Very well, I shall release your mother", Caidus said while seeing the gleam of hope in the Anakin's eyes, "That still does not mean that you will be able to see her, wouldn't you agree, Qui-Gon?"

That question was a mock towards the Jedi way, one that didn't go unnoticed by Qui-Gon. "Run along boy, your mother will be safe in my hands."

Anakin reluctantly let go of Caidus cloak as the Sorcerer removed his hand from his head. He ran over to his mother ecstatic now, in his mind he saved her from being a slave. Shmi didn't know how to feel about this predicament, after all, Caidus was no Jedi as she's heard. Qui-Gon wasn't sure if this outcome was good or bad. He knew that Anakin had a strong tie towards his mother, and to leave her here while her son left was wrong. He wasn't sure that for Caidus to free her would he any better, then again, he's seen how the Sorcerer acts with Alema.

"Take care son, and don't worry I'm sure we'll see each other again." Shmi comforted, her hand caressing her son's head as the two embraced for the last time.

Anakin had a few tears of sadness as well as joy fall from his cheeks. Qui-Gon stood a good distance away not watching them but of Caidus. "When I become a Jedi, I'll come visit mom, I promise."

With that declaration, Anakin stiffly and reluctantly removed himself from his mother's embrace. The older woman gave her son a warm smile before placing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I hope so son, I hope so..."

With that, Anakin turned to Qui-Gon who looked to the boy now expectantly. Then together the two began to walk off heading back for the Nabooian starship. Caidus watched them leave, his smile having left from his face. "So then...will you really free me?"

Shmi's question was met with Caidus turning his eyes towards her now. He gave the woman a chilling smile now as he started to approach her. Shmi was terrified now, not sure what this man had planned for her.

"Oh worry not...I shall free you", He reassured, "But do not think that there is not a price to be paid..."