
Battle experience

Erasmus quickly got out his trance and used a movement skill to dodge just in time before the creature collided with him. The movement skill he used was called the 100 Void Steps, it was a unique Movement skill that had been created by the 29th Clan Head of the Auguste clan. It was able to traverse the Void a number of a 100 times however its speed was terrifyingly fast especially as you kept on using a Void step.

The downside to this technique was that it sapped a lot of energy out of you and Erasmus was only able to use it until the 67th Void step before he ran out of energy, so he had to make sure to use it sparingly.

The beast or as Erasmus started calling It a Snout Beetle King as it resembled one but on a far larger scale. The Snout Beetle King kept rushing up to Erasmus; this seemed to an unintelligible move by the Snout Beetle King. However, Erasmus heavily doubted this as he was getting too tired from using the Void Steps and he could not get into the offence as the creature was just too fast.

Erasmus was currently on 42nd Void Step and was thinking of a plan. It soon hit him, all he had to do was use the new spell that he had and follow it up with a powerful Spell. While using the 43rd Void step Erasmus Silently Chanted "Oh Herald Of Time, Heed my call And Alter time Unto Itself, Awaken the First circle of The Herald Of Ice Time Warp."

For everything else, time moved ever steadily however for the Seventh Rank Magical Beast Time seemed to conspire against it as it moved slowly toward the prey it was chasing with a monstrous speed a couple of seconds ago. Almost immediately Erasmus Used a strong spell from his memories

"Lightning is life's mater and matrix, mother and medium. Free flowing might of the Lightning ocean ensnare any who walk an unjust path!, Awaken King of Lightning Raikon."

The sunny sky turned into an ocean of lightning as thunder roared and lightning punished the earth. A massive Beast entirely made up of Blue lightning Descended from the Skies. It carried a ferocious aura and swiftly glid towards the Snout Beetle King until the two beasts collided and a massive explosion took place destroying the Fiery Mountain into mere rubbles.

Erasmus sincerely hoped that the destruction bore good for him as he used the last of his strength to propel himself towards the air. The smoke and dust from the battlefield started to disappear revealing The Snout Beatle King injured to the core, however, a miracle soon began to occur as the beast started to regenerate at a fast speed. A deafening roar burst out from the creature as a change started to happen on its back, Two wings started to grow from its back at a monstrous speed. The two wings were covered with slimy goo and look utterly disgusting. They were enormous wings as their wingspan was at least 70 metres.

The Snout Battle King Flew up to the sky and started coming in my direction, every second that passed I could feel my death coming and weirdly enough I could see my end and my breathless body falling from the skies. Unconsciously my lips started moving without me knowing " Oh Herald Of Time, Heed my call And Alter time Unto Itself, Awaken the Second circle of The Herald Of Ice Time Lock" 7 Dark Green Chains suddenly Arose from the ground where a portal suddenly started to grow. This portal was pitch black, suggesting it was a void portal.

The chains latched onto the beast as they slowly pulled it towards the portal, the creature finally realising that its life was in danger started screeching in fear until the last of it disappeared into the portal. Erasmus was shocked to see what just happened as information soon started to appear in his mind.


Spell name: Herald Of Ice

Inventor: Balthazar Auguste

Tier: 7

Effect: Being able to freeze time upon complete mastery of the spell.

First Cycle: Time Warp: Altering the Reaction Time of your Enemy

Mastery: 100%

Second Cycle: Time Lock: Locks One with the Antiquity chains and Banishes them to the Void for Eternity

Appearance: An intricate, vermilion coil of waves.


From Exhaustion Erasmus fell from the sky and into unconsciousness Just as his body was about to touch the ground a black shadow caught him and flew towards the Auguste Clans Main Manor.

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I myself am exhausted, see you guys tomorrow with a new chapter

Peace Out

M_A_Ilmicreators' thoughts