
Chapter Sixty Nine Brad and Sydney

* Prince Brad *

Working with Maleficus on the archives until the break of dawn and yet to no luck in finding out whatever could help Sydney on her situation. I have to prove to my father that she is not a threat, she's not the traitor who wanted to kill me. I have known it ever since last night when she gave me herself and I realized that there has been no other man on her life but me. I could already hear Maleficus letting out an exhausted breath and he must be sleepy.

"Your majesty, it is almost morning. I wanted to help you, however, I need a good rest so that I can look into my vision once again. I wanted to help you, please I hope you understand."

I stop my hand from scanning the pages and closed the big ledger then face him. "I know and I understand, You may take your leave now Maleficus. Thank you for tonight."