
Chapter Sixty Eight Brad and Sydney

* Prince Brad *


I saw him make the signal as soon as I opened my eyes and look at him. He was asking one of the Palace servants to escort Sydney back into the room. He does not that Sydney stays in the adjoining room of my chambers and I intend to keep it that way. My parents are obviously cold towards her no matter how my mother said that she cannot wait to see her.

"You may go back to your chamber, Miss Cooper I have a very important message to discuss with my son which requires me to be discreet at the moment. I hope you understand the situation we have on our hands."

Surprise upon hearing her name being mentioned by my father. Sydney turned to me before bowing her head and standing up from the couch. "I will take my leave, Your Majesty, It was a pleasure talking to both of you. Alpha Brad, I would take my leave first.”

My mother gave her a smile, one that did not reach the corners of her eyes. "Get some sleep, Miss Cooper."