
Song of the True Kingdom

Lee is an orphan adopted by Windyce, the second most powerful man in True Kingdom. The king, Young, aims to undermine Windyce's power. So he orders Lee to look for the monk's relics in endless Big desert. The conflict between Young and Windyce (the army commander of True Kingdom) begins. Young has three ambitious sons who are keen to be the new king. Their competition for the throne also starts. Step by step, Lee learns a lot on the road and finally becomes a monster fighting all his enemies. He thinks he would have a rest after intensive conflict. But the sudden invasion from anti-True Kingdom alliance completely destroy his dream.

LongRain · History
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21 Chs

Burial Pit

Although most regions of the Big Desert were sparsely populated and uninhabited, there were also oases in the vast desert, providing shelter for the Falling-Moon Kingdom. The oasis where the Falling-Moon people's ancestral landed was located in the deepest part of the desert and had a very large area. The Falling-Moon people used this as a base and gradually expanded outward. In the last years of the Flood Dynasty, they took advantage of the chaos and almost swallowed up the entire Big Desert.

But even so, there were still many places in the Big Desert that even the Falling-Moon people had never known.

Lee began to mark on the map. "Half a year is enough. We don't need to rush to Cactus. Let's first go explore some blank areas."

Every time he marked a place, Tang's face became uglier.

"Stop, stop, General. No one has ever been to these places. It won't be dangerous for us to go there, right?" Tang questioned, his voice a little trembling.

"Tang, you should have ambitions," Lee said.

"No, I don't," Tang's answer was neat and tidy.

"But I do."

"General's ambition is my ambition," Tang said reluctantly.

"Good." Lee patted Tang on the shoulder, "Notify everyone, we will set off for the first place I marked."

Fourteen days later.

During the daytime in the Big Desert, the blinding sunlight scorched the earth, and wisps of water vapor rose straight up. Even though wearing military boots that were claimed to be resistant to water and fire, Lee still felt the soles of his feet were damn hot. At night, the temperature dropped sharply, and flying sand and small rocks hit his face, causing cold pain.

Staying in the desert was not only a physical test for people, but also a mental torture.

Lee couldn't help but respect the Falling-Moon people who had lived in the Big Desert for thousands of years. No wonder the Falling-Moon Kingdom repeatedly invaded other countries trying to move the whole nation eastward. It was almost impossible for ordinary people to live in the Big Desert. But he thought second, the Falling-Moon people live in oases, So their invasion was unreasonable.

Ten days ago, Lee divided the guards into four groups, each with ten, and explored in four directions. Lee had ordered that four groups must reunite after twenty days.

At that moment, Lee was leading a group in the desert.

"Instead of wandering around in this damn place every day, it's better to go to the battlefield in the north and have a fight," Tang complained. Yesterday, he woken up and found that his whole body was buried in the sand. He had been nagging since then.

Lee thought that his ears were about to be calloused.

"If Tyana knew this, she would laugh at me." Tang's eyes swept over the other guards one by one.

The guards felt suddenly cold in the scorching desert.

"She is a prostitute, how dare she laugh at you?" Lee said calmly.

Tang realized that Lee was a little angry, so he didn't dare to say anything.

After staying in the Big Desert for several days, all Lee had seen was sand, sand, and more sand. Lee was a little discouraged, and an unknown fire emerged in his heart.

During their talk, the whistling sound gradually rose, from far to near.

Lee cursed and shouted loudly, "All lie down."

Immediately, everyone lay down together, and they could see that the sand was already in chaos in the distance, covering the sky and nothing visible.

After a while, the sand was carried by the wind and rushed straight towards them. Lee's ears were buzzing, and he didn't dare to open his eyes for fearing that the sand would hit his eyes.

This sandstorm lasted for two hours and finally calmed down.

Lee took a long breath, slowly got up, sat on the ground, and shook off the sand on his body.

"Is anyone injured? What's going on?" Lee's voice was weak.

"General, my back hurts," a guard responded. "Something hit my back."

In fact, the guard screamed after being hit, but everyone's ears were filled with sand, so no one heard it.

"What is it?"

The guard replied, "I don't know."

"It's there," Tang pointed forward.

Following Tang's directions, Lee saw a human skull lying on the sand silently.

Lee stood up, looked around, and said, "Let's take a break first. Then we'll go where the storm came from."


After walking for about half an hour, there were more and more skeletons around, and the facial expression on everyone became more and more solemn.

The guy walking in the forefront suddenly stopped. He stood there with his eyes wide open, staring in the front, in a trance for a long time without saying a word.

What he had seen was a huge pit filled with bones, skeletons, and skulls. These human bones looked scary and weird under the blinding sunlight. A gust of wind blew, and the sound of gravel rubbing against bones was very creepy.

"How many people died here?" Even Tang, who was used to seeing dead bodies, was appalled at this moment.

"Not a few," Lee said. He recovered from shock and started to think about the pit. He realized this was a burial pit.

For Lee, the number was not that important. The important thing was this burial pit wasn't recorded in history? Did the Falling-Moon Kingdom know the origin of this burial pit? How about the True Kingdom?

"Crazy! It is more interesting than killing people," Tang licked his lips, his face full of excitement.

"Don't be surprised. It is recorded that the killer Aki buried 200,000 soldiers of the Frost Empire, which is much larger than the scale here," Lee said.

"General, it is true that Aki buried 200,000 alive, but the place where he buried them has not been found. Now we see this burial pit with our own eyes." Tang scanned the skeletons in the huge pit and continued, "Could it be done by Kyle? I think he could do such a thing."

Kyle's character could be summarized in short words: beyond the mundane and not obsessed with details. The chain of reputation in the eyes of ordinary emperors was insignificant to Kyle.

Therefore, in Kyle's era, even if Kyle had any absurd actions, people took them normally.

"General, many of these bones are child-sized," a guard who was studying the bone said.

Lee and Tang changed their faces at the same time.

"Then it must not be Kyle's work," Tang smiled helplessly.

"It must not be," Lee spoke.