
Song of the True Kingdom

Lee was an orphan adopted by Windyce, the second most powerful man in the True Kingdom. The king, Young, aimed to undermine Windyce's power. So he ordered Lee to search for the Buddhist relics in the Big Desert. The conflict between Young and Windyce began. Young had three ambitious sons who were keen to be the new king. Their competition for the throne also started. Step by step, Lee learned a lot on the road and finally became a fighting master. He thought he would have a rest after intensive conflict. But the sudden invasion from anti-True Kingdom alliance completely destroyed his dream. The game of power and war has just begun......

LongRain · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Two Maps

Three days later, Lee prepared to go to the Big Desert.

In the morning, Wilcher walked outside the city gate to see Lee off. Lee was wearing silver armor and had a sharp sword, in high spirits.

He spoke to Wilcher, "I am very grateful for your hospitality these days."

Wilcher replied, "Not worth mentioning. I hope you guys can succeed and get the Buddhist relics from the desert."

"Sure, take care," Lee said. 

"Take care."

Lee mounted his horse and gave an order, leading Tang and the other guards to the west.

After Lee left, a handsome young man looked like a scholar in green clothes came out of the city and walked to Wilcher's side.

"Sheldon, what do you think of Lee?" Wilcher asked.

The young man replied gracefully, "He has great potential. I am afraid he will not be able to grow completely. Seeking Buddhist relics is odd and dangerous. I guess someone in the City of Victory wants to kill him."

"When will those guys stop?" Wilcher sighed. "But now they are in big trouble."

"How about a bet, Sheldon?" Wilcher smiled.

"What bet?"

"I bet Lee won't die," Wilcher said confidently.

"No bet," Sheldon replied after considering for a while. "Do you think I am stupid enough to bet with you again? I have lost the bet twice. Help you deal with the damn administrative affairs for two years."

Sheldon recalled all the difficulties he had faced in the Falling City, and he was so angry that his teeth itched.

Wilcher muttered in a low voice, "It was originally five years, and I kindly shortened it to three years. I am so generous to you."

Sheldon didn't hear what Wilcher said and he went straight back to the city to deal with those administrative documents.

Although Falling City was built next to the Big Desert, it was already dark when Lee set out from Falling City in the morning and arrived at the edge of the Big Desert.

There were many inns for travelers to rest and stay temporarily. Lee chose to settle in an inn called Fly Clouds.

The owner of Fly Clouds was a man in his fifties, wearing linen clothes, with a strong but short body. He had a pendant made of bones hanging around his neck. Whether the bones belonged to humans or animals was unknown.

If are curious about his appearance, in simple terms, it was a waste of him not to kill people and rob goods.

"Hi, what book are you reading?" Lee tried to talk to the owner, who was concentrating on a book.

The owner closed his book, raised his head and looked at Lee, his eyes shooting out vicious light, full of impatience, and ordinary people would not even have the courage to speak in front of him.

But Lee was an exception.

"Are you a believer in the Universe God?"

Lee was slightly surprised when he saw the name of the book, "Six Theories of the Universe."

"Six Theories of the Universe" was the most important book in the Universe God sect. And Universe God sect was the national religion of the True Kingdom. Pope Alston was the leader of the Universe God sect.

"Boy, you talk too much. just say what you want," the owner finally spoke.

Then Lee showed him a badge, asked for a map of the Big Desert, and returned to his room.

"Take out our map," Lee ordered Tang while unfolding the map in his hand.

Tang took out the map from his bag and unfolded it on the ground too.

"The map I just got is more detailed than the map drawn by the Royal Guard. Those guys sucks," Lee said after carefully comparing the two maps.

The Royal Guard was established by Kyle.

At the end of the Flood Dynasty, heroes and talented people emerged endlessly. Kyle secretly established the Dark Pavilion and assassinated his two biggest worries: Zed, the first counselor of the king Harden; Utnes, the most fierce warrior of the Flood Dynasty. After Kyle conquered all the enemies for a period of time, the Dark Pavilion still needed to deal with the remnants of the Flood Dynasty. It was not until Kyle thought the Kingdom was peaceful that he renamed the Dark Pavilion to the Royal Guard, changing it from dark to bright, turning it into an intelligence agency.

At that time, it was said in public that "Kyle lives in the palace and knows everything in the True Kingdom." Clearly, the Royal Guard played an indispensable role.

However, the map from the Royal Guard was not as detailed as the map from the owner of Fly Clouds, which was really unreasonable.

"Look here," Lee pointed to the map from the owner of Fly Clouds and said. "There are already garrisons in this area, but this map is still blank."

Tang said, "This is a disaster for the Royal Guard."

"Something is wrong," Lee thought carefully, his face turning dark.

Before leaving the City of Victory, the Commander had warned Lee to be careful of the Royal Guard. Lee thought it was ridiculous at the time. He came to the Big Desert to find Danny's Buddhist relics, so why should he beware of the Royal Guard?

"What secrets were hidden? Were the Queen, the Prime Master, and the Royal Guard all involved?" Lee guessed.

"What's wrong, General?" Tang asked.

Lee compared the two maps and marked the differences one by one. "These places could not be visited. Let's go around them when searching."

"General, are we really going deep into the Big Desert? Didn't you hear what Wilcher said? Danny may have left nothing. We should find a place to relax for several months and then go back. Anyway, with the Commander here, who will question us?" Tang suggested.

Lee's facial expression was firm, looking at the two maps.

"Since we are here, we have to explore the Big Desert and then go to Cactus."

The Big Desert, full of mysterious stories, always fascinated Lee. There were always several famous people in every dynasty who were associated with the Big Desert.

According to legend, four well-known gentlemen of the White Dynasty had been sent to the Falling-Moon Kingdom by the king. On the way back, they lost their way in the desert. When they were desperate, they suddenly heard a heavy and sacred voice. Then they followed the sound and walked out of the dangerous area. Since then, the four gentlemen had believed in the Universe God.

In the Star Dynasty, Randy pretended to be a merchant to visit the Big Desert. During the period, he was worried about his life several times, but he survived. After returning, Randy spent two years sorting out his experience in the Big Desert and wrote "Big Desert Records", which caused a sensation in the Star Dynasty. Later, the romantic poet Lotus wanted to follow Randy's route, but when she gone through the "old road", the sand covered the sky, and Lotus disappeared. The mysterious disappearance of Lotus made Big Desert more obscure.

Freddy, the great leader of the Falling-Moon Kingdom, was involved in a conflict in royal family when he was young. His mother was murdered by the queen. Freddy escaped from Cactus and was forced to enter the Devil City in the Big Desert, which was inaccessible and dreadful. Two years later, Freddy reappeared in the Big Desert, proclaimed himself the real king of the Falling-Moon Kingdom, and started a rebellion. He finally killed the queen by himself. His father committed suicide in front of him. Freddy became the new king of the Falling-Moon Kingdom. His troops were undefeated and the territory of Falling-Moon Kingdom expanded rapidly until Freddy died of illness.

A couple of years later, Kyle attacked the Falling-Moon Kingdom and ended the undefeated myth of its troops. When he was asked about the Big Desert, he said, "Not so magical. There are many fools in the world, but few wise people." He brought the mysterious Big Desert back to the realistic world.

Lee had come to the Big Desert now, and he had heard from Wilcher that the Falling-Moon Kingdom was in turmoil. At the right time and place, Lee had no reason to retreat.

"Besides, don't you remember you have the king's letter?" Lee asked.

Hearing Lee mention that, Tang didn't dare to say anything else.