
Song of the True Kingdom

Lee was an orphan adopted by Windyce, the second most powerful man in the True Kingdom. The king, Young, aimed to undermine Windyce's power. So he ordered Lee to search for the Buddhist relics in the Big Desert. The conflict between Young and Windyce began. Young had three ambitious sons who were keen to be the new king. Their competition for the throne also started. Step by step, Lee learned a lot on the road and finally became a fighting master. He thought he would have a rest after intensive conflict. But the sudden invasion from anti-True Kingdom alliance completely destroyed his dream. The game of power and war has just begun......

LongRain · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Various Schemes

Returning to the room, Lee let out a deep sigh and said to Tang, "I never want to attend such a banquet again."

Tang was a bit hesitant because he could see Kelly at the banquet.

"Have you really fallen for Kelly? She's not that young, though she is well-looked, she must be thirty-seven or forty," Lee mocked. "Besides, don't you have Tyana, the one you've been missing for in the City of Victory?"

"That's different! Kelly is the guild master, a high status, and Tyana..." Tang retorted.

"Forget old loves when find new ones," Lee sighed.

Tang didn't want to argue with Lee about this, so he changed the topic. "General, do you think Baron knows Lina was killed by us? He seemed too normal at the banquet."

"Even if he knows, he has to pretend not to. This is Cactus; he can't act recklessly. But he did directly ask if we had been to Gady, so he probably already knows. After all, it's been over a month. There should be someone passing him the information."

"If he knows, how can he still be so friendly with you?" Tang couldn't believe it.

"Remember what Mark said? Baron is a troublesome opponent, always keeping his emotions hidden. He can quickly become guild steward in a few months. He's very dangerous." Lee's face was serious, knowing the peril they were in.

"No matter what, we are now in a fight to the death with him. He said he wanted to return with us; let's see who will laugh in the end," Lee continued.

Tang nodded and then said, "Andrew seems to really hate us."

"That guy is too powerful. He respects no one but Francesca. We should avoid contact with him as much as possible," Lee said.

"Are we leaving Cactus tomorrow, to Luzac?" Tang asked.

"How can we go? I guess as soon as we leave the Guesthouse, we'll be watched by Andrew's people. Let's not think about it for the next few days. Go out during the day and come back before night. I feel there's a weird atmosphere in Cactus," Lee said. Tonight's banquet made him very nervous. The seemingly simple conversation was full of hidden meanings and dangers.

When Baron returned his adobe, he slammed the door of his bedroom shut and swept a decorative vase to the floor. The loud crash startled the servants. The butler stood at the door and asked, "Lord, are you well?"

"Well? Ass!" Baron shouted. "Go get Alyssa and Jack."

The butler hurriedly gave orders.

"I will kill you," Baron muttered to himself. "Lina, I will avenge you."

After a while, Baron regained his calmness, ordered the fragments of the vase to be cleaned up, and went to his study to wait for the two.

Alyssa and Jack left the Guesthouse separately, taking different carriages. Alyssa, wearing a white dress that accentuated her tall figure, arrived at the back door of Baron's house, where someone was already waiting to escort her to the study. Jack, with his right arm in a splint wrapped with cloth strips, entered through the front door and found Baron's study.

"What's the big deal?" Jack asked directly, sitting down on an armchair. Jack looked at Alyssa, who had just entered the study, a flicker of desire in his eyes.

"Do you want to see a war between the Falling-Moon Kingdom and the True Kingdom?" Baron asked calmly.

Alyssa hesitated before sitting on another armchair and did not speak first.

"Are you crazy? What good does this do for you?" Jack asked.

"I'm already alone. It doesn't matter to me, but it's different for you. If the Falling-Moon Kingdom and the True Kingdom start fighting, you'll have an opportunity, especially you, Alucs. You've been oppressed by the True Kingdom for years," Baron said.

"What do you want to do?" Alyssa asked, clearly interested in such a thing.

"What would happen if the True Kingdom's envoys died in Cactus?" Baron asked with a smile.

"Lee and Tang?" Alyssa said.

"Those bastards?!" Jack gritted his teeth.

"Sorry, I just forgot it was those two who broke your arm," Baron deliberately provoked Jack.

Jack wanted to slam the chair, but the pain in his arm reminded him of his injury.

"What's your plan?" Alyssa asked.

"Jack, you should know their level of combat skills," Baron said, looking at Jack.

"Hmph," Jack snorted. "They are below the level of a fighting master. Tang is slightly stronger, probably just a step away from being a master."

"Tang is not important," Alyssa said. "It's obvious Lee is the key one."

"Exactly, if we kill Lee, our plan will succeed. Tang can be dealt with later," Baron said. "You all have some good fighters in Cactus, right? It's time to use them. We need to ensure Lee is killed quickly."

"If we provide the people, what about you?" Jack asked.

"Don't worry, my friend," Baron's eyes turned fierce. "I'll handle it myself."

When Steven got home, he immediately told Quinn about his encounter at the banquet.

"Quinn, Andrew is too arrogant," Steven complained.

"Andrew used to be more restrained when Knight was here, but now he doesn't even respect me," Quinn said with a sharp look in his eyes.

He knew his son well: apart from being lazy, lacking ambition, and spending his days in frivolity, he doesn't have any other major flaws. Today, being driven out of the banquet by Andrew showed that Andrew had no respect for him at all.

But right now, he couldn't confront Andrew directly. Andrew was, after all, the military captain, and until Lance was on the throne, he had to endure.

"A gentleman's revenge is never too late," Quinn said. "Put this matter aside for now. You're going to Luzac tomorrow. I have a few things to tell you."

"What's else to say? I'll just ask Horace if Danny left Buddhist relics, and then report back," Steven said.

"What if he says yes?" Quinn asked.

"Then I'll report back to Locke, saying there are Buddhist relics," Steven said in confuse.

"No," Quinn shook his head. "No matter what Horace says, you report back saying Danny left nothing."


"Locke has been the Regent for over half a year and has achieved nothing. The people think he's unfit. He's just a puppet put up by Francesca. Now, with the throne vacant for so long, people want a new king. If Danny really left Buddhist relics, I'm afraid Francesca will risk everything to take them from Luzac, give them to the True Kingdom, and start a expansion in the desert to strengthen Locke's position. If that happens, the new king will be delayed forever," Quinn explained patiently. Steven listened, half understanding.

Since his father wanted him to do it, he would. He thought of it as a break from Cactus. Today, Todd and Andrew had really pissed him off.

Meanwhile, Francesca was lying on a chaise longue, with Locke standing next to her, looking like an obedient child.

"Are you just going to stand there and not speak?" Francesca asked softly.

"I don't want to disturb you," Locke replied.

"Then why did you come here?" Francesca smiled.

Locke was confused. "Didn't you send someone to find me? What are you asking now?" he thought to himself.

"You're a useless Regent," Francesca sighed. "Are you that afraid of me?"


"Who's your mother!" Francesca suddenly yelled with anger. "I'm your aunt!"

Locke said nothing.

Francesca looked at Locke, her face softening a bit. "Don't worry, as long as I'm alive, they won't dare say anything. I'll hasten to place my people among them and control them for your future."

"Today, I went to the guild hall and recommended Baron. He's quite good. I'm just not sure if you can control him."

"I won't let you down!" Locke said.

Francesca nodded. She turned away and closed her eyes, saying, "Alright, I need to rest now. You can leave."

Locke left as if escaping. Only when he was out of Francesca's house did he realize he was drenched in sweat.

Francesca's house was extremely quiet, only her soft sighs could be heard.

In Kelly's bedroom, she and Paul were engaged in vigorous parallel exercises. Paul was sweating profusely, clearly exhausted. Paul, as usual, said little. With Paul's grunt, their exercise ended. Kelly snuggled into Paul's arms, her hair messy.

"Such a good banquet ruined by Andrew," Kelly said.

Paul was still panting, not responding to her.

Kelly continued, "Do you think Chris will become the king?"

"No," Paul said firmly.

Kelly lightly bit Paul's chest, and she was a little angry. "Whenever you say something, it loses hope."

Paul hugged her tightly and said, "You're already the guild master, isn't that enough?"

"Never enough," Kelly replied.

"Then I need to work harder," Paul said. He kissed Kelly, and soon they started their second round. The room was again filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and moaning.

At Andrew's residence, Andrew sat on a wooden stump in the yard. Beside him stood a silent man in black. Andrew ordered, "Send people to Luzac to find out if Danny left Buddhist relics. If not, make it up."

The man in black left with his orders.

Andrew looked toward the palace and said, "It won't be long."