
Song of the True Kingdom

Lee was an orphan adopted by Windyce, the second most powerful man in the True Kingdom. The king, Young, aimed to undermine Windyce's power. So he ordered Lee to search for the Buddhist relics in the Big Desert. The conflict between Young and Windyce began. Young had three ambitious sons who were keen to be the new king. Their competition for the throne also started. Step by step, Lee learned a lot on the road and finally became a fighting master. He thought he would have a rest after intensive conflict. But the sudden invasion from anti-True Kingdom alliance completely destroyed his dream. The game of power and war has just begun......

LongRain · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Make Friends with Baron

The attendees all paid their respects to Francesca, even Lee and Tang stood up from their seats. But Andrew remained completely still. 

"Please, everyone," said Francesca, "I just came to see and feel the energy of the young people. You know, the older I get, the more I enjoy being around you young folks."

Todd's face turned red. Though Francesca was his aunt, he certainly didn't count as a young person. 

Kelly took Francesca's words and said, "You look very healthy, we all envy you."

Francesca waved her hand dismissively, "I know my own body's condition."

Kelly nodded and continued, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have two honored guests here, the envoys from the True Kingdom, Lee and Tang."

The hall buzzed with whispers. The True Kingdom had not sent envoys to the Falling-Moon Kingdom for a long time. Ever since the Falling-Moon Kingdom was defeated by Kyle, the powerful eastern empire had been a lingering shadow over the people of the Falling-Moon Kingdom. The long-standing fear had ingrained a sense of flattery and admiration for the people of the True Kingdom.

Kelly invited them over, and Lee waved to everyone. He wasn't fond of being the center of attention. Kelly said, "They met with the Regent this morning, and I encountered them at the palace, inviting them to attend tonight's banquet."

"Hi everyone, I'm delighted to be here," Lee said.

"Was the journey hard?" asked a gentleman.

"Fairly smooth, we traveled with a caravan. You know, they are experienced and know how to safely navigate the Big Desert," Lee replied.

"Is it just the two of you?"

"There were three more envoys, but they fell ill and unfortunately passed away," Lee said.

He and Tang became sad, remembering the forty guards who had died, their faces filled with pain. The crowd murmured sympathetically.

"Cheer up, we're here to enjoy ourselves today, let bygones be bygones. Lee, do you have any plans?" Steven interjected to ease the mood.

"We're not sure yet. The Regent invited us to stay in Cactus for a few days, we might wander around," Lee answered.

"Come to my circus, our lions can jump through fire hoops," said a famous circus master.

"We have the largest restaurant in Cactus with all the best food," a portly gentleman said.

"We have the most beautiful jewelry, you can choose a few pieces to take back to the True Kingdom," said a lady adorned in jewels.

For a moment, everyone was talking at once, inviting Lee and Tang to visit. Lee felt overwhelmed; he had never faced such a scene. Even when he proclaimed himself a Brigadier General on the streets of the City of Victory, no one paid him any mind; there were far too many senior officials and nobles there.

"Quiet," Francesca said softly, but the effect was immediate, and the bustling hall fell silent. "Lee and Tang will decide where they wish to go."

Then she turned apologetically to Lee, "I'm sorry for that."

"Not at all, everyone is very hospitable," Lee replied.

"By the way, I have someone to introduce," Francesca said, beckoning a tall, short-haired man over. He had a calm expression, a poker face much like Paul's.

Lee looked at his face, finding it somewhat familiar. "This is Baron from Gady," Francesca explained, "He is a newly appointed director of the guild."

Lee's pupils contracted, but he kept smiling. He exchanged a glance with Tang. This was trouble; Baron had risen to a director in just a few months since arriving in Cactus. Lee wondered if he knew Lina was already dead.

Baron acknowledged the crowd and said, "Thank you, I hope to cooperate harmoniously with all of you." His tone was calm, giving a sense of friendliness, a stark contrast to Paul's.

After introducing Baron, Francesca seemed tired. She said, "You young people carry on, I'm a bit fatigued." 

Then Kelly immediately signaled someone to escort Francesca back to the rear hall.

Once Francesca left, Baron walked straight towards Lee. Although Lee kept smiling, he was tense, fearing Baron might suddenly attack. Fortunately, nothing happened.

Baron bowed slightly to Lee and Tang. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Lee and Tang returned the bow.

"Did you pass through Gady on your way here?" Baron asked.

"No, the caravan didn't take that route," Lee answered, and Tang nodded.

"That's unfortunate. I run an inn in Gady; you might have stayed there if you passed through." Baron said.

"Maybe on our return trip, if the caravan goes that way," Lee said.

"Yes, I understand. I've been away for a while myself, and need to return soon. Perhaps we can travel together. I am very interested in the True Kingdom, and the guild is keen on doing business there," Baron said.

"You're most welcome," Lee replied sincerely. What he's thinking was: if Barron entered the True Kingdom, he would arrest him immediately.

"Really?" Kelly interjected, seizing the moment. "But will the esteemed king agree?"

"I think you need to send someone to request, preferably persuading the Regent to send envoys," Tang said. He never missed any chance to impress Kelly.

Kelly nodded, smiling as she thanked Tang, who felt elated.

Baron moved on to chat with others, showing a more amiable side compared to Paul. 

"Kelly, are there no special shows?" Todd asked Kelly.

"What shows?" Kelly asked in confuse.

"Like the dance of young girls wearing very little clothes," Todd answered.

"You're being inappropriate, Todd," Kelly said sharply.

"Look, even Steven, a known playboy, is here. A dance show wouldn't be much," Todd said.

"You're such an old goat!" Steven snapped.

"Why did you ask about a new king today? Do you have a candidate?" Andrew asked Todd, seemingly revealing his primary reason for attending the banquet.

"No, but the old king has two sons alive. Why not choose one of them?" Todd replied seriously.

"It's not that simple," Andrew said. "The difficulty lies in choosing between Chris and Lance. Both of them have poor reputations."

"Worse than Steven?" Todd retorted.

Andrew thought for a moment and said, "It's hard to say."

Steven was speechless. Why was he always looked down upon despite being a handsome gentleman?

"I'm leaving tomorrow, can't stand you guys anymore," Steven said.

"Where are you going?" Lee asked.

"Steven!" Andrew shouted, stopping Steven from answering Lee's question. "You should go home and prepare; you leave tomorrow morning."

Under Andrew's threatening gaze, Steven said, "Yes, sorry Lee, I must leave."

He hurried away without looking back.

Andrew turned back to Todd and said. "You'd better behave. The Regent might forgive you, but Francesca won't!"

Todd, feeling embarrassed to be scolded by someone much younger, just snorted and said nothing more.

Lee realized Andrew's rudeness; he reprimanded others freely, even the chief counselor's son and the Regent's cousin, and they dared not rebuke him. It seemed only in Francesca's presence did Andrew restrain his sharpness, becoming more amiable.

"Lee," Andrew said to Lee, "Do visit my residence someday."

"Thank you, but we'd like to wander around in Cactus for the next few days, maybe even outside Cactus," Lee replied.

"Outside?" Andrew asked. "You're thinking of going to Luzac, right?"

Lee didn't answer, just smiled.

"The Regent has already sent people there. What are you still worried about? Those monks are stubborn; they might ignore you, especially you are from the True Kingdom. Just stay in Cactus and wait for news," Andrew said.

"You're right," Lee said.

Andrew nodded, noticing Kelly approaching them.

"Andrew, why are you just sitting here? Many people want to know you," Kelly said.

"Why? I can't help them get promoted and make money," Andrew said. "They don't know who they should know—Paul is the one they need."

Kelly's face paled slightly in the light. She said, "Paul isn't that capable."

Andrew ignored Kelly and asked Paul directly, "Do you have that capability?"

"Yes," Paul answered bluntly.

Tang laughed out loud. Could someone really admit that so directly?

Andrew said, "See, Kelly, you always avoid speaking the truth, and that's your problem."

Kelly was a bit awkward. What was Andrew, a rough guy from the army, doing here?

A gorgeous lady approached Andrew with a goblet, trying to talk with him. Andrew pointed to Paul, saying, "Talk with him, he can help you."

The lady glanced at Paul and walked away embarrassedly.

Lee wanted to leave. Staying near Andrew didn't seem like a good idea; Andrew's aura was too strong and oppressive.

"Everyone, I'm not feeling well, we should leave early," Lee said, standing up, with Tang quickly following suit.

"What a pity, Lee. Do you need to see a doctor? Our guild's doctors are excellent," Kelly asked.

"No need, just a bit dizzy, some rest should do," Lee replied.

"Alright then, Lee, Tang, see you," Kelly said farewell to them. Andrew, Paul, and Todd said nothing.

Lee and Tang swiftly left the hall. Outside, they found the handsome coachman still waiting and quickly got into the carriage, leaving fast.

After they left, Todd said, "You scared them away."

Andrew sneered, "Stop your stupid schemes. Even if they convey your words to the True Kingdom, will their king listen? Don't be foolish! This is internal strife; don't let others interfere!"

"Right," Paul nodded in agreement. 

Back at the Guesthouse, Lee thanked the coachman and asked, "Can you check where Steven goes tomorrow?"

"Sorry, I can't do that," the coachman replied.

"Just see where he goes, it's no big deal," Lee said, while Tang fetched a gold ring and flashed it.

"I am at your command," the handsome coachman said.