
Song of the True Kingdom

Lee was an orphan adopted by Windyce, the second most powerful man in the True Kingdom. The king, Young, aimed to undermine Windyce's power. So he ordered Lee to search for the Buddhist relics in the Big Desert. The conflict between Young and Windyce began. Young had three ambitious sons who were keen to be the new king. Their competition for the throne also started. Step by step, Lee learned a lot on the road and finally became a fighting master. He thought he would have a rest after intensive conflict. But the sudden invasion from anti-True Kingdom alliance completely destroyed his dream. The game of power and war has just begun......

LongRain · Fantasy
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24 Chs


As the sun dipped low over Falling City, casting long shadows across its winding streets, Lucas led Lee and Tang through the narrow lanes towards their destination. What Lucas arranged for Lee was a mud house, just like the residence of ordinary people.

"Tang, what do you think of Wilcher?" Lee asked while sitting in the mud house.

"I don't know," Tang replied.

"Can't you use your brain?" Lee said helplessly.

Lee observed the surrounding scene on the way, noting how the citizens of Falling City interacted with Wilcher. Every greeting, every smile, every gesture of respect towards the governor was noticed. He recalled the Commander's evaluation of Wilcher, emphasizing his remarkable ability to win over the hearts of the locals. As the governor for three years, Wilcher had managed to establish a deep connection with the people of the Falling City. Lee was impressed, his initial expectations of Wilcher being exceeded by his genuine capacity.

"General, can we go to Immortal Drunk now?" Lucas's questioning voice came from outside the door.

Lucas didn't say anything along the way, but just strode forward to lead the way. The roads of the Falling City were relatively straight. Lee and Tang walked behind Lucas and looked around.

"Immortal Drunk, the name is quite interesting," Lee remarked, breaking the silence as they walked. "I hope that immortals truly do get drunk here. Then we will take them back to the City of Victory and our life will be worry-free."

"Do immortals even get drunk?" Tang chuckled, his voice carrying a hint of skepticism.

"They should drink immortal wine, then why not?" Lee countered with a playful grin.

"General, you are really a wise man," Tang flattered naturally.

"Lee," Wilcher's voice suddenly appeared.

Lee looked in the direction of the voice. Wilcher was standing in front of a two-story wooden building, waving at him. Right above his head, a plaque read "Immortal Drunk" in large characters.

"Wilcher, is this Immortal Drunk?" Lee asked.

"That's right, this Immortal Drunk is my design. What do you think?" Wilcher said proudly, obviously very satisfied with his work.

"Seeing is believing, as the ancients say," Lee answered.

A hint of pride flickered in Wilcher's eyes at Lee's "praise".

"As my honored guest, I insist you go to the top floor and enjoy the wonderful view of Falling City."

"The second floor," Tang, on the side, couldn't help but interject.

Wilcher's thick face shocked Lee for a while. "With this shameless level, he would definitely be able to get by in the City of Victory," Lee guessed.


"Lee, I don't know why you are here. The Commander was willing to send you to this desolate place?" Wilcher asked directly as the host and the guest sat down.

"The King ordered me to the Big Desert in search of Danny's Buddhist relics," Lee revealed, his tone betraying a hint of frustration.

Wilcher felt confused and he said, "Danny is King's uncle, especially a Buddhist Master. The Pope surely dislikes him. Why didn't Pope stop it?"

"The Queen had a nightmare. She saw Danny's Nirvana in the flames and his Buddhist relics were left behind. The King had always been interested in this kind of thing, but this time Pope couldn't stop, you know..." Lee stared at Wilcher.

"The Queen?" Wilcher's calm face finally showed some surprise, "She is the Pope's sister, never involved in religious affairs. That's certainly unexpected."

"You know, It's better not to ask too much about the affairs of the royal family," Lee spoke seriously, and Wilcher could sense the complaint feeling mixed in it.

"Yes," Wilcher nodded and asked, "Why did the King order you to find Danny's Buddhist relics? Doesn't he have royal guards?"

"The Prime Minister recommended. He said I have a fate and the best candidate for finding Danny's Buddhist relics. What does he mean?" Lee said bitterly.

"What the Prime Minister said must have a deep meaning, it is hard to understand. Why do not you stop thinking about it?" Wilcher spoke to Lucas who was standing behind him, "Are all the dishes served?"

"Yeah," Lucas replied.

"Then Lee, let's start."

Lee looked at the wine and food on the table, threw all his doubts and worries behind his head. No matter what the King, the Queen and the Prime Minister's intentions were, it was more important to fill his stomach first.

After several rounds of drinking, Lee and Wilcher were still not satisfied.

"I heard from the Commander that you are knowledgeable in history and poetry, and there are few people who can match you in poetry?" Lee was a bit drunk.

"Not that good," Wilcher said with polite words, but the smug look on his face seemed to say "I am the best in the world."

"I will go to the Big Desert to find the Buddhist relics. Would you do me the honor of writing a poem to encourage?" Lee is young and frivolous. Seeing Wilcher's smug face, he couldn't help but want to upset Wilcher.

Wilcher considered for a while and stood to recite:

"The immortal has gone with the gust,

only Drunken Immortal is left here.

I don't know where the immortal has gone,

but I see the waning moon sending off the soldiers.

The boundless desert is covered with sand,

the endless wind accompanies a lonely city.

Tears have dried and blood stained,

before no one has ever returned."

After finishing reciting the poem, Wilcher looked back and noticed that Lee's face was livid. He was very happy in his heart. He said, "Lee, bear with my poor attempt."

"It is good," Lee continued. "It's just a pity that you don't mention my search for Buddhist relics."

"Your achievement must be recorded in history. Such a great event can only be written by Drawnfly, Zoe and other masters of letters in City of Victory. I am not talented enough to come up with a good sentence. Lee, please don't embarrass me."

Lee's facial expression was still unfriendly.

Wilcher changed the subject and asked, "How long does the King order you to look for Danny's Buddhist relics?"

"Half year."

"Sounds enough. We all know Danny determined to spread Buddhism around the Falling-Moon Kingdom and died in Cactus. He is well-known, so don't worry that you can not find his body or Buddhist relics. Now the Big Desert is in trouble, and there are diverse people in the desert. You must be careful. But I do not think they can trouble you," Wilcher said a lot.

"Is there something wrong with the Falling-Moon Kingdom?" Lee grasped the critical information in Wilcher's words.

"One branch of the royal family has left. They think staying in the Big Desert is undoubtedly facing destruction," Wilcher said.

"Where did they go?"

"Rakshasa." Wilcher's answer was neat and clear.

The Rakshasa Empire was located in the west of the Big Desert, and Lee knew very little about it.

"Thank you, Wilcher."

Lee understood how valuable the information was. Obviously Wilcher was really capable and had confidential intelligence about the dormant Falling-Moon Kingdom.

"You have made some arrangements in the desert," Lee said, "I wonder if you know that there is something about immortals in the desert? Our King regards Danny's Buddhist relics as a chance to be immortal."

Wilcher pondered for a long time and said, "In the past, I would tell you directly that there were no immortals in the world. But now I am not sure. Some things will not exist if you are sincere."

Tang interrupted and said, "Wilcher, you confuse me. You guys are really hard to understand."

"Tang, don't be rude," Lee scolded.

"No problem," Wilcher continued speaking, "Lee, have you ever seen anyone get immortal? There have been countless people who have found immortals in history, and there are countless legends of immortals appearing in folk, but current people can not see one of them. Before the King Forest sent Nancy to find immortals. Nancy searched for immortals for three years. When she returned, she brought back a white-haired old man who claimed that he could determine life and death, fortune and misfortune. The old man said that a big star would pass by within three days, and it really came true. Forest was excited and treated him respectfully as a distinguished guest. However, the old man died in the Forest palace one year later. Forest was so angry that he executed Nancy, and this incident became a joke of Forest."

"I will not tell more about immortals. I hope you succeed," Wilcher took a sip of wine.

Lee drank all the wine in the glass and said, "The Commander will send someone to pick me up."

"Since the Commander has made arrangements. Just listen to him. After all..." Wilcher looked directly at Lee and said, "He will not harm you."

Lee said nothing. Tang nodded in agreement.