
Song Of The Raptor

***WARNING! SLOW-BURN STYLE BOOK! IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS "STYLE" OF BOOK, YOU MAY WANT TO READ SOMETHING ELSE.*** ____________________________ Life and death hang in the balance during my lifespan, who knows what could happen to you should you dare to read these scrolls... You have been warned. The rest is YOUR choice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aya's POV ( Present year, 2020 ) This is the first time I have taken quill to parchment to tell my story. It involves power struggles and vengeance between old Gods and Guardians for humanity, the ongoing struggle to keep the peace between vampires and other creatures. Plus, walking the thin red line to keep our existence a secret. There are battles and private wars, and so much blood... Such were the Dark Ages. Then later, seeing my country torn apart, the shogunate destroyed. While people want to try to exist under the possible rule of one man trying to unify the country. This is the time of the Sengoku Period, to name a few. At this present time, of 2020 I have already existed for thousands of years. I would tell my age, but I think when I explain how it all started, you'll have a good idea. I write these scrolls because I go into battle tomorrow night, only this time, I may not survive. I am Aya Takeda. I am Lady Raptor, and this is my story and my legacy... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Through vengeance and spite, the world of the old Gods and new is about to end by the spilling of the vampire Guardian's blood. Or is it? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Author's Note: Just as a warning, this book is written in the "slow burn" style. Please keep the Comments and Votes coming! Bless you, all for taking an interest in my book! Thank you! Chloè Cover Art By @Ms_EliMonroe on Instagram and Wattpad. Disclaimer: The cover image does not belong to the author

Chloe_Roissere · Fantasy
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122 Chs

Feral Appearance

Aya's POV

For now, I bit back my words and clenched my teeth in frustration while I watched his retreating back. This one was arrogant indeed! He was maybe in his early thirties, and human from what I could tell. That he expected me to just simply follow him without the benefit of at least his name? Outrageous!

Alarms go off in my head and I know it's better to just get on the move using my vampiric speed. Human or otherwise, he could have gotten us both killed with such ignorance. 

Passing him, the wind and twigs caught at my hair as did his scent. The direction his previous scent had come from was west by north west. By following it, I should find the encampment of men and my old friend. If the man was truly from them.

Though worry and concern began to set in at the words he had said. That the Good Father wasn't looking very good.. Concern over the man began to mark my brow too. 

From what I could tell, this man hadn't known too much about "field work." If he did, he would not have been wearing clothing that stood out among forest colors. Those blues were like an open invitation to any and all supernaturals. If I remember correctly, according to the Elder, this area was rife with vampires. 

Slowing down, I turned around and headed back as a prickling feeling ran up my spine. I could see the sun was beginning to pass beyond the shadows of the mountains. All I could do was hope to the Gods that I wasn't too late..

Jin's POV

When I turned and she wasn't following me, I was highly irritated at first, and then it dawned on me.. I never gave her the courtesy of my given name. 

What an idiot! No wonder why she just took off. All I could do was go pick up my gear pack at the tree I had left it at, and try to run like crazy to catch up to her. 

At a light run, I disappear into the trees noticing that the sun will be leaving the forest floor soon. With my eyes flickering back and forth through my surroundings, I follow the landmarks I left behind me as a trail to reclaim my belongings. Two broken twigs.. the boulder with a tree branch on it.. Then I hear a sniffle of all things. Flattening the front of my body up against a tree, my hand at my sword, I peek around the side of the tree trunk. 

A female child of no more than 12, was kneeling next to my pack by the second tree down. A child! This is absurd, I have to get her out of here it's not safe! 

Deliberately, I step on some twigs and as I let go of my sword, and I smile kindly as I step toward her slowly. "It's alright. I am not going to hurt you." I slowly raise my hands up to show I am not holding a weapon. 

In her sack cloth dress of mud and grime, she begins to back away from me, whimpering. 

I can hear a bit of rustling all around me, so I must assume that it is only the wind. Crouching down I stay put and extend my hand to her. "Come little one, it's going to be alright." That's when her eyes suddenly glow crimson, and I feel my stomach drop. 

Aya's POV ( w/presence )

Before I saw the vampires, I could smell the scent of them. There were three maybe four vampires about to attack. Otherwise, I would already smell fresh blood. 

My eyes flashed crimson then garnet as the presence in my mind blindsided me, rushing forward with the determination to see them all die. To feel their succulent blood run red over my fangs, I am forced into the back of my mind, fighting for control and losing the battle . 

I surely hope he knows how to fight well. With thick trees like this it was better to go hand to hand combat. Swords were too clumsy here. 

All I needed were my six inch lethal nails. They grew longer with age. As did my fangs, having grown two inches in length when fully elongated in a show of age and dominance. Both, aspects of the vampire demon that resides within my blood. 

I ran up behind them silently and jumped over their heads in a twist. Crossing my arms and slashing outward as I landed; hissing loudly, fangs fully elongated as I landed. I reveled in the feeling of the flesh of their two throats tearing apart as my nails ripped through them both. Ah.. Blood.. God's I love that scent! I licked my elongated fangs while the blood spurted from their arteries pouring all over them and me. The scent of the blood on my clothes and face feeding to my lust for more. Hissing again, I grab the biggest one by his shoulder, and slam my fist through his breast bone; caging the heart with my nails. I love feeling the arteries and ventricles separate and tear; as I pull the heart free of the body, biting into it like it's a bright red juicy apple. Yes! I needed that! Needed to feel that liquid ambrosia pour down my throat.. Almost, orgasmic.. 

In the distance, was the sound of clashing metal. I briefly glanced at the young man who was my ally for now fighting a vampire, sword to dagger. He seemed to be doing quite well.. 

I bit into another blood chamber of the heart in my hand as my eyes sought out the other vampire whose throat I'd cut. He was weak due to lack of blood and was trying to get away from me by crawling in the dirt. Seeing that I was so close and about to kneel beside him, he promptly stabbed himself in the chest with a silver dagger, falling backward on the dirt. 

Infuriated over the loss of my kill as I wanted it, I yanked out the dagger. "In this manner, silver doesn't kill our kind, fool! But this way it sure as hell will!" The man was in the beginnings of a state of torpor. ( A deep sleep for healing, that we can go into. ) But oh no! He was MINE! 

Lifting him up easily, I positioned myself behind him, I grabbed him by his long straight hair and making a fist, I yanked his head back hard against my shoulder Raising the dagger to his throat, with added pressure; slowly proceeding to saw his head off. His screams were like music, making me smile. Letting the rest of his blood soak into the thirsty earth. 

Swiftly,  I punched his chest, crushing his breastbone entirely; then removed his heart and threw it aside so he could never rise again. What a waste.. 

Dumping the body in a natural run off ditch to the side, I cleaned off the dagger; scraping both sides of it on his clothing to remove all the blood and gore on it. Getting up, I slipped the dagger into the obi at my waist and turned toward the young man, seeing that he was still furiously fighting the vampire. 

In exasperation, I snuck up on the vampire he was fighting and placed my nails at his throat. Placing my lips near his ear, I whispered, "Do you know what these are?" I scratched him lightly on the neck so he could feel that my nails were beyond razor sharp, trickles of blood forming beautifully against his pale white skin. He shook his head in fear, I could smell it. Along with the blood in the air, it was intoxicating.. I wanted more.. 

"These nails tell a 'round about idea of my age, as do my fangs length.  Now.. On your knees, Chylde.. "I commanded him. He whirled his head around to look at me and gnashed his fangs in protest. Taking my other hand, I pushed down on his left shoulder; my nails digging through his clothes to stab into the muscle tissue; as the command seeped into his brain and the marrow of his bones. Submitting, though he tried so hard to remain standing. "There now. Good boy." I said to him as I heard his knees settle with a 'thud' into the dirt. 

My crimson eyes flashed back and forth to garnet as I fought the presence within my mind. Eyes flickering up to the young man with his sword still in hand; he was very dissatisfied with how his fight went. I finally asked him "What is your name?" I asked as he closed the distance between us and he bowed his head deeply in respect. "My name is Jin. And I am your servant, Aya. I apologize for not saying who I was earlier." I just shrugged it off, we had bigger fish to fry, as the saying goes. Reaching into my obi I passed him the silver dagger with a smile at the irony. "Stab the heart; he will go into a state of torpor. It cannot kill him this way. But, it can immobilize him. We need to know all that he does. If he doesn't give us the information we require through torture, my mind manipulation will force it. I will tear his mind apart and let him live only to suffer an agony worse than hell, for non-cooperation. Understand?"

Shock radiated on his features as the words sank in. His wide chocolate brown eyes scanned the other two vampires, and he knew I meant every word toward this last one. Bending down in front of the vampire, he placed the silver dagger against his chest. "If I were you vampire, I'd start talking.."