
Song of Adolescence

"Song of Adolescence" tells the story of Lei Wujie, a young man from the Thunder Sect who has just entered the martial world, and Xiao Se, a reclusive prince. They meet and journey together through the martial world, eventually getting entangled in court disputes. Amidst conspiracies and intrigues, they support each other and ultimately gain fame across the land.

Zotsu_ghost · Book&Literature
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Chapter 9: Carefree Monk

Tang Lian asked in a low voice, "Just now at the Beauty Manor, Xiao Se claimed he had no martial arts skills. What use is he here?" 

Lei Wuji was surprised, "That's impossible. I've seen Xiao Se use martial arts before. With just his bare hands, he closed all eight doors at once." 

As the two conversed, the figure in black robes, facing Xiao Se's sudden appearance, refrained from acting rashly. After standing on the coffin lid for a moment, Xiao Se suddenly leaped back and kicked the lid off the coffin. 

"Stop!" Tang Lian angrily shouted. 

But it was too late. The coffin lid heavily fell to the ground, and a pallid hand suddenly emerged from the coffin! 

"A trick... a corpse?" Lei Wuji was dumbstruck. 

That pallid hand grabbed the edge of the coffin, and a figure slowly propped itself up. 

"Is... is he a monk? Or a living monk?" Lei Wuji focused his gaze, seeing a monk about his age dressed in white robes. Even in the darkness, his features were clear—fair and delicate, otherworldly—but with his eyes tightly shut. 

"Take him away first," the leader of the black-robed individuals shouted angrily, leaping forward, followed closely by the others. 

Upon hearing the voice, the monk finally opened his eyes slowly and looked towards the group in black. 

In just an instant, everyone stopped their attacks and stared dumbfounded at his eyes. Soon, their expressions turned extremely horrified, as if they had seen something incredibly terrifying. Then, a bizarre scene unfolded—they each lifted their ominous hands without hesitation and pierced them into their own hearts. 

"This..." Tang Lian and Lei Wuji were stunned by the black-robed individuals' suicidal actions, but their eyes turned towards the monk involuntarily. Yet a colossal figure stood between them and the monk. 

It was Ming Hou! He held a giant golden knife on his shoulder, lowering his head to gaze at the white-robed monk. The monk also looked up at him, and they exchanged just a glance—a glance that was full of profound meaning! 

Ming Hou, who usually had an expressionless face, momentarily seemed almost distorted, his eyes filled with immense horror. 

"Ming Hou!" Yue Hui landed beside Ming Hou and tried to block the monk's gaze. 

Ming Hou waved her aside, his horrified expression gradually fading. 

"Elder monk didn't want to tell the truth to the benefactor, but Wu Xin has already told you. Elder monk has told you long ago, if you want to know the truth, you will become a demon in your heart," the white-robed monk spoke calmly, as if he and Ming Hou were already acquainted. 

"Forgetful Master has a deep concern. I appreciate it. But knowing it's a demon in the heart, is it also a demon?" Ming Hou's voice was deep and hoarse. 

"A thought is an immortal, and another thought creates a demon soul. This is the benefactor's calamity. Benefactor, take care of yourself," the white-robed monk sighed. 

"As a repayment, we can take you away from here," Yue Hui said from the side. 

"This is my calamity, you go!" The white-robed monk suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashing with a bewitching light. 

"Go!" Ming Hou pulled Yue Hui and turned to leave. 

Meanwhile, Tang Lian and Lei Wuji, who had been watching them all along, finally met the eyes of the white-robed monk. It was just a momentary exchange of gazes, but Tang Lian felt the monk's face suddenly blur, and a familiar scene slowly dissipated before her eyes... 

"Close your eyes! Don't look into his eyes!" At this moment, a deep voice resounded, carrying a strange power. Tang Lian felt a sudden clarity in her mind, and those illusions immediately dispersed. 

The white-robed monk continued to gaze at her, with a faint smile on his face. At this moment, a figure swept past Tang Lian and rushed to the white-robed monk's side. He swiftly tapped the monk's body with his fingertips, tapping eighteen times in total. The white-robed monk slowly closed his eyes but did not collapse. 

Tian Nu Rui had also arrived by now, helping Tang Lian and Lei Wuji up. "Your contact has finally arrived. It's actually a monk?" 

Both were surprised, looking up to see the person who had turned around now. He was a monk with thick eyebrows and big eyes, dressed in grey monk's robes, with a large string of prayer beads around his neck. Unlike the alluring white-robed monk earlier, he exuded a strong righteous aura. 

"I am Wu Chan." The monk folded his hands together and nodded slightly towards Tang Lian. 

Tang Lian nodded back at the monk but kept her gaze on the white-robed monk. 

Wu Chan sighed softly, pointing his finger lightly at the white-robed monk's chest. After tapping eighteen times swiftly, the white-robed monk slowly collapsed. Wu Chan supported him, saying, "After hiding the truth all the way for the benefactor, it's time to be honest. This is my junior brother, Wu Xin." 

"The three great temples of the world: Shaolin Temple on Mount Song, Bai Ma Temple in Luoyang, and Yun Lin Temple in the South Sea—Master, which great temple are you from? And why did I have to escort your junior brother here, thousands of miles away?" Now everyone had entered the Beauty Manor. Tang Lian managed to suppress her injuries with the elixir from Xiao Se and finally couldn't help but ask the doubts in her heart. 

Wu Chan shook his head gently at the words and looked at Wu Xin who was lying on the side. "We are not disciples of the three great temples, but disciples of Master Forgetful of Hanshan Temple." 

"What!" Tanglian was shocked, her chest surging with blood and blood, and she almost knelt down. 

Tian Nu Rui saw the situation and hurriedly stepped forward to support him: "You, a dignified disciple of Xueyue City, how can you be so scared when you hear a name?" 

"Hanshan Temple Forgetful, that is ..." Tanglian frowned tightly. 

"The ancient Chandaoyuan." Xiao Se lifted a cup of tea on the table, took a sip, "Now ... the magic monk." 

"Magic monk?" Lei Wuji was puzzled, "If it is the ancient Chandaoyuan, how can it become a magic monk?" 

"Three temples of the world, Shaolin, Bai Ma, and Yun Lin, although famous, but the world's number one Buddhism is generally recognized as the Hanshan Temple master Forgetful. It is said that the master Forgetful is the only Buddhist monk who practices the six teachings of the Buddhist family: the eyes of heaven, the ears of heaven, his heart, the fate of life, the divine foot, and the leak. Among them, his heart is most extraordinary. Visitors who come to Hanshan Temple only need to look at the master Forgetful and do not need to speak. They often beat their chests, cry and cry, and finally cry. Often, when they wake up, they have a clear understanding and forget about the secular matter. " 

"So powerful? Don't even need to speak?" Lei Wuji exclaimed. 

"It is said that his heart is so profound that he can see through people's hearts at a glance and can change people's hearts without speaking, using Buddhist methods to measure people." 

Wu Chan nodded, his eyes suddenly becoming firm, "The young man is right. But I received a letter that only Tang Lian, the disciple of Xueyue City, who escorted his junior brother, did not mention you two. Can you tell me one or two?" 

"I? I'm just an innkeeper of a small inn. Although the inn is small, there are many rivers and lakes people who go on the road, and this matter is afraid that it has long been spread in the rivers and lakes. This young man Lei owed me a sum of money, and he was going to Xueyue City. I was afraid that he would go to the bill and had to follow up. Who knows that I almost lost my life on the way. " Xiao Se sighed softly. 

"Xiao Se, you haven't finished yet. Since it's such a powerful Buddhist master, how can he become a magic monk?" Lei Wuji interrupted. 

Xiao Se glanced at Wu Chan, "Can I say it?" 

Wu Chan folded his hands together, "This is related to this matter. It is not appropriate for a poor monk like me to say it." 

"Okay." Xiao Se nodded, "Forgetful is proficient in the six teachings of Buddhism, and his Buddhism is so advanced that although Hanshan Temple is only a small temple, there are endless pilgrims. However, just two months ago, Forgetful suddenly went crazy during an audience with a pilgrim." 

"Crazy?" Lei Wuji's eyes widened. 

"Forgetful suddenly jumped up and pulled out the seven-foot wooden sword on the statue of the Maitreya Buddha in the temple, and cut off the head of the pilgrim in front of him." 

"What?" Lei Wuji gasped. 

"The scene outside the main hall terrified the incense guests. They turned and fled in panic. However, Master Wangyou unexpectedly chased after them. He was a martial arts master, wielding a long sword as he pursued them outside the temple. Despite the presence of dozens of incense guests in the temple at the time, not a single one managed to escape. When the temple's martial monks arrived to intervene, it was already too late, and they were unable to subdue him. Finally, it was reported that his direct disciple arrived. Seeing his disciple, Wangyou dropped the sword, muttering to himself: 'One thought is an immortal, another thought gives rise to a demon soul.' Afterward, he sat down and passed away. His body collapsed to the ground and turned into dust in the blink of an eye." 


Xiao Se glanced at Wuxin, who had fainted, and continued, "This is the story circulating in the martial world. They say his body turned to dust upon death, which sounds like something out of a mythical tale. Only you two masters likely know the true details." 


Wuchan sighed softly, "The rumors are not wrong. After Master passed away, witnesses among the monks saw his body turn to dust. Many believed that his mastery of 'His Mind's Eye' had glimpsed the path to enlightenment, thus triggering a backlash. However, we later learned that he had already moved beyond 'His Mind's Eye' and practiced 'Heart Demon Attraction.'" 


"Heart Demon Attraction? What kind of martial art is that? I've never heard of it," Tang Lian furrowed her brow. 


Wuchan continued, "His Mind's Eye could perceive human hearts and comprehend their paths. Yet, the human heart is inscrutable. Without a heart of Buddha, one cannot truly understand the evil within oneself simply by looking into it, as Master could. However, 'Heart Demon Attraction' delves not into human hearts, but into heart demons. It can even recall forgotten memories. However, this is a forbidden art of Buddhism, sealed within the Raksasa Hall of the Cold Mountain Temple. Our founder once said that practicing such forbidden arts, though meant to subdue demons, would eventually lead one into becoming a demon oneself. In a single thought, one could shift from Buddha to demon." 


"It's getting confusing with all this talk about Buddha and demons. In short, did Master Wangyou go mad from practicing too much?" Lei Wujie seemed to grasp only part of the conversation. 


"No, he went mad from seeing too many heart demons," Xiao Se said lazily. 


"Xiao Se! You shouldn't speak so recklessly!" Tang Lian interjected urgently. 


Wuchan shook his head, "It's fine. Abbot Dajue of the Jiulong Temple also said the same. He said that although Master continually helped others achieve enlightenment, seeing too many heart demons eventually drew out his own." 


"You are Master Wangyou's disciple, so why did you come to Jiulong Temple?" Lei Wujie asked. 


"Disciple Wuxin followed Master to study the six paths of Buddhist arts. When I was young, Abbot Dajue of Jiulong Temple came to Cold Mountain Temple to discuss Buddhism. He thought I had great potential in the Vajra Subduing Demons martial art and wanted to take me back to Biluo City for training. Master agreed, and I've been in Jiulong Temple for twelve years, only meeting Master three times." 


"It wasn't that Abbot Dajue thought you had potential, but that Wangyou wanted you to leave," Xiao Se suddenly remarked. 


Wuchan furrowed his brow slightly and lowered his head, "I don't understand, sir." 


"The Vajra Subduing Demons martial art is the orthodox martial art of Buddhism. Those who practice it must embody righteousness, just like you, Master. However, your disciple, despite having only met him briefly, seems to be a rather... unconventional monk," Xiao Se paused, glanced around at everyone, and continued, "He seems quite wicked." 


At this point, everyone present, including Tang Lian, nodded slightly. The monk in the white robe had a handsome face, but lacked the restrained and calm demeanor of a monk. His face always seemed to carry a smile that was not quite a smile, fitting the description of "wicked." 


"If I'm not mistaken, Wuxin did not practice the six paths of Buddhist arts, but rather 'Heart Demon Attraction,' or perhaps all the martial arts in the Raksasa Hall?" 


Wuchan was taken aback for a moment and sighed, "You guessed correctly." 


"I dare to speculate that Master Wangyou was seeking an answer." 


"What answer?" 


"Whether it was possible for Buddha to overcome demons, or whether one first became a demon and then overcame it..." Xiao Se furrowed his brow slightly, "By the way, why did you travel so far to bring Wuxin here?" 


"Abbot Dajue was shocked upon receiving news of Master's passing. He sent Wuxin here from Xueyue City, hoping to gather high monks from the thirty-two Buddhist nations around to combine their efforts in using Vajra Subduing Demons to remove the forbidden arts from Wuxin." 


"Wouldn't that destroy him?" Lei Wujie whispered. 


"But it's said that after receiving the news, Wuxin lay down in the rotating coffin and had no objections to it." 


"Why would Tianwai Tian be interested in your younger brother?" 


"Tianwai Tian? What is Tianwai Tian?" Wuchan shook his head, "Although Wuxin's martial arts are from the Raksasa Hall, the news is bound to leak out, which is sure to provoke a lot of people in the martial world, but I've never heard of Tianwai Tian." 


"Tianwai Tian is..." Xiao Se was about to speak, but was interrupted by a cold voice. 


"It's us." Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and a person in a purple robe stood there, looking at them expressionlessly.