
Song of Adolescence

"Song of Adolescence" tells the story of Lei Wujie, a young man from the Thunder Sect who has just entered the martial world, and Xiao Se, a reclusive prince. They meet and journey together through the martial world, eventually getting entangled in court disputes. Amidst conspiracies and intrigues, they support each other and ultimately gain fame across the land.

Zotsu_ghost · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: The Golden Coffin

Lei Wujie suddenly looked up towards the courtyard, spotting a burly figure standing on the temple wall not far away. The figure held an exceptionally large blade, staring coldly in their direction. 

"This is it, this is it," Lei Wujie murmured to himself. 

Xiao Se frowned, "What's it?" 

"Moon Princess delivers a note, Death Lord slays in anger. It matches! They are the Moon Princess and Death Lord, the duo ranked in the top five of the martial world's killer list!" Lei Wujie exclaimed excitedly. 

"But why would they want to kill us?" Xiao Se looked towards the Moon Princess at the doorway, who still smiled gently, not refuting the statement. 

The Moon Princess shook her head and finally spoke, "Actually, the note was meant for another friend inside. However, our rule is that anyone who receives the note must die. So tonight, both of your lives must remain here." 

"I received your note, yet I am not dead." A deep voice sounded. Lei Wujie saw a shadow descend from the sky, landing firmly in front of him, standing between him and the Moon Princess. 

"Tang Lian," the Moon Princess smiled gently again, "so we've come to kill you again?" 

"Watch out!" Tang Lian shouted angrily, pushing Lei Wujie aside. His fingers flashed with silver light, deftly blocking the massive blade that came rushing from ten steps away. 

The Moon Princess chuckled, "The Death Lord naturally dislikes talking, so he despises people who talk too much." 

"The next strike, you won't be able to block." This time, it was the Moon Princess who spoke from the doorway. 

"Oh? Little brother is also from Xueyue City. Killing you wouldn't be in vain then. However, the Death Lord doesn't draw his blade easily. Try my sword first." The Moon Princess lightly drew her silver belt from her waist. It transformed into the shape of a sword, gleaming coldly under the moonlight. 

"The Confining Robe Sword, and the Golden Giant Blade. Not many get to witness these two weapons in one night. Little brother, you should watch closely!" The Moon Princess leaped up, her long robe fluttering. In a flash of purple, her sword was already at Lei Wujie's chest. 

She bent down, kicking towards Lei Wujie's chest. He hurriedly abandoned his sword and retreated. The tip of her foot, shimmering with silver light, concealed a thin serrated edge, slicing across Lei Wujie's chest. 

"I've heard the Leijia family from Jiangnan's Thunderbolt Hall is renowned for their firearms. But I didn't expect your inner strength to be so remarkable, able to hold my Confining Robe Sword bare-handed." The Moon Princess praised. 

Lei Wujie exhaled heavily, "I've seen your sword. But you haven't seen my fists." He clenched his fists, a surge of heat rising from his body. With a roar, he punched towards the Moon Princess. 

The Moon Princess dodged the punch, leaping up. She raised her Confining Robe Sword, the silver blade suddenly shining brightly in the moonlight. Everyone present instinctively wanted to cover their eyes as the sword seemed to meld with the moonlight. She stood there, sword raised, exuding unmatched elegance. 

At that moment, multiple Moon Princesses appeared in the courtyard. Some were dancing with swords on the ground, others soaring through the air, bathing in the moonlight. Some even stood just a meter away from Lei Wujie, their swords gleaming with silver light. Yet no matter what, they couldn't break through the circle Lei Wujie had created with his martial arts. 

Both were waiting for an opportunity. The Moon Princess was waiting for a flaw in Lei Wujie's circle, even a tiny gap would allow her Confining Robe Sword to easily pierce through his defense. Lei Wujie was waiting for her offensive to wane. At that moment, he would switch from defense to offense and land a decisive punch. 

"It's now!" Lei Wujie rejoiced. His left hand continued to maintain the circle while his right hand broke out, punching towards the Moon Princess standing right in front of him. 

A loud explosion shattered the moonlight into fragments. Lei Wujie quickly retreated, stumbling three or four steps before falling to the ground. He panted heavily, the back of his clothes already soaked. 

Meanwhile, the Moon Princess flipped over and landed steadily on the snow. 

"The Moon Shadow Sword and Shadow Imitation Technique—both are top-tier killing arts," Tang Lian remarked, watching the Moon Princess in the courtyard with admiration. 

The Moon Princess shook her head. "No matter how superb a killing art is, if it doesn't kill the intended target, it's useless." 

Lei Wujie sat on the ground, breathing heavily, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "In that round just now, you won." 

"You jest, little brother. We assassins don't talk about winning or losing, only about life and death." The Moon Princess raised her sword again. 

Lei Wujie also stood up, looking even more excited. "To encounter such an opponent right after entering the martial world is my good fortune." Heat surged from Lei Wujie's body, his red clothes fluttering, resembling a flame in the moonlight, and his pupils suddenly turned fiery red. 

"This is..." Tang Lian frowned. He had never heard of a strange martial art in the Lei family that could turn one's pupils red. 

"Moon Princess, let's go." The Death Lord, carrying his giant blade, suddenly began walking towards the courtyard exit. 

The Moon Princess nodded, re-sheathed her sword, and wound it back around her waist. 

"Hey, why are you leaving just like that?" Lei Wujie, puzzled, reached out to stop the Death Lord. 

The Death Lord suddenly turned, slashing his giant blade horizontally towards Lei Wujie. 

Lei Wujie had never encountered such a blade move—it felt like thousands of soldiers charging at him with immense force and dominance. Lei Wujie had no doubt that this strike could easily cut a person in half. Unlike the gentle yet dangerous sword aura of the Moon Princess, this was a straightforward, overpowering threat, leaving no room to dodge or defend. The only way to counter it was with an even stronger offense! 

Without hesitation, Lei Wujie thrust his fists forward. His fist aura collided with the giant blade, and he was pushed back three steps. He felt a surge of qi in his chest, coughing up blood even after trying to suppress it. The Death Lord, however, remained unmoved, only glancing at Lei Wujie before turning to leave. The Moon Princess followed him, and with a few leaps, they disappeared. 

Tang Lian frowned. "Strange, why did the Death Lord and Moon Princess suddenly leave?" 

Xiao Se lazily stood up, took out a small bottle from his pocket, poured out a white pill, and tossed it to the still-dazed Lei Wujie. "What kind of blade did you dare to intercept?" 

But Lei Wujie only blankly caught the pill, his eyes vacant, still recalling the power of that strike. He had never seen such a strike before—it felt like the blade had cut a hole in his world, revealing a whole new realm. 

"Stop daydreaming. The black-clad man over there," Xiao Se sighed helplessly, "did you park something in the backyard? Someone just sneaked in. I think the Death Lord and Moon Princess didn't want someone else to take advantage of the situation..." 

Before Xiao Se could finish, Tang Lian had already rushed towards the backyard. 

Xiao Se picked up Lei Wujie's long package from the ground and tossed it to him. 

Lei Wujie caught the package and snapped out of his trance. "What?" 

"Follow them!" Xiao Se kicked him. "Aren't we looking for Xueyue City? The top disciple of Xueyue City is right in front of us. Are we going to follow him or wander around with you?" 

"Oh, right!" Lei Wujie realized and quickly ran towards the backyard. 

When they reached the backyard, they found Tang Lian already standing on the carriage roof, surrounded by broken blades and several corpses. Tang Lian disdainfully remarked, "Just some small fry, only daring to do petty things." 

But the other two didn't pay him any mind. The horse pulling the carriage had its throat slashed, lying in a pool of blood. The cargo inside the carriage had slid out, revealing its true form in the snow. 

It was a coffin—a golden coffin! 

Xiao Se stepped forward, ignoring the fact that Tang Lian's finger blade was already at his throat. He was mesmerized as he gently touched the golden coffin and the intricate carvings on it. After a while, he exhaled in awe. "It's pure gold, definitely not gilded. This is a completely solid gold coffin!" 

"It's worth a fortune!" he concluded with a nod.