
Song of Adolescence

"Song of Adolescence" tells the story of Lei Wujie, a young man from the Thunder Sect who has just entered the martial world, and Xiao Se, a reclusive prince. They meet and journey together through the martial world, eventually getting entangled in court disputes. Amidst conspiracies and intrigues, they support each other and ultimately gain fame across the land.

Zotsu_ghost · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: The Unfathomable Innkeeper

The Thunder Clan of Jiangnan's Pīlì Hall has long been renowned for its development of powerful explosives. Generations ago, their ancestors performed a ritual known as "Sealing the Sword and Hanging the Saber," vowing to abandon the two most commonly used weapons in the martial world and instead focus on firearms, thus forging a completely unique path. At the time, no one believed that a clan which didn't use swords or sabers could survive. Yet, the Thunder Clan of Pīlì Hall did just that. They transformed gunpowder into a formidable weapon, achieving what seemed impossible and becoming a preeminent family in the martial world, evoking both awe and fear. 

"Since we've offended Pīlì Hall, we know this matter can't end well. Even though we aren't their match, we can't just sit back and wait to die!" The lead bandit knew that those who crossed Pīlì Hall were never spared. Resolved, he gripped his saber tightly. 

Lei Wujie chuckled and shook his head. "I just sprinkled a few Thunder Seeds on your companion's blade. If you dare continue, I'll do the same to you..." 

"Attack!" The leader swung his saber, and the ten or so men charged. 

"You!" Lei Wujie's eyes widened. "Are you not afraid at all?" 

Three sabers simultaneously slashed toward Lei Wujie's head. 

Angered, Lei Wujie swung his fists upward, breaking the three steel blades and sending the men flying. 

"What powerful explosives!" the crowd exclaimed in shock. 

Lei Wujie roared, "It's not explosives, it's my Wufang Boxing! But if you want to see some explosives..." He leapt into the air, a black glint flashing in his hand, and scattered several pellets. 

A series of explosions ensued, blasting the bandits into the air. When they fell to the ground, they were bleeding profusely and couldn't stand. 

Lei Wujie landed gracefully, hands behind his back. "Well? Remember my name now? Make sure you do. My name is Lei Wujie! Now get lost!" 

The bandits hesitated, exchanging glances. They had expected the young man to kill them, but his tone suggested he was letting them go. 

"Get lost!" Lei Wujie scowled. In his mind, these men should be fleeing in panic by now, but they lingered. 

Terrified, the bandits scrambled to their feet, helping each other as they fled. 

Satisfied, Lei Wujie picked up his bundle from the wreckage and prepared to leave. But a hand stopped him. 

Lei Wujie looked up and saw the innkeeper with the handsome face, lazily wrapped in his fur coat, only his right hand extended to block Lei Wujie's path. 

Lei Wujie quickly cupped his hands. "Many thanks! It's only right to help those in trouble. No need to be too polite. I'm in a hurry, so I must go. I hope we meet again!" 

Xiao Se squinted, frowning. "Thanks? Helping those in trouble?" 

Lei Wujie was puzzled. "If not for me, those bandits would've robbed your inn, maybe even taken your lives. Isn't that a great favor?" 

Xiao Se pointed to the ruins, angry. "Look carefully!" 

Lei Wujie turned to see the tavern, tables shattered, several servants injured and bleeding, with holes blown in the floor. 

Xiao Se pointed at the mess, indignant. "My inn is wrecked! As for those men, trying to take my life? Hmph!" 

"This..." Lei Wujie's face turned red, unsure what to say. 

"A hundred taels of silver." Xiao Se held out his hand, his fingers long and fair, yet more terrifying to Lei Wujie than the bandits' steel blades. 

"I don't have money!" Lei Wujie stepped back. 

"Oh?" Xiao Se's fur coat rustled as he moved, and with a wave of his hand, the inn's door slammed shut. 

"This skill..." Lei Wujie had to admit, it seemed the bandits couldn't have harmed this mysterious innkeeper. 

"But I'll have the money soon!" Lei Wujie suddenly brightened, speaking confidently. 

"Oh?" Xiao Se still responded lazily, but his eyes were now fixed on Lei Wujie's large bundle. 

"I'm going to a place where I'll get the money." 


"Snow Moon City!" Lei Wujie proclaimed proudly. 

"Snow Moon City?" Xiao Se was surprised. Snow Moon City wasn't a traditional martial sect but more like an alliance, an organization founded by several major sects and noble families. Since its inception, Snow Moon City set the rules for the martial world. Many young disciples from major sects and families studied there, making it an independent force. It taught unique martial arts and, allegedly, all the world's skills. 

If this boy was indeed headed to Snow Moon City, then as a scion of the Thunder Clan, getting a hundred taels of silver would be easy. Moreover, this boy didn't seem to be lying. Despite his martial prowess, he seemed a bit dim-witted. 

After some thought, Xiao Se nodded. "Alright, but I'm going with you." 

Lei Wujie nodded. "Agreed!" 

"And one more thing." Xiao Se's eyes gleamed with cunning. 

The inn servants sighed inwardly for the naive yet straightforward youth. 

"You'll owe interest. Five hundred taels!" Xiao Se declared. 

Lei Wujie stood there, dumbfounded. 

Xiao Se didn't wait for a response, waving his hand as the inn's doors opened. Staring at the falling snow, he sighed softly, almost as if talking to himself. "It's been many years since I've gone out." 

"Prepare the horses!" 

Two fine horses set out into the snow. One rider, wrapped in fur, lounged comfortably, while the other, in a red single layer, bared his chest to the cold. They galloped towards Snow Moon City. 

"Your horse is impressive, running so freely in the snow!" Lei Wujie admired. 

"A five-flower horse, a thousand-gold fur! I, Xiao Se, only use the best." Xiao Se glanced back at his inn, where he left money for the servants to repair it. He had a feeling he might never return.