
Chapter 13

The ride back to camp went smooth and also gave the Group time to think and reflect about the quest. Grover saw what the world really looked like, Annabeth saw some of the famous monuments, Percy saw the dangers of the mythical world, while Naruto saw how his fighting style worked against a stronger opponent. It seems that Naruto's style was leaning towards out-smarting and keeping his opponent at a distance, it wasn't perfect, but it worked for him. He didn't train much as he had a business to run and operate so on the 'slow' days he would train as much as possible, which were rare at best.

After twenty minutes the group of five reached the border of the camp;

'I wonder how many orders I have now' thought Naruto as he walked over the hill, 'with my luck it would be over fifty.'

As they walked over the hill the group was greeted by some of the other campers congratulating them on completing the quest, Percy being jealous of Naruto as he was hugged by Aphrodite's daughters. As the successful group continued walking into camp, they found that they were being driven towards the fire pit and saw that three blankets folded nearby.

"Why are there blanket with our names on them?" asked Percy

"Those aren't blankets, they're your shrouds," said Doug, a child of Apollo

"Shrouds!" yelled Percy

"We're the first group in years to complete a quest." said Naruto, "Death shrouds are usually made in advance in case they die."

"Who makes them?" asked Percy

"Usually I would, but in the case, I am busy or sick some of your cabin mates would make it." said Naruto, "I wonder who made mine?"

The sight that greeted Naruto could be described in one word, weird. Battle towers and barbed wire fences were surrounding his shop, and Naruto knew who placed them there, the pink hearts and doves gave it away.

"What the!?" said Naruto, "I thought they took everything down."

"We tried our best, but we had to compromise," said Chiron as he walked towards Naruto, "They did get rid of the stone wall, spear guns, and flamethrowers."

"Should we be afraid?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, we should," said Chiron

Naruto resumed to walk to his shop, and getting around the barbed fence, and opened the door to be greeted by another surprising sight. Melinoe was sitting at a desk, which wasn't there before, shorting through his orders and answering the phone, another thing that wasn't there before.

"Hello sweetie," said Melinoe

"Hello Melinoe," said Naruto as he put down his bag, "Question, why are you here and not the underworld?"

"I asked my father if I can explore the mortal world, so I become your assistant," said Melinoe

"And he just agreed," said Naruto, "without any attachments or conditions."

"Well there was a discount and possible marriage," said Melinoe as she looked at the orders.

"Is that all?" asked Naruto as he gave Fluffy a treat.

"Nope," said Melinoe, nothing else, but isn't great now we can finally be together and really get to know each other." as she hugged Naruto.

"Yeah," said a less than enthusiastic Naruto.

The two talked until it was time for the campfire, to further celebrate their accomplishment and burn the shrouds.

"Today we are here to celebrate the accomplishment of Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Naruto." said Chiron, "Glory to them for preventing a war."

"To Glory!" yelled the other campers.

The burning was beautiful as the shrouds illustrated the various events that took place in their lives, except for Percy's as his shroud consisted of a red smiley face with the eyes crossed out.

'I hate Ares's cabin' thought Percy as he watched the shroud burn.

"Also, Melinoe, Goddess of Ghosts, will be staying with us," said Chiron, "She will be staying with Naruto, acting as his secretary and organizer."

With those announcements, out of the way the usual festivities continued, Apollo's children singing and Are's children retelling stories of triumph. This went on into the night, Hephaestus's cabin put on a spectacular firework show depicting several ancestors including George Washington and Steve Jobs. While Everyone was enjoying, the fireworks Naruto managed to sneak away back to his shop, only to encounter Melinoe;

"Where do you think, you're going?" said Melinoe

"To comfort my pets," said a nervous Naruto, "Their easy spooked."

"They look fine to me," said Melinoe as she looked over towards a sleeping Fluffy and Stilio, "Are you trying to avoid me?"

"No~, what would give you that idea," said Naruto

"You sneaking away and secluding yourself in the shop," replied Melinoe

"Alright you got me," said Naruto, "I was trying to escape but it wasn't because of you, my social life can be described as nonexistent, and my own cabin barely tolerates me."

"I know, but that's the other reason," said Melinoe, "is to get you out of your shell."

"And stake my claim on you" whispered Melinoe.

"What was that the last part?" asked Naruto

"Nothing," said Melinoe, "now con on they're making s'mores."

As Naruto was being dragged towards the center of camp, Percy was being dragged towards the forest be Luke.

"So, what do you think of camp?" asked Luke as he handed Percy a soda.

"Fine for the most part," said Percy

"Percy, do you think God appreciate us?" said Luke, "they drop us off at this camp but never get to see them again."

"Well I'm sure they're busy with managing their domain," said Percy

"No I don't think that's the case," said Luke, "if they were so busy, they wouldn't have demigod children. They don't love us, and they don't care about us so if anything were just mistakes." as he crushed his empty soda can and throw it on the ground. This was bad as the nymph would consider this an insult and take their revenge on them by filling their bed with soil and insects or something even worse.

"What are you talking about?" said Percy

"The gods are getting weaker as the monsters get stronger and after so now they want us to defend them. They give us nothing, and they expect us to defend them." said Luke, "That's why I'm leaving and gather an army to tear Olympus apart brick by brick."

"What! Your crazy" shouted Percy.

"No Percy I'm not, and you will tell no one of this conversation." said Luke, "and to make sure you don't I left you a present."

Percy felt something crawling up his leg and saw it was a black scorpion. He didn't know what to do so he stayed still.

"One sting is all it takes to kill you," said Luke as he began to walk away, "goodbye Percy and hope we don't see each other on the battlefield."

As Luke was getting further away the scorpion was getting closer, so Percy tried to grab the pen in his pocket and possibly slay the monster arachnid, but when he jerked his leg to get the creature airborne, it managed to nick him on the hand. As the monster was disintegrated, Percy managed to get up off the group but was the venom started to take effect making him delirious and woozy. Percy's last conscious thought was getting help from the camp only to see blackness. Percy later woke up in the camp's infirmary surrounded by Annabeth, Naruto, Grover, and Chiron.

"What happened?" asked Chiron

"Luke left and is planning to destroy Olympus," said Percy

"Are you sure?" asked Annabeth, "maybe you misheard."

"No, I'm positive," said Percy

"Well then it seems we have an enemy to look for." said Naruto, "and this one knows vital information about us."

"But he's one of us," said Percy

"Not anymore, he chooses to fight against us so we will do the same," said Naruto, "We are now at war."