The children of Athena are expected to fear spiders and obtain knowledge of buildings, but Naruto breaks this mold and shows the world what weaving can really do. I don't own the characters from the original story (Naruto or Percy Jackson). Arthur: Infernofox01
New York, New York
Once Naruto got off his plane, he began the journey to the airport to meet the rest of his group. Since their flight won't land for another hour and a half, this gave Naruto time to think. As he was sipping his cappuccino, Naruto thought about the first time he was in Olympus.
As he was sipping his coffee, he remembered the first time he entered Olympus.
It was two years ago, when Chiron decided to bring some of the more experienced campers to the home of the Gods and Naruto was excited, this would give him the opportunity to see the fashion in Olympus. His clothing business was still being developed, and his knowledge of fashion was a novice at best. He saw the way the nymphs would wear their clothing and saw that most of their clothing were organic, made out of leaves and bark. The style was a mix of old Greek togas and modern fashion.
As they got closer to the palace that when things began to go downhill. News spreads fast on the mountain, so when one of the nymphs spotted Naruto she told her friend, and that friend told another friend. Long story short a mob began to form, and their target was Naruto. Naruto started to suspect something when he saw a group of nymphs and handmaidens walking behind their group starting to grow to a dangerous level. It took the combined effort of Chiron and various campers to keep the Naruto from being ravaged by the various nymphs and Aphrodite's handmaidens. The aftermath was surprising as the demigods won, by a thin margin, and this surprised both Chiron and the Gods. Zeus saw the aftermath and decided for the good of Olympus Naruto would no longer be welcomed on Olympus. This decision was met with some resistance, mostly for Aphrodite, but was silenced after voting on it.
Back to the present Naruto was almost done with his drink when he sensed a familiar present near him.
"Always nice to see you mother," said Naruto without turning.
"Well I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on your first quest," said the 'mother.'
"Thanks, Hestia," said Naruto, "Athena would probably criticize me on what I could have done better."
"Don't be so hard on her I'm sure she has her reasons?" said Hestia
"She berated my lifestyle and basically kicked me out of the cabin," said Naruto
After saying that comment Naruto and Hestia stayed quiet until Hestia decided to change the topic to something more pleasant, such as his business. The two talked for an additional thirty minutes until the flight coming from Los Angeles started to get off.
"Well here comes the rest of my group," said Naruto, "Always nice to talk to you, Hestia."
"Anytime," said, Hestia, as she began to disappear
'What a nice woman' thought Naruto
"That was horrible," said Percy as he entered the common area.
"You are the son of the Sea so your uncle wouldn't make it easy," said Annabeth
"So how the flight?" asked Naruto
"Horrible, our flight was delayed, we weren't seated together, there were five crying babies, and I got kicked in the back of the seat by an obnoxious brat," said Percy
"Wow that sounds bad," said Naruto, "well my flight went well and can't wait to get to Olympus."
"You have a private jet and get to fly in the lap of luxury, while we had to ride on a crowded airplane," said an irritated Annabeth, "you have no room to comment, especially when you weren't sandwiched between two fat guys."
'He has a private jet!' thought Percy
"To Olympus!' said Grover trying to defuse the situation.
The trip to the Empire State building was interesting as they had to wait a couple of minutes to get a taxi that could accommodate all four of them. When they did got the group decided the sitting order, Naruto getting shotgun while the rest of the group would sit in the back. Naruto could hear his group complaining in the back, mostly concerning the leg room and music that was playing on the radio. When they finally did get to their destination, Naruto decided to give the three another knot in their quest.
"Well good luck," said Naruto
"You sound like you're not coming with us," said Percy, not knowing the news beforehand
"I'm not," said Naruto, "By the god's decree I am not to set foot on Olympus."
"Why?" asked Naruto
"Ask Annabeth," said Naruto, "She was there when it happened."
"I'll tell you after we're done with this quest," said Annabeth
Naruto was waiting in the lobby he was wondering how his shop was doing, for all he knows it was still being guarded by Aphrodite's cabin. He checked to see if he had a drachma for Iris to deliver his message to camp, he found one then proceeded to go outside. He walked to one of the surrounding alleyways and spotted a good beam of light;
"Perfect," said Naruto as he clapped his hands and opened them revealing five stings between them.
With a quick series of hand gestures the open space in front of Naruto was covered with string and the sunlight managed to catch it just right to produce a rainbow on the wall just to the right of him.
"Triangular string, works every time," said Naruto as he took out the drachma.
"Oh Goddess Iris hear my call, deliver this message to Chiron of Camp Half-Blood," said Naruto as he flipped the coin into the rainbow.
Instead of bouncing off the wall the coin disappeared into the rainbow, it then starts to warp and form a screen. Static appeared before a picture of Chiron appeared;
"Chiron can you hear me," said Naruto
"Yeah I can hear you," said Chiron when he noticed the screen, "How's the quest going?"
"We managed to deliver the bolt back to Olympus, and I am currently waiting for them to return." said Naruto, "How's the camp doing?"
"Good we managed to settle the arguments around the camp and prevent an all-out war between the cabins," said Chiron
"What about my shop?" said Naruto
"I managed to convince Aphrodite's daughter to disassemble the fort, but they still have a guard post near it.
"Well I guess that's better than nothing." said Naruto, "We plan to return to the camp in the couple days for preparation for us to arrive."
"Will do?" said Chiron as the ended the message.
"Hopefully nothing else goes," said Naruto
As Naruto was walking out of the alley he Percy, Annabeth and Grover waiting on the curb.
"So was Olympus?" asked Naruto
"It was interesting," said Percy
"You'll get used to it in time." said Naruto, "So did you get to meet your dad?"
"Yeah, we had a few minutes together," said Percy
"You'll have more of those moments in the future I can guarantee it." said Naruto, "and it looks like our ride is here."
The group looked to where Naruto was pointing and saw Argus with the camp mini-van.