
Son Of The Grand Duke

When Alaric first awoke after a long slumber, longer than he could remember, he was no longer in his own body but in the body of a fifteen-year-old. What was worse was that he couldn't remember anything about his old life, but the mysteries didn't end there. What he could remember was a book he once read, his name, Alaric, and that he shared it with the body he had awoken in. How did he know that? Well... it belonged to a character in that book of course, Alaric Astraeus son of Duke Astraeus. *New cover Page* Updates will be any time between [1800]hrs to [2100]hrs (UTC).

Croppedtrolley · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Duke's Office

The door to the duke's office creaked open, revealing a space that exuded a subtle air of authority. The late afternoon sun bathed the room in a warm glow, casting a cascade of amber hues that danced across the polished wooden surfaces. The duke, seated behind his imposing desk, looked up from his paperwork as Alaric entered, his eyes harboring a blend of paternal pride and expectation.

"Alaric, my boy," the duke greeted, his voice a steady timbre that echoed within the room. "Come, have a seat. There's much to discuss."

Alaric took the indicated chair, its rich upholstery cradling him in a comfort that belied the weight of the impending conversation. The duke leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled in thoughtful contemplation.

"I've been speaking with the head of the Awakened Association," the duke began, his gaze penetrating yet gentle. "There's a matter of strategic importance we need to address. Elara informed me of your plans for the city. It seems you're wasting no time."

Alaric met his father's gaze, a silent acknowledgment of his intentions. "Father, I believe in leveraging our resources for the betterment of the duchy. The entertainment industry could provide a significant boost to our economy."

The duke nodded, a measured approval in his eyes. "Your ambition is commendable, Alaric. However, there are intricacies to these matters that extend beyond mere financial gains. We must tread carefully, balancing progress with tradition."

The duke had inevitably found out about his plans. What surprised him however was that the duke did not ask what spurred the change in his usual reckless behaviour with finances rather he offered Alaric advice. Their dialogue meandered through the details of Alaric's plans. In each sentence, the Duke's guidance wove a tapestry of experience and foresight, aiming to impart the subtle nuances of leadership. As the conversation unfolded, Alaric found himself not only absorbing his father's wisdom but also participating in a delicate exchange of ideas.

The duke shifted the topic to Alaric's upcoming training. "Your skills with a sword are commendable, but the integration of cosmic energy is what comes next. It's a path that requires patience and discipline. As a son and potential heir to this duchy, you should be prepared for what lies ahead"

Alaric met the challenge in his father's eyes with a resolute gaze. "I'm ready, Father. I understand the significance of this training, not just for myself but for the future of the duchy."

The duke's expression softened, a flicker of paternal pride breaking through. "Good. Remember, Alaric, strength is not just measured in combat. It's the wisdom to discern when and how to wield that strength that truly defines a leader."

As the conversation lingered in the serene space of the office, Alaric found solace in the slow-paced exchange. The bond between father and son deepened through shared visions and aspirations. The subtle cadence of their dialogues painted a portrait of a lineage poised at the precipice of change, embracing both tradition and innovation. The late afternoon sun cast elongated shadows, a metaphorical dance of past and future converging in the hallowed halls of the Astreaus estate. Late as it was, the duke then decided training would be held tomorrow. Alaric was not opposed to that and left the duke to his own devices. Tomorrow did not idle and arrived in quick fashion.

The following day dawned with a crisp clarity, heralding the commencement of Alaric's cosmic energy and combat training. As he approached the designated training grounds, the anticipation rippled through him, heightened by the awareness that his father would oversee this pivotal phase. Something uncommon in the world of nobility. The head of the house rarely ever was the first teacher one would be tutored by in their nation and even more so in a ducal household and Yet the duke decided to be Alaric and not too long ago, Eldmund's first tutor. Perhaps there was something special he saw in his sons.

The training area sprawled beneath the open sky, ensconced within the lush confines of the estate. The duke stood at its centre, a commanding presence emanating an aura of seasoned authority. Alaric met his father's gaze, the unspoken understanding of the moment coursing between them.

"Today, we delve into the intricacies of cosmic energy," the duke announced, his voice carrying a weight that resonated with the gravity of the lesson. "It's not just about swinging a sword; it's about the synergy between mind, body, and the essence of the cosmos."

The training commenced with a series of warm-ups to attune Alaric's body to the forthcoming exertion. The duke's movements were fluid, a testament to years of disciplined practice. Alaric mirrored the motions, each stretch and flex a precursor to the deeper connection awaiting him.

"Now, let's focus on the circulation of cosmic energy," the duke instructed, guiding Alaric through the initial stages. The subtle current of cosmic energy responded to the duke's command, a delicate dance between the master and the cosmic essence.

Alaric attempted to emulate the process, his concentration etched on his features. The first few attempts yielded uneven results, but determination fueled his perseverance. On the third try, a gentle glow enveloped his hands—a manifestation of the cosmic energy under his command.

A spark of pride illuminated the duke's eyes. "Well done, Alaric. Harnessing cosmic energy is a journey, and you've taken your first steps."

The training progressed to the conversion of cosmic energy into elemental affinities, a pivotal skill in an awakened individual's arsenal. The duke demonstrated with effortless finesse, seamlessly moulding the cosmic essence into arcs of elemental power. Alaric absorbed the spectacle, his mind dissecting the nuances of the process.

When the opportunity arose for him to replicate the feat, he approached it with newfound confidence. The initial attempts mirrored the raw chaos of unbridled energy, but with each iteration, refinement took hold. Wisps of elemental power coalesced around his outstretched palms—a tangible manifestation of his progress.

The training session then segued into a sparring session between father and son. The air crackled with the energy of impending conflict as they circled each other, blades poised for the dance that would unfold. The duke's strikes were deliberate, a seasoned tactician wielding his weapon with calculated precision.

Alaric found himself immersed in the rhythmic ebb and flow of combat. Instinct guided his movements, an uncanny fluency that transcended mere training. He parried and countered with an agility that seemed almost innate, leaving an impression of seasoned proficiency.

As the sparring concluded, the duke, though subtly observant, withheld his commentary. A discerning gleam flickered in his eyes, hinting at a depth of insight beyond the apparent. Alaric, catching his breath, pondered the echoes of familiarity in his combat style, a silent acknowledgement of the enigma that lay within the muscle memory inherited from the previous Alaric. His Combat style wasn't too different from the duke however it wasn't entirely similar. The Duke's style seemed less direct than his and much more beautiful, perhaps due to the nature of the Duke's Principality Nexus. Of course, the current Alaric knew what the Duke's Principality nexus was and what it influenced but the previous him didn't so... in theory he didn't either. 

With training concluded Alaric excused himself and the duke returned to his office, the lord of the Eastern Duchy was not short of work, so it wasn't a stretch to assume he had a busy day ahead of him.

Hello guys :) early release huh?

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